I've been on ADT for 6 months, and I'm in the gym 5 times a week to try to ward off muscle loss. I've noticed that I'm getting muscle cramps at night, really badly (Last night was agony, first one calf, than an hour later, the other one....) I take about 400 mg of Magnesium every day (powdered form) but it seems to make little difference. It seems to have gotten worse since I said goodbye to Testosterone - have any other members had similar issues? And if so, any suggestions on how to get them to stop?
Leg Cramps - could it be ADT? - Advanced Prostate...
Leg Cramps - could it be ADT?

For me, lots of water. I cramp up when i am dehydrated.
My cramps are less of a problem when I use acetic acid.
The object is to correct levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter needed by muscle.
Low levels are not likely to be due to choline insufficiency.
Others may refer you to the 'pickle juice' remedy. Essentially the same thing.
You could get your acetic acid from apple cider vinegar. I prefer the caps (powder form).
Try it for a week. Don't stop the Mg.
Good luck, -Patrick
Well, that might explain my craving for vinegary foods.... Thanks Patrick. Any particular kind of pickle (I have a thing for pickled onions!)
You would get on well with my wife. Pickled onions, & mint in malt vinegar for lamb, etc. About the only thing with vinegar that I actually enjoy is a classic kosher dill pickle.
Almost forgot - everyone likes mustard (don't they?):
Good God, in my youth (when I was invincible) I raced marathons competitively. Why didn't ANYONE tell me about mustard???? My exercise is a lot less lengthy these days, but the cramps are worse (age). So I will consume mustard like I'm at a ball game (the English Mustard makes my eyes water, but I love the Dijon stuff...
Thanks a million for the top advice!
Oh yah! It’s the adt. Make sure you’re thoroughly hydrated . Dehydration Can causes cramps . Potassium like a banana might help . Good luck
Water and electrolytes.
Pedialyte is a popular brand, but I don't know if they make a sugar-free version. If you go to amazon and search for "sugar free electrolyte powder packets" it should give you some. Be sure to drink before during and after workouts - if you try to drink it all at night, you'll be up peeing all night.
I've had good luck with this brand of electrolytes-- Key Nutrients, not sweet, and has a good range of supplements. I'm a tennis player and sometimes wind up playing long matches in hot weather, and this saves me from cramping, which I would do if I just drank straight water.
Oddly enough my cramps are less and I drink less water but I weigh less as well than pre-diagnosis. I cycled with a couple this week both 20 -25 years younger that one brought 4 large water bottles, the other almost 3 liters, I had 2 small bottles, we all drank most of what we brought and I finished feeling fine.
Yes I have both legs especialy my calves a member suggested bananas and it really helped
I started training my legs twice a week and it's much better
Finished chemo 8 weeks ago presently doing radiotherapy
It will stop
Scared me too but I have most function back without the cramps and pain
It could also be a sodium deficiency
Simple Answer, stop wearing those CrocodileShoes....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/29/2020 7:44 PM DST