Sleep while taking Xtandi and Adt - Advanced Prostate...

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Sleep while taking Xtandi and Adt

JD-guy profile image
24 Replies

Hello everyone, I am sure that this has been discussed on here before, I was unable to find any post to answer my question . I am taking Xtandi ( aprox 16 months) Lupron, I had chemo. My latest PSA was less then <0.01. It has been there for over a year now. ( See my profile for my journey.)

My main question is: when I go to bed at night, I never know if I am going to sleep 3 hours or 7 hours. Have any of you had this problem, if so what have you done to sleep well at night?

I have tried a couple things, some have helped but hung me over the next day.

thanks in advance


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JD-guy profile image
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24 Replies
mrscruffy profile image

THC for the win, go to sleep quickly and stay asleep

Kaliber profile image

I have Xanax which allows me to sleep easily and I find that delta 8 gummies are very sleep inducing as well. Probably the sleepiest hemp thc combo is the “ delta 8 , delta 9 , thcP “ gummies if you like to be heavily stoned.

Disclaimer: Just what I do and imho … naturally always check with your medical team for contraindications.

Wassersug profile image
Wassersug in reply to Kaliber

What is your exercise schedule? I sleep well if I have push myself hard at the gym.

Richard W.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Pre ADT I always slept well. I travelled and worked in different time zones and was almost always able to drift off and stay asleep with no problem. That has changed with treatment. After listening to Soto K, I ordered some Delta-8. They don't make me sleepy, but if I take a half with a half of a CBD gummy I get drowsey, and then sleep through the night.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

I’m really surprised they don’t make you sleepy, they knocked both myself and the hammer out when we first started eating them. After you eat a jar or two full then it takes more than one to “ get there “ . The hammer mixes them up but still, I’ve seen her ear two of these two of those etc. maybe you already have been using a lot of cannabis before you got them , you might have tolerance built up. Uping the dosage usually fixes that tho. Do you get high from them at all ?

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

I don't notice any buzz, but sometimes they will make me drowsy. However, when I take a half of D-8 with my CBD gummy, I generally sleep like a log. So what I have started doing is taking a half of the CBD 40 min or so before bedtime, and the D-8 when I go to bed. Works every time, and no fuzziness in the morning.

I'm really sensitive to THC so I don't use it much at all. If I use a gummy with much THC I just sleep and inhabit alternate realities.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

Yayahahaha yayahahaha. Sometimes those alternate realities are just the right place to be 😂😂😂. Sounds like you are getting some benefit from those , that’s a good thing, and I like the strong mood elevation from those that lasts ( me ) into most of the next day.

The koolest thing is you just buy them online and “ presto “ couplea days later they are ( legally ) home delivered. Yayahahaha yayahahaha. Never saw this com’in back in the day .


GSDF profile image
GSDF in reply to Kaliber

To Kali but maybe others can benefit... I've always made my own cannabis chocolate out of RSO extracted from heavy indica strain White Russian... I cut a 5 gr piece of chocolate an hour before bed and then I'm out, getting up maybe once for the terlit during the night... My Old Lady has severe lower back pain but she can't handle the high THC of the chocolate so Kali suggested the "MoonWlkr" Delta 8: Delta9: THCP gummies for her pain.

I ordered them and on arrival I thought I'd test them out. Directions say 1 gummy... Kali suggested I should cut one and take half at first but knowing my tolerance is high I thought of taking 2 ... Then I realized Kali probably has high tolerance too, so I took just one...

Let me tell you, I was out like lights out man, and next morning I was still higher than a hawks nest... I went back to chocolate and a few nights later tried again with just a half gummy... Incredible this zhit is man, slept like a rock and next morning my mind is clear and I prefer it over the heavy indica chocolate ... Now we have to find something else for the old Lady because she won't get near the "MoonWlkr"...

Anyone with sleep trubs, this is your ticket... Thanks Kali!...

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to GSDF

I like the hammer to eat all of these she wants. She’s able to cut dramatically back on her beverage consumption with the gummies as an “ instead “ intoxicant…. It’s a “ VERY “ good thing in that respect. Very beneficial.

Says all over the web that combining thc and cbd is effective for back pain. Does sounds like you are spot on track the way you are going about it. The hammer has tried several cbd products ( alone ) for her back pain but they were ineffective for her. She has a massive cannabis tolerance though, no doubt that figures in the mix.

We find that the gummies are kinda long lasting as well. Lasting well into the next day much of the time. Waking up in a good mood , head in a good place, ( the next day ) , I find beneficial for me . These hemp thc gummies are powerfully effective for everyone I know that has tried / used them …. In some respect or the other.

Love ya brother


lcfcpolo profile image

On reflection, I had a problem sleeping before diagnosis. Lot's and I mean lots of stress from my ex. I'm currently on Xtandi and ADT.

Since diagnosis I have had some counselling which helped. I also take an anti depressant and 2mg slow release melatonin. My sleep is not perfect now but is much better. Mornings are about having something to get out of bed for. Seeing friends, doing voluntary work, letting my dog out etc. If you can de-stress this will help. Good luck.

Rob1053 profile image

I rely on Ambien. It helps me. 10 mg daily, 30 minutes before bedtime. Godsend for me.

Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Rob1053

Glad Ambien works for you. I'm a little apprehensive about trying it myself.

My wife took Ambien for a short time and it was always interesting in the morning to puzzle out what all she had gotten up to in her "sleep" walking. She never had any recall of her exploits in the morning. One time she ate half of a chocolate moose birthday cake in the night and swore it wasn't her. However, the trail of chocolate led to her side of the bed. That's when she quit because she was disturbed that she had no memory of the late night feast.

Wassersug profile image

Dear Kaliber,

I am tuly sorry that you have been so burdened by Pca treatments. I hope you manage to find some effective treatment for ADT induced fatigue, given the limitations you have on mobility.

Richard W.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Wassersug

That I can’t walk gets a little old sometimes and makes me grouchy sometimes too .. still got my eye on the prize brother. It’s all worth it ….so far , even if it hasn’t been very easy.

Love ya brother


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Kal, Have you tried any Kayak VR yet? Found this and thought it looked awesome for an Occulus head:

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

That’s kewl looking and the menu shows local Kings Canyon as a location choice. That’d be kewl to try. Seems like you’d get some exercise as well .

Beat Sabre is fun - exercise oriented too but it can be tedious and frustrating .

I like the puzzle games like Shadow Point , Red Matter and The Room. They make you use your brain too plus you waive your arms around so much, there is a bit of exercise associated with them. They can tire you out. Ive played the sport fishing games endless hours until they got old. Those can be very entertaining but like paddling ,…” casting and reeling in “ wears you out after a while too . Lot of exercise in those.

Things a bit better here right now buddy, been to a “ sit down “ buffet twice ( in a folding wheeled chair ), first time since before Covid. Also supervised some minor renovations in the yard …that had a contractor crew … for two days. Planning some fishing and drone flying this coming week if the weather cools off a bit more ( was hitting 90f here ) .


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Wow, glad to hear that you have been up to getting out and about. I'm sure that those outings will do your spirit some real good.

I was going to break the RV out and do some camping this weekend, but our temps are supposed to plummet. Used to tent camp in colder weather, but now I'm spoiled and not sure if I want to go or not. Busy medical week anyhow, probably be too tired and just want to spend a couple of days re-cooperating.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

I hear you. If you have some moderate temps you could still go, maybe. This stuff wears you out …makes my get up and go, all got up and gone a lot of the time ….all by its self yayay yayayay.


Carlosbach profile image
Carlosbach in reply to Kaliber

Yeah, I've become a great ideas man, and occasionally a great starter, but when the rubber must meet the road, I'm more inclined to rad just another chapter or two.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Carlosbach

I’d bet that a lot of us echo that yayahahaha yayahahaha.…


j-o-h-n profile image

All my life I have never had trouble sleeping (kidney stone attacks excluded).... They kid me that I could sleep in the middle of the ocean. This past week I had two occasions having trouble falling asleep and took a tablet of melatonin to finally fall asleep....

The only thing I can think of is that since April 9, 2023 I now take daily Nubeqa instead of Casodex.... (Or it could be my conscience finally catching up on me for dipping into the pass around Sunday Church Collection plate)....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 10/21/2023 9:39 PM DST

j-o-h-n profile image

Awwwwww Geez....... Attention!!! Hammer (again):

WARNING, sympathy attack!!!

WARNING, sympathy attack!!!

WARNING, sympathy attack!!!

Not to worry Hammer..... the rubber ambulance is on the way.....

Note Kal: One of these days you're going to have to teach me how....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 10/21/2023 9:51 PM DST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. I’m bad ….. sometimes I just get irritated , especially about not walking , “ that “ rally gums up the works. Yayahahahaya

I should be extremely grateful for still being here I guess , I really do appreciate that …. Even if my mobility has left the house. Screw all that other stuff , …..right ? Things still could be much worse and will be, but not right yet.

Love ya buddy


binati profile image

I was diagnosed as N0M0 Gleason 9/10 in early 2019. I was on Firmagon for 2+ years and then went for an Orchiectomy. Ever since I was on ADT I have had sleep problems. I do exercise regularly (somewhat heavy) either in the morning or the late afternoon depending on weather and mood. My sleep problem is not so much with getting to sleep but that I wake up frequently - as much as twice or thrice. Once it is for going to the loo and other times maybe thirst or whatever. I mostly get back to sleep and total sleep is 6-7 hours. Sometimes if I wake up after 4 or 5 hours I am unable to sleep again and then am dozing in the chair in the afternoon. I use the Fitbit watch to monitor sleep. Mostly sleep score is 70 to 82. Also, it takes me on an average 18 mins to fall asleep which is about normal for majority of people. It is important to follow some of the good hygiene steps for sleep that every article proscribes. Even more important is not to stress about it too much. Stress ruins sleep. If you don't get enough sleep at night you will catch up during the day!

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