I would like to solicit the valued opinion of members of the HU community regarding the potential benefits of abiraterone or enzalutamide when undergoing radiotherapy. It is well known that radiation therapy can elicit a beneficial immunogenic response (i.e., abscopal effect) and that concurrent ADT improves the outcomes further (I am presently on (Lupron). I will be undergoing SBRT for a T12 metastasis and commencing abiraterone before the radiation - as a general rule, multimodal therapy is better than mono modal. There are many reports on the beneficial effect of concurrent abiraterone when undergoing radiotherapy, but not many discussing enzalutamide. One of my oncologists suggested that either abiraterone or enzalutamide could be used but noted that prednisone must be taken with abiraterone, and it is well known that prednisone is immunosppressive. I was considering taking a short course of enzalutamide during radiotheray and then switching to abiraterone after a couple of months. The literature also indicates that the sequence abiraterone-->enzalutamide is more favourable then enzalutamide-->abiraterone, but these are in settings where failure has occurred in the first hormone therapy.
Your comments, are appreciated. Cheers, Phil