Summertime is here. What are you doing to control/reduce man boobs. I understand it is primarily due to ADT/low testosterone. Should I also have my estrogen levels checked?
Man boobs: Summertime is here. What... - Advanced Prostate...
Man boobs

Tamoxifen prevents gynecomastia (man boobs) and radiation therapy to breast can reduce size of man boobs.
Have you considered some exercise to strengthen your pectoral muscles?
Up until my gym closed, I was going 3-4 times per week. Even then I didn't find much of any improvement. I would also expect if I were to lose some weight it would help.
Manzier ... with stylish rounded or pointy cups. Perhaps manly cammo or hunting scene prints. Manly textures are nice too, Tony Lama lizard skin or boa or gator skin with the bumps. Cargo net finishes can be mistaken for fish net tho. If you have been at zero T for a long time and / or a few gentlemen might like that tho.
While wearing matching sets with your wife when out shopping may be a nice family couples thing too... Stay away from underwire Manziers, they leave marks on your skin.
Peace brothers 💪💪✌️✌️
Tho I tried to lend a light hearted side to man boobs ( got some nice ones myself ) ....there actually are many compression and / or support bras for men available. It’s a wide spread topic in more than more justPCa. You can type “ man bras “ or “ male bras “ into Google for a dazzling array of photos, products and information. It’s legit.
I am on different meds than you (bicalutamide and finasteride) but made a decision before starting them that I would add tamoxifen 10mg to address the potential for breast pain/growth. (And apparently this works to PREVENT growth, but not to address it if it's already occurred.)
This drug is generally well-tolerated but not without some controversy as to its true cost/benefit for certain men. My MO preferred to do mild breast irradiation as a prophylactic, but I have heard that is actually less successful for gynecomastia. So he agreed to go with tamoxifen. It can be taken in doses as high as 20 mg, and 5 mg can also work.
I appear to be having no adverse effects (on liver, etc.) a month into using it, and it seems to be doing its job.
Exercise, diet and Tamoxifen 10mg before starting RT, and during it. If you already have developed boobs, you'll need a much higher dose of Tamoxifen.
You asked: "What are you doing to control/reduce man boobs."
If the breasts are already devoloped, it's probably too late for radiation. If it really concerns you, you can try to lose some weight and wear loose fitting tops.
As for what I'm doing: I'd really prefer not to take additional meds, get surgery or radiation for something that's just cosmetic. Instead, I am learning to not care about things like that. It's been a great learning exercise for me, since I have cared too much in my past life before PCa.
I am with ya!

I agree. This is of very little consequence in the great scheme of things!

totally. cosmetics is for young folk. i'm way past all that.
You can reverse it with tamoxifen 20 mg/day, and then maintain it with 10 mg/day. It is because your estrogen/testosterone ration is out of whack, but tamoxifen is better than an anti-estrogen for this.
Tamoxifen will reduce the size?? Are you sure??
Yes. Unless it has been too long. Here's the evidence:
After a while, connective tissue forms, which tamoxifen cannot reverse. At that point, cortisone injections around the nipples may destroy the excess tissue. If that doesn't work, surgery is needed.
I personally am not in favor of adding yet another drug to the mix of drugs that are used to counteract side effects of the anti-cancer drugs. I already have a medicine cabinet full:
Venlafaxine and Prolia to counteract Lupron side effects
Prednisone to counteract Abiraterone effects on liver
Blood pressure med to counteract side-effects of apalutamide
Some men are less bothered by gynecomastia than others.
A small phase II trial and a couple of lab studies suggest that tamoxifen might have some anti-prostate cancer properties:
Hey guy! Man boobs , I’ve got them also... It’s like a gel pac , itchey like flabby .. I don’t ant any more drugs to fight that . It a minor inconvenience. Ego was lost long ago . I’ve had 3 t four years now. I’m permanently feminized . The price we pay 😂
5 years of zoladex and 4 years of abiraterone have me with a pair that many ladies would envy . Like others I don’t care what I look like even though I am a fit 55 however I do run long distances, marathons etc and it’s the pain of the juggle that gets me after 10 miles or so . I tape my nipples with tape called hapla band , sticks well even when I sweat but that does not resolve moob pain.
I could go sports bra but despite not being vain that would do me mentally .
Has anyone had a breast reduction operation for this as that’s where my head is right now ?
I'm in the same boat as Irun - considering surgery. I tried Tamoxifen, but it was already too late. I do similar weights to Nal, but they're still noticeable. Compression vests help, but in the heat of summer, not much fun. I'm 67, and shouldn't worry about appearances, but I so miss not going for a swim, or taking my shirt off on the beach...So, considering surgery. I know, that they'd grow back, but even to get a year or two of looking relatively 'normal' would be good.
I am a breast cancer survivor. 15 years now. I had a radical mastectomy on my left breast so no man boob problem there! Have a little bit on my right side. But I was a big weight lifter and I'm still "ok". As part of my treatment I took tamoxifen for 5 years after my chemo and radiation. It had no effect on me. If I were told to add it to the regiment of my Zytiga and Lupron now I would do it without hesitation.
Man boobs grow on a man who is on ADT because he eats too much, and does little exercise.
I was getting man boobs in 2006 well before Pca diagnosis and following ADT. I was 20Kg or 44lb overweight, after having 12 years doing sit down work of fixing electronics because my knees got sore due to cartilage failure.
But I had a successful arthroscopy in 2005 which allowed me to do more active things, and in mid 2006, I felt well enough to get my bicycle off the hooks on the wall, clean it up, put new tires on and go for a ride, the first in 12 years. There was no pain and I gelt real good, and I soon was cycling 100km a week, although I broke a few spokes because I was 102Kg, but by January 2007, my weight was 83Kg, with much fat gone and muscles came back and I was re-born, and I stayed at 83Kg until late Novemeber 2019. I had a stomach blockage due to adhesions, docs operated, and I lost 8Kg in 11 days and I had to completey re-start all my gut bacteria and now at 73 I am 76.2Kg, and the slight gut I had is also gone, and muscles are strong and cycling speed is back up to very good for my age, and BMI = 22.5, Waist 92cm,
resting heart rate 48, and I'm the healthiest stage 4 Pca out-patient at Canberra Hospital and so letting myself be a permanent part time athlete with good diet has got me able to put up with all the side effects of ADT and other drugs. I don't look like a weight lifter, sumo wrestler, or obsessive body builder, all of whom seem to have man boobs.
To get rid of fat, you need to eat low calories, and work out for about 13 hours a week.
There are 168 hours in a week, and we spend about 112 hours awake. So how come ppl complain they don't have time to spend 10% of awake hours with elevated heart rate and triple the volume of air they breathe to get O2 to combine with fat to breathe out the CO2 as fat is broken down? I am a flat chested cyclist with no pot belly or boobs, and better leg muscles than arm muscles, but my figure allows me to have a real good QOL.
Estrogen may well cause man boobs to grow, because it signals the body to become female.
But IMHO, an absence of testosterone does not cause feminizing of a man, it is the over eating, drinking and low exercise that makes old men get man boobs. The top half of me is not weighing down my old spine.
Absence of T from long term ADT also causes testicles to wither up and become permanently unable to make T again, and for Rodger to fill with fibroids so a full straight hard on is impossible and all ability for orgasm is gone, and skin of shaft becomes fragile and tears easily, so Rodger becomes an untouchable drain pipe. Rodger does not try to become a clitoris. Long term ADT plus the EBRT or RP damages nerves controlling what Rodger can do. Consider becoming a skilled Muff Diver to fulfil wifely desires of in-bed fun.
We are lessened by Pca.
The older I get, the better I was, and ain't nuttin I can do about it.
Its cold here now in winter, often only 12C max in middle of day, so when I cycle, and whiz along at 22kph+, the wind makes me cold, but the exercise makes me warm, so a large number of calories are burned to get along the roads, and also to keep me warm, so I burn more calories cycling in than in summer winter. I do not have central heating, I spend long hours in a cold crafting workshop, often its less than 10C. This is part of being fit and hardy.
Walking is a fabulous way to get rid of surplus body fat. Oh, and NEVER eat anything with a lot of sugar in it. Fructose is especially bad for all ppl, unless its in fruit, and then you need to eat the whole apple, core and all, and never drink fruit juice.
With man boobs, there is often a pile of fat all around internal organs that only makes a man's life worse. I managed to change a terrible trend I had up to 2006, and keep the weight off.
Patrick Turner.
Pardon my egotism, but I consider myself to be an avid, seasoned "Muff Diver".
SOOOOOOOOOO????? You dive and they play with your boobs???? Blue Skies , Sky King and Penny (woof)
Well, seems like some may not know what a well performed Muff Dive might achieve.
It is basically oral sex performed by men to get women to achieve an orgasm because the hard fact is that employing Rodger is often just never enough. When ppl age, the number of fully working body parts diminishes, and in any marriage that may have lasted 40 years, the total of working sex organs means that maybe only a man can orgasm, or only a woman can orgasm, and there may be a complete lack of desire because body shapes change so much and body fitness changes so much that sex is totally impossible. Doctors giving treatments for Pca usually manage to exterminate whatever Rodger could do with a woman and with the man himself. Menopause, where women pause from men due to hormone changes can cause vaginas to shut the door, and admit no eager Rodger. Women with Brca find they lose their positive sense of being attractive, and quite often both men and women find sex a taboo subject to discuss, and they don't like to see movie sex scenes, and I've seen so many old couples just sitting in cafes and they don't speak to each other. Desire in young ppl often sprouts up because of what is said across a dinner table. Well, it used to, but I have no idea what the young online say to each other to generate desire. They seem to go for sex without anyone saying much, and that's a recipe for a couple getting bored with each other rather soon, than later, so its just fornication, not relating, or its just neurotic, so there is no bonding.
I could have written a book titled "50 reasons why I didn't get laid last night" at age 45, but nobody wants to read about it; they prefer a book titled "how to get laid tonight" and soon I gave up the idea of writing a book on sex, and I wrote a website about electronics instead. But of course as years go by, the 50 reasons for not getting laid increase to maybe 70, due to Pca and Bra, and all the realities of getting old. I did try online dating, where women all screamed they wanted a man, but in such vague terms us men hadn't a clue why they wanted a man, because all us men are lying if we ever claim to be experts in Womanolgy, but anyway, I found online dating pointless, and older women didn't really want a man, but were empowered by going online and saying they did. And why were they wanting a younger man when the younger men all wanted a younger woman who all wanted a younger man, until you got to the under 30s group who were solely propelled by sex prospects, and the other grimy aspects of any relationship would be worked out later - if possible, but often not at all.
I could not imagine anything less attractive to any woman than playing with a man's man boobs; she'd be thinking YYYUUUKKKKK, and wondering WTF she's doing.
I have known couples who were my customers wanting me to extend their houses, and they held hands while I described the contract details and construction work, so somehow they were still happy together enough to spend some $$$ on their house. These ppl were always a pleasure to work for; life did not revolve around sex only. They seemed more resilient to the attacks on their bodies by age, disease, and doctors.
Fortunately, not everyone is in tears because of the effects of ADT. It was no problem for me.
Its slightly warmer here today, so I'll do a 60km cycle later, and I must be The Only person in Canberra who would prefer a cycle ride to having sex, because now the weather has chilled, there's very few men cycling, and weeks can go by without seeing a woman over 50 who takes her cycling seriously, and who could keep up with a man 23 years older, who is a nice Testosterone free zone.
I expect virtually nothing much from life except to live, enjoy some old hobby interests, and I don't expect any M+F relationship ever again.
Patrick Turner.
I have been on Lupron 5 years and Xtandi 18 months....I use a Peloton and lift ...3-4 days on the Peloton and 3 days chest, 2nd workout back and arms.3rd Legs..I not only feel great all of the time but have no hint of MB's. When I was first put on the ADT at MD Anderson they mentioned this as a side effect and when I said I always lifted their answer was " well depending on your workout intensity you should not have an issue" and I have not....We all look for the magic pill, or vitamin , or Rx but it also takes hard work to control the monster....Blue Skies.....Sky King and Penny (woof)
Esteem Apparel makes compression shirts that do a great job of hiding moobs.
I have tried others that do not work.
You will understand what it's like to stuff a sausage the first time you put it on.
I have been on ADT for over 11 years plus estrogen patches to help with hot flashes. Man boobs are real for me. Chemo, Enzalutamide, Age and a left lung full of cancer have knocked out vigorous exercise.
I wear a swim shirt for pool or beach time and loose fitting shirts for all other times. Not a big deal anymore in the total scheme of things.
I think the key to dealing with unpleasant body shape change is to be dignified about it, and most good ppl around you won't mind what shape you have as long as you are a nice person, and if they knew your full condition, they'd feel some empathy, and not worry about it or be repelled by it. I've known many who just cannot handle physical exercise, they'd never come out for a cycle ride with me, and yet I like them OK no matter what shape they have.
I just happen to be lucky to be so healthy now at stage 4 but all this could change so quickly. I guess maybe reading books or playing chess might suit you better than rushing around trying to stay fit. I used to play chess in 1990s, but was a bit of a dud, and easily beaten by men who could never ride a bike. They were a good social group for awhile. Finding good company with others as we age is a frightful problem, maybe more for men than women. I see older women who gather together at cafes and cackle like a very happy hen house full of chooks; it is good for them, they like that, while I am struggling around on a bike like the Lone Rider, nobody to talk to.
I hope you have some improvement on your cancer status in your lungs.
Maybe Lu177 could help a lot; it works wherever there is PsMa avidity, if there is avidity for Ga68 used in a PsMa scan. I was told last week I had no soft tissue mets appearing in a recent PsMa scan. My bones are riddled with Pca, so I'll get more Lu177.
One thing is for sure, all of us here have a problem, or problems, and I wish the best for you all.
Patrick Turner.
I know we all recall the day that our doctor walked into the exam room and announced that we have prostate cancer. Beyond the shock and disbelief, little did we know all of the shit we were signing up for. Ten years later and after every treatment known to man, except Lu-177, acceptance is the answer for me. At least for today. All I want out of life at this point is a little peace and serenity.
I exercise, keep my weight in check and don’t give much of a crap after that. My man boobs are there but in all honesty they’re not any worse than most guys I see on the beach my age (I’ll be 62 in the fall).
I thought about using Tamoxifen but after reading potential side effects I decided I’m on enough meds that cause SEs so why add another.
Acceptance is the way to go, if you’re able to. Unfortunately, I have not been able to accept my man boobs- I guess I am just to vain. So, I am going to discuss trying the medication with my MO
One solution (to a point): suspenders. They hold up your pants, too.
I do nothing. It’s my Red Badge of Courage. Besides, once you get past mentally, who really cares?
I have them and don’t go around without a shirt but I’m 76 and don’t care.
Is it wrong for a man to fondle his own man boobs? Asking for a friend.