As I’m about to fall into my often piss interrupted slumber, I thought I might post this to you champions. Sleep has been petty much shit since the adt 15 months ago. However, recently I find my dreams to becoming exceptionally vivid. This is typically in the early morning hours after 3 or 4 crazy sweats and a piss or two. Some dreams are totally fucked up and horrific, but man...the others are awesome libido driven works of art!! With this, I find myself waking, remembering, and wanting to go back to sleep, to that reality. On a weekend I’ll stay in bed until like 10am doing this. Before, I would be up before 7 on any day! I’d write a little more...but it’s dream time!!
Dreams: As I’m about to fall into my... - Advanced Prostate...

With ya brother....woke up this morning dreaming i was going down on the ol lady .....we were younger.....all the good stuff......woke up and my pillow was in my mouth no shit......b..w
Are you on any depressants? Certain depressants that are used to help you sleep can cause crazy dreams
Interrupted sleep is common on ADT, what with hot flashes and the frequent getting up during the night. In my experience of nearly 7 years on ADT, my best dreaming also almost always happens during the last hour or two, when I am finally in some deeper REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
I’ve been exactly the same over five years .. sweet dreams kid!zzzzzz

Sleep best on Indica Gummies🤪
Dunno if you are using them or not , but vivid dreams are a common and expected side effect of opiate pain killers .... especially sexually oriented types. Nightmareish dreams are equally common.
Many types of drugs can cause dreams. Xanax will usually clean up unpleasant dream states very quickly.
If you have very vivid dreams that you can remember when you wake, especially in the early morning hours, I would recommend learning to Lucid Dream. Lucid dreaming is being awake in your dreams and experiencing them like your waking life. They are some of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in my life. You can even touch things and it's about as real as it gets.
It also helps you to deal with nightmares. Being aware that it's dream allows you to face things because you know they aren't real.

Dude... you’re kind of tripping me out. But I’m in! I too have been having some amazing and fun dreams. I’m going to give this technique a try. Peace All
I distinctly remember my first one. I just "popped" into this restaurant scene, sitting across from two people. I looked around and checked everything out. My first thought was "Where the heck is this? This isn't real? No way!" I didn't believe it. I was talking to myself like in the movie "Inception" where Dicaprio's character asks "How did you get here?" So I had to talk myself into believing it was a dream by telling myself I couldn't have gotten to this place. All the while looking at the people at the table thinking "Ok, relax, be cool." And then "Don't mess it up and wake up!"
The best (and most difficult) method is called WILD. Look into it. If you get it right, you go straight into the dream world without losing consciousness or only losing it for a split second. I've done it around 5 or 6 times. Alternate reality.
Here's the scene from Inception.

I used to have lucid dreams often, usually I'd use them as an opportunity to fly around. They felt so real that one time when I was "floating" around my appartment, I looked back at myself sleeping on the bed and thought that perhaps I was having an "out-of-body experience". I floated into the kitchen and fixated on 6 bannanas on the counter and their markings and thought, I'm going to see if these bannanas look the same when I wake up. Well, when I woke up, there were no bannanas in the kitchen! I was disappointed. I don't have lucid dreams very often anymore, but was thinking about trying to cultivate them. Nothing beats flying around the globe like supper woman!
I think lucid dreams are out-of-body experiences because that's what you experience.
Yeah, I love flying too. I like to just levitate upwards when I'm outside, One of the things I always do is grab a tree branch on the way up and allow it to run through my fingers as I go up. It feels so real it's amazing. It's funny because I just reach out expecting it and there it is. I jumped out of building once, holding hands with another person. I really hesitated because I was very high up and it was so real, looking out into this city at night.
The best experience of all was doing a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) where I watched a 2 dimensional image of a door form and willed myself through it and into a 3 dimenesional city on the other side. Everything was super detailed and color. I ran into a store and just asked to open packages and touch the contents. That was the most amazing experience. I haven't done it for a while, need to get back into it.
Cultivating them again sounds good to me. I'm going to work on it. Hopefully, I'll have something new to report.

I will let you know how it goes for me too. I read a book on how to lucid dream when I was 17 and managed to learn how to have them. I had them sporadically through my 30's and now only rarely. It sounds like yours are actually more vivid than mine. Interesting stuff!
In general, I have to work at it to have them. I have had quite a few that were really amazing. I've been very impressed with the sharp details and full color of the good ones. I spend a lot of time evaluating the quality while I'm there and touching everything. Then when you wake up the memories are like waking life memories, not the fuzzy dream memories you have when not lucid.
One interesting thing is talking to the "dream characters". Many of them are zombies and don't say anything when spoken too. Others have really cryptic responses. I've also eaten things that taste incredibly real. I had an entire half gallon of ice cream, knowing that I could. When I woke up I was actually sick to my stomach for around 15 minutes, just exactly like I would be, only it went away faster.
Please let me know if you have success.
Great movie! Have watched it a few times.
Been taking 75mg Effexor since I started treatment, but the dream thing is just the past couple of months. Probably due to sleeping better than the previous months after radiation.
The movie Inception was written by Christopher Nolan and inspired in part by his experiences lucid dreaming.
I think he does a really good job showing the aspect of dreams as being impossible to distinguish from waking life. You really understand that when you experience a good vivid dream in real time. It's high definition, 3 dimensional, full color and touchable. Normally dreams are just remembered after they occur so you don't get the full effect. But when you are awake, you can evaluate them in real time.
What is the Effexor for in your case?
I once had a dream that I was a chicken and when I crossed the road noone asked me why?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 08/19/2020 5:43 PM DST
What a let down!