My Cat loves me : My Cat prays for me... - Advanced Prostate...

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My Cat loves me

Zetabow profile image
27 Replies

My Cat prays for me, she is great company and good for my welfare.

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Zetabow profile image
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27 Replies

Our 13 lb lulu is the same . They heal us brother😎...

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

13 pounds you say .... hummmmm .....🧑‍🍳

Kaliber profile image

My pet chicken is fun and always hungry as well. A fresh egg every morning is nice too. Most of all she’d be a great meal for 2 - 3 days if we run out of food holed up. That’s good for our welfare too buddy yummmmm, yayahahahaya.


16starsky profile image
16starsky in reply to Kaliber

We have had 4 lots of chicken (in sets of 4) but the fox got them all. We live next to a small wood, and it would come in the day, and our chucks were allowed to roam our garden, The white hen always kopped for it first

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to 16starsky

I was just kidding ... chickens aren’t allowed here .... the homeowners association yayahahahaya I lived on a farm until I was 12 years old in the primitive areas of 1940s - 1950s rural Indiana. We had many chickens, geese, ducks, Guinea fowl, peacocks, about 75 cages of rabbits , pigs, a few sheep, two cows and 8 hunting hounds ( not pets, strictly for hunting ) . We had a one acre garden, smoke shed, 3 chest freezers and large underground root cellar. We spent most of summer making ( mason jar ) canned goods like jellies / jams , tomatoes, beans, corn , pickles etc., smoking and curing butchered Domestic and wild meat and making home brew beer in crocks . We always stuffed the shelves full for the long winters that Indiana has. Pretty much everyone where we lived did the same thing in those days.

Not much of a fox problem with 8 hounds protecting your fowl and rabbits ... yayahahahaya. 8 coon hounds sure are stinky tho and eat a whopping lot and have to be taken and “ run “ regularly... a lot of work. The hounds absolutely loved their work and were good at it too. County people back there, in those days, were expert hunters that put plenty of wild meat on the table. Deep dish fox squirrel or rabbit hasenpfeffer ..... yummmmm m yummmmm, . Haven’t had that in a while yayahahahaya.


westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Brother K, You always seem to provide us with the most entertaining, illustrative and well written replies!!

Keep it up big guy!



Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to westof

It’s interesting how people , back then, we’re so self sufficient and could spend long periods, months, holed up in their farms due to weather. Now we are having to “ hole up “ once again and much of that old art is disappeared.

Never mind tho ... thank to Web shopping, the mediterranean climate I was smart enough to move to, Amazon, DoorDash , Vons delivery , wine co delivery and streaming HD movies ... no biggie yayahahahaya. Times sure have changed yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.

Thankee brother AJ . Good to hear from you again.


16starsky profile image
16starsky in reply to Kaliber

Wow, your life in Indiana sounds brill, we try to do a lot of stuff, grow veg, herbs, (couldnot actually kill an animal) although we both eat a bit of meat. We find it very satisfying, and the produce is so much nicer than shop bought We can have chickens but not allowed a cockerel but we have given up because of the fox. I loved them all, gave em names, fresh eggs everyday. . It also fills in the days when you cant get out. We are still on lockdown, although now told we can go to parks etc.. but still keep 3meters apart !I honestly don't miss the shops. just need the hairdressers to re-open!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to 16starsky

That’s what my wife is saying , her grey roots are starting to show and her hair is getting shaggy , she says yayahahahaya she wants to get to her hairdresser in a bad way.

I was born the year the world war ended ... people had to learn to be self sufficient and be good providers. Rural farms were like little food and comforts factories ( as you can see from above ) . They were just coming out of very hard times. People on rural farms lived very comfortably and ate “ very “ well and healthy. Our excess , and we made and grew a lot of extra .... went to the farmer’s market 20 miles into town. There we bartered for things like honey and 50 lb sacks of flour and sugar and sold our extra to the less fortunate hungry city people. Making considerable money in the process ... it was all good.

Many people today long for those simpler, more healthy times again ... and anyone could move to a farm and live that way if they knew how. But it was a hard life, full of arduous work. Plus young people hated that boring lifestyle and all always moved to the more exciting city. Yayahahahaya

Myself, I have “ people “ for “:all that “. Yayahahahaya I’m retired , 74 , and my wife is just now retiring, 61 9/10 , both of us retired from the medical professional world. We own our 7 bed room villa and 3 Mercedes ( yayahahahaya yayahahahaya, no villa and no Mercedes just kidding we live in a modest tract house in a suburb and drive a Honda ) , and have planned / sacrificed for retirement for decades and are well prepared for it. Kinda too bad I won’t get to see much of it with my wife tho . I feel good that she will be well cared for and live a comfortable life. That’s a good thing.

Peace 16starsky 💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️


16starsky profile image
16starsky in reply to Kaliber

Im sure you will get many years to enjoy with your wife.

What is a tract house ?

We live in a semi, large garden and an allotment right next door.Right next to the wood (where the foxs live ) Its only a 10min walk in to town, but nice and quiet.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to 16starsky

Our house is a 70s tract house ...

It’s the American suburbs. A place where 4 - 5 - 6 different models of house line 280 home neighborhood streets ... each kinda changed a bit to try to make them have an individual appearance. All look like the next. As many homes packed into the space as possible. You can hear your neighbors toilet flush.

I changed this post as TMI superfluous information.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Kaliber

I lived here nearly 30 years on two different streets ... if you come home from a club or aren’t paying attention , it’s common to pull up in someone’s else’s drive way. I’ve done dozens of times and even used to get lost for the first few years.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to 16starsky

I’m already 19 months past we’re my medical team strongly wanted me to enter hospice care.. I consider that a kind of miracle of sorts ( not a pleasant miracle as this makes me very sick ) ... I’m hoping I can get one of those three year buss tickets that many do, but I suspect “ the cure “ adt , will take my life before PCa does yayahahahaya. If I get another year or perhaps two, I think I could consider myself very fortunate to hang on that long.

Ramp7 profile image
Ramp7 in reply to 16starsky

We have 8 chickens now. Towards the end of each day we would let them free range. Last week a fox got one but Skye the Border Collie intervened and saved the chickens life. It's a little traumatized but still laying eggs. We leave them in the pen for the present time. The bears have woke up so time to install the electric fence.

16starsky profile image
16starsky in reply to Ramp7

We got a hen off the fox, (it dropped it when I chased it) but the hen couldn't stand up, so we had to take it to a friend of ours to put it out of its misery. Had 4 lots now, miss them but no more now.

16starsky profile image

Shes beautiful,all cats are. They have a very calming effect on us.

I love my fur baby Starsky.

Starsky & hutch ? Or stars in the sky?

LearnAll profile image

Coming from work today, I saw a car sticker which said " If you love animals why do you eat them?"

Dett profile image

Cats are so precious. We lost our last one a couple of years ago (he lived to 22!), and I was hoping to adopt two more this Spring, but that’s out with this virus. Someday...

Muffin2019 profile image

She is beautiful, my 5 rescue cats are great company, especially the black snuggle buddy.

Fanger1 profile image

Your little angel surely is the best comfort possible and you're home more often so she's got to feel at ease. La Fanga likes her stripes. Peace, love and tranquility. ☯️

Patrick-Turner profile image

I can see your cat is deep in prayer...."Dear God, make sure Zetabow does not get sick, I need to keep living in this nice house....."

Last cat I had was from 1991 to 2003, and she'd moved out of neighbor's house to me because the neighbor just kept collecting too many other animals, including a yappy small dog and pugnatious cat which had already lost a front leg in one of its daily battles.

The cat who adopted me was black with white face that indicated that she definitely was a nun in a past life. She never prayed, and had lost her faith, and in that past life as a nun I reckon she made really good pals with the young priest who visited to say mass, and both ended up happy on Sunday arvo.

Anyway, The God of Reincarnation decided that she pay for her sins of lust by giving her a new life trial as a cat. She once crawled into the warm engine bay in front of a Landrover of previous owner, and off he drove one day for 20km, and after stepping out of the cab, there's this MEEEOOWW from under the bonnet. She survived.

She lasted 6 years with him and his animal collecting wife, and finally got fed up, and thought my place looked whole lot better, nice and quiet.

I changed her name to Fuddles, and F lasted 12 years, when she got a bit wandery minded, then got abcesses on rear end, and she had real bad health but suffered all that better than many humans, the time came to take to a vet to save her suffering any longer.

She faded into my arms as the injection took its action, and I fully cracked up.

I blubbered to the vet, "Ya know, this cat has been far better companion than the women I have known". I let her rest in peace for a day in my workshop, then at midnight had a cremation, and sat around the warm fire with a glass of milk, her favorite drink. Her bones are buried in front of my house. On some nice evenings, I see her sitting near my swimming pool, and I say "Hi Fuddles, want to come inside?" but she vanishes.

Unfortunately, I don't have a cat now, or a dog, as I often think I might not be around in a year's time with Pca, so if I dropped off the perch leaving an animal behind, it may end up being put down at RCPCA; re-hoaming animals is not always easy.

There's a visiting grey cat who comes around but keeps her distance.

I leave water out, and there are possums at night, and birds in the day, and so Nature reminds me I ain't alone.

Patrick Turner.

Zetabow profile image

I've always been dog person and not really into Cats, we have some ginger farm cats, one of which seems to be the village whore as she has several litters a year (we always find homes for them) this littler of 2 was born last Oct (we have very cold winters) and the ginger one was accidentally run over by builders van as we were having new house built, we brought this kitten inside to save her from a similar fate or the cold. She sleeps at the end of my bed every night, if I get up and go downstairs for a drink, she follows me down. If I'm relaxing in my favorite chair she will come and sit on me. I'm now also a cat person lol

I call her "seven of nine" because resistance is futile

depotdoug profile image

Yes sir, cats are comfort compassionate furry friends. I’ve got two.

Currumpaw profile image

Hey Zetabow!

Over the years my cats have come to me also. They were in trouble and needed a home. They give back much more than they take.


Tmetz profile image

She is adorable! My cat comforts me, also.

j-o-h-n profile image

I have a female pet fox..... Weird.....Every day I let her loose outdoors and she disappears all day and the strange thing is when she comes home at night she's never hungry.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 05/12/2020 7:28 PM DST

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