I’m new here. Tomorrow I’m having an MRI and in the afternoon getting my first shot of Lupron. I’m afraid I don’t understand all of the terminology in the posts I’ve read here so I’m not sure where I fit in. I guess the best way to know is to let you know my situation and someone can tell me. Right now my PSA is a little over 18. My biopsy showed cancer in 6 of the samples. Most were a 3/3 or a 3/4 but one was a 4/5. The treatment plan right now is Lupron and bicalumatide then in 8 weeks start 28 days of EBRT and then 2 sessions of high dose brachytherapy. My bone scan didn’t show any spots and I don’t know what the MRI will reveal. At this point the Drs. think it’s confined to the prostate. I’m not at all thrilled with the plans for the ADT but have committed to a minimum of 6 months. After that I guess it depends on what they see and what my numbers are.
New guy just looking for information ... - Advanced Prostate...
New guy just looking for information as I start this journey.

Hey Ernbud! Good job catching this earlier than I did . But Welcome to the club. You possibly could be cured from this .. If you’ve got APC you fit in here. We collectively have Many years of experience dealing with this disease. It’s info overload at First . Good job finding HU. I found it after two years in. Wish I had found us in the beginning. The beginning is the hardest and most crucial stage for us all . Adt is chemical castration.. It ain’t fun . But in time we can adjust. I Took it all very hard . Now with five years in I have a bit cooler head than at the onset . I did imrt and Lupron for 18 months then I did an orchiectomy and dropped the Lupron. But I’m still on the test drug . I’ve been clear of all visible signs of pc over four years . You will go through many changes . You will get in touch with your feminine side for sure. So ask questions. Whatever you’re going through others here have been there . You’re not alone on this journey. We can relate . A year from now you will hopefully be better and advising other newbies.This diagnosis is a bitch for us men and those that love . You will learn all of the terminology in time. Heal yourself with good things . Take care . Scott
EB: you’re on a good path, HDR-BT + IMRT + ADT is a good combo. The SE’s of Lupron will be your toughest challenge, especially muscle fatigue, but it’s manageable through exercise. HDR-BT and IMRT are relatively easy, I did these last year at UCLA (see profile). You may put more details in your bio, and get more helpful responses. Where are you being treated?
First of all, as far as you know, you do not have advanced prostate cancer. This is a good thing, because there's every reason to believe you can be cured. Most of what you may have read on this forum has no relevance for you, and may create anxiety. I suggest you post on the other Malecale forum, where you may find more men in a similar situation:
Your type of prostate cancer is known as "high-risk." You are getting the kind of therapy that has the highest cure rate for it. 18 months of ADT are needed with it.
Thanks, I think you’re right. The oncologist says I’m just barely into the high risk category. I think we’re going after it pretty aggressively and the Drs. say that with my otherwise good health and physical condition it will help in fighting this. My kids have already said they’ll be dragging my butt to the gym 4 to 5 times a week to keep me in shape! I might drop a post occasionally as to how it’s going.
New Guy
Too early to make predictions
One thing I have learnt from this group is patients
I was diagnosed in November Gleason 9
Mets in shoulder sternum ribs spine and pelvis
Finished Docataxal 1 month ago
My PSA was 13.5 when diagnosed it is now 1.54
I am also on hormone suppressant 3 monthly injections
I was scared too
This group pulled me through
After Docataxal
Shoulder clear
Sturnum clear
Spine clear
Pelvis clear
A rather small amount in the 7th and 8th rib
This news humbled me
I was prepared for the worse
Moving on to targeted radiotherapy to the prostate
I am a bodybuilder and I am on competing 1 more time
I have a good quality of life
The only way you would know is if I tell you
I am still muscular and fit as I train daily
Yoh are gonna just fine my friend
Be patient
You,ll see
Excellent news and great results.
I am scheduled to begin 6 cycles of Docetaxel in about a week's time and addition to course of ADT.
May I ask how you coped with the Docetaxel treatment and how did it affect you.
Appreciate that everyone is different but just trying to see how best to prepare myself for this stage of treatment.
I have trouble with the abbreviations sometimes too. Here is a link to take you to the explanation page: healthunlocked.com/advanced...
Thanks for the information, this is like learning a new language. Do they have abbreviations for the cuss words that I know I’m bound to use!😁
Yes Ernbud. Even if you never go “Advanced” (spread outside the prostate) now that you have been welcomed here we have a connection with you. So please share your journey as we hope for your triumph. With your ADT (Lupron) you probably already know it will kill your libido which feels pathetic at first. You need to keep a good sense of humor about it, as you will find here.
Then there are the hot flushes which may be few or may be really too much. There are ways of decreasing them if the latter. Also tendency to lose both muscle and bone mineral density while putting on fat
more easily. Since you are not on it for life you will get through it. Take long walks every day unless you are a regular runner or cyclist etc. And the gym preferably with a knowledgeable and motivating trainer who can keep it varied.
Fatigue is a normal part of radiation treatment and must be accepted and respected. Naps!
Good luck and welcome 🙏🏻
Have the surgery and be done with it.
We're all sorry you've become a member of the club no one wants to join: Prostate Cancer. It's a scary time at the beginning of all this. I want to encourage you not to abandon hope. You have caught this early, and that should serve you well. The hot flashes and night sweats that come along with Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT), which takes away your male hormones, will mess with your energy and emotions. This is to be expected. You may think the rivers of sweat rolling down your face is intolerable, but believe me you will eventually acclimate to carrying around your own personal weather system. ADT will take away your libido entirely, and you may find yourself disinterested in pleasing any significant other. If you value their input in your life, say as a care giver, it's a good idea not to neglect their physical needs. It just takes a change in focus to make intimacy still happen. We will be praying for you as you take the first steps on this new journey!
Based on what you've offered up as an explanation for your current situation (and asking for input) you are off to a good start, in terms of a treatment plan and having a medical team in place to act on it.
It is too early to have any / all of the answers, but there is enough time to allow the scenarios to present themselves in a timely fashion.
It is scary, no doubt, but you need to understand that you have time left - no need to panic.
In other words, there is reason to have some optimism, in spite of the PCa diagnosis.
Keep us posted as things reveal themselves and time moves forward.
We wish you well on your journey.
Take a deep breath...... under your mask........ (listen to Tall_Allen)
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 07/02/2020 7:17 PM DST
Good advice! Got the MRI results and the report is it’s confined to the prostate!😁
Now you're cooking with GAS.... congratulations!!! Keep posting and or reading here anyway...When 19 is over take the wife out to dinner, kids too (may sure wife pays)......
ps remember, keep your eye on the prize....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 07/02/2020 7:53 PM DST
Hello Ernbud.
I joined this group in April, but remained quiet, probably consumed by the uncertainties of which way I was going, until 2 weeks ago. I am 67, PSA, which has dropped from almost 9 to 2, after three months of Bicalutamide and Lupron. Just finishing my first week of radiation, and second Lupron shot yesterday. As I was waiting to be called in from the reception area into radiation room to be lined up in the linear accelerator, there was a gentleman who was also in the waiting area, also in line to be called in. He looked to be close to his eighties. When the nurse came to get him, she congratulated him, since yesterday was his last day of treatment. I envied him. Later on, we talked, and his take was that, we are all running a relay race. He was handing the baton over to me, and was very reassuring. My late dad, a Chemistry Professor, was preparing for a lecture the next day, and told my mom to go on to bed, whilst he would go and read in his study. Mom woke up around midnight, and assumed he was still reading. Went back to sleep. Woke up at dawn and rushed today the study to find him laying peacefully on the couch, with the book, laying on his chest. He had suffered a myocardial infarction, or in short, a massive heart attack. In Ghana, the retirement age is 60. He felt like he had a lot to offer the University, so he volunteered to keep on teaching. He was only 62. We the kids, saw him as being much older. But here I am, now, at the age of almost 68, and now facing this frightening, dreaded, Prostrate Cancer. I have done all this rambling. only to say that, the almighty that we serve, whichever denomination we might belong to, has a plan for all of us. We cannot change our destiny, but live our best lives possible , with our situations. I am fighting this cancer, head on. Yes, it takes some adjusting to, with the uncomfortable hot flashes, the loss of libido thoughts, and the list goes on. Just be strong and encouraged by all the survivors, who are posting all their success stories, who have exceeded their predicted length on this earth. You are on the right path, and you will be ok. I too am learning some of the terminology, but it will all fall in place. Enjoy the long weekend, and best wishes.