Docetaxel - how long does it take to ... - Advanced Prostate...

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Docetaxel - how long does it take to get the PSA down ?

mine1958 profile image
24 Replies

Started my first chemo of Docetaxel and my PSA has doubled since last month

How long does it take to see results?


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mine1958 profile image
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24 Replies

Doubed from what number to what number?

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to

25 to 50 in 30 days

mine1958 profile image


Tall_Allen profile image

You should give it at least 2-3 infusions.

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks MUCH appreciated, stay healthy!

Fairwind profile image

When your hair starts falling out, your PSA should be going down...! :):)

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to Fairwind

Douchewind your an Ass hole

You think this is a joke ? Maybe your life is but certainly not MINE

The joke will be when your balls fall off LOL !! 🏀⚽️🥎🎱🎾🏐⚾️🎱🥎⚾️🏈🏀⚽️🏐🥏

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to mine1958

( since most of us , here, are croakers ) No one here thinks ANY of this is a joke, .... but ..... “ all “ of us would like to laugh in the face of death inducing adversity ... you eventually will also ( hopefully ).

Uh ..... since “ all of us here “ have no balls at all anyway ( either surgically removed or shriveled to nothingness by adt drugs ) ... speaking of our balls falling off is clearly a well placed step into humor here yourself. Welcome to the club brother. Clearly you do have a “ sharp “ sense of humor too.

Left to its own course, this group is by its very nature can be a dark and grim place .... I appreciate everyone’s / anyone’s attempt to lighten things up a little ... a tall bottle of sparkling fresh pine scented “ Mr Humor “ is a very good detergent for a thick layer of grim.

Just say’in, ..... your mileage may differ brother.


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to mine1958

See we all try to think outside "the box"......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 06/01/2020 11:12 PM DST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Fairwind

I like your response Fairwind ..... better Fairwind than ( in my case ) pungent wind . Hang in there brother ... a little uplifting humor never hurts on a death cancer board ...

Just say’in ....


Mine started going up after infusion number 4 of Docetaxel. One month after 6 infusions it was up to 10. Did 10 further infusions with Jevtana and same pattern emerged. Diagnosed March 2018 and now psa is rising, sometimes 5 points per week.

However, what I find interesting is all my bone scans show no growth of over 20 bone mets and my blood work has been very good (other than when I was on Zytiga). It makes me think that something good came of all the chemo even though my psa did not favorably respond for very long.

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to

Sounds great, stay well

Shooter1 profile image

Down at 9 weeks, started back up at 15 weeks. Added xtandi and dropped each cycle through cycle7 then stable. Did 9 and quit acct. cumulative side effects of taxatere and xtandi. Still on xtandi 80 mg after additional 2 years. In remission.

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to Shooter1

Thanks stay healthy

Chemo plus ADT. No PSA rise; only drop.... I must be different as I got to keep most of my hair.

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to

Thank you

JamesAtlanta profile image

Hi! Just to confirm, are you taking Lupron in addition to the chemo? I checked your profile and did not see your treatment history. As you know, that’s a critical part of the treatment.

If you are, I’d listen to Tall_Allen’s advice and give it a few treatments.

Best wishes on your continued journey! This forum has lots of incredible people willing to help. Just keep asking. :)


mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to JamesAtlanta

Thanks yes it does include Lupron

Patrick-Turner profile image

A common reaction to getting Docetaxel is for Psa to increase a lot at first, maybe up to 4 times what it was, and then reduce as doses go on each 3 weeks. Initial rise is called a flare.

My Psa went from 12 to 36, then leveled out, then to 46 after 4 doses and chemo was declared a failure. I was booked in for Lu177. During the wait to get Lu177, I had a 5th shot of chemo with no Psa reduction, but them after a month to before I began Lu177, Psa went from 50 to 25. Nobody really knows what chemo did for me.

I've know a man to have no immediate flare with chemo, just a fall to 2, but after 10 shots his Psa went to 40, what it was before chemo. Following treatments didn't work and he died soon from new mets in his liver.

Chemo probably has a low success rate for Pca, and bad lasting side effects.

mean time for suppression of Pca is about 8 months to 20 months sometimes determined by Psa flare increase, where the higher the flare, the shorter the time.

Patrick Turner.

Bodysculpture profile image

My doctor told me while on docetaxel the PSA is known to juggle

Mine did

Having my last tomorrow my PSA at the moment it 1.6

3 months ago it was 13.5 when we started

Came down to 2 after 4 sessions then jumped up the 4.88

Then a considerable drop

I know we shouldn't place our expectations too high but I believe something good Is happening

No pain or discomfort at all last few days

Thank God God that

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to Bodysculpture


Bodysculpture profile image
Bodysculpture in reply to mine1958

Just got the results of last blood test

1.63 one more chemo tomorrow

Then comparison scan 5 weeks after

Quite happy with my results

A significant drop in my PSA

Is an indication chemo and hormone suppressant used in combination get best results

So my GP tells me

Bodysculpture profile image

My first 3 sessions it spiked my last 3 it came down significantly

It will juggle during treatment

Mine did

I am getting my last treatment tomorrow I will have the results of my last PSA later today

Will post my results

mine1958 profile image
mine1958 in reply to Bodysculpture

Thanks best of luck !

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