I'm new to the form. I have mcrpc. I was on lupron injections for almost 1 year. I didn’t like the pain for 5 days after injection plus insurance only paid half the cost so I got an orchiectomy. I don’t regret that. Several months after the orchiectomy, my PSA level went up so my urologist said it’s time to see an oncologists. I went to Stephenson cancer center at Oklahoma University. I’m enrolled in a clinical study and get Docetaxel and Radium 223. I have mild side effects from the treatments. I’m doing okay.
My #1 support person & me: I'm new to... - Advanced Prostate...
My #1 support person & me

Welcome to the group. I hope you get good results from your trial.
Welcome to the group! Your trial experience is reassuring to me as I may be starting that trial in the immediate future.
Very best of luck with the treatments. Wondering if your cancer is neuroendocrine and/or small cell. A cousin was hit with that very rare type.
Welcome Canis-Lupus53 (Dog-Wolf?) So good to have such a #1 supporter for this journey. Please post a summary of your PC journey, treatments and status, etc. in your "Profile", and anything you want to share so we can connect with your situation better. -Paul
Mild side effects with 2 heavy drugs is great to hear. They may be part of my future so hope I can say the same thing if they are.
Contact your insurance company and ask if they have a specialty pharmacy or if there is a way to get prescription drugs for less. No one told me , so is was paying $1000’s for prescription drugs. Then I found out that BC/BS has a specialty pharmacy. I now can get any special/expensive drug for $65. That includes Lupron and chem drugs. But you will have to get a doctor to fax in a prescription. Good luck.
Greetings C-L
Would you please be kind enough to tell us your bio. Age? Location? When diagnosed? Treatment(s)? Treatment center(s)? Scores Psa/Gleason? Medications? Doctor's name(s)?
ALL INFO IS VOLUNTARY, but it helps us help you and helps us too. When you respond, you might want to copy and paste it in your home page for your use and for other members’ reference.
p.s. That young Miss is cute...😉😉😉
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 04/11/2022 7:33 AM DST
I also went the orchiectomy route (Mercy, OKC) in March of 2021. PSA at diagnosis was 248 with Gleason scores on biopsy all 9-10. I decided that in view of those numbers, an immediate orchiectomy was the way to go. More than a year later PSA has stabilized at 0.4-0.5 and scans show no new mets as well as significant shrinkage of the prostate and metastasized lymph node. I am not taking any medications and there are no side effects. I am definitely happy with my choice.
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!Listen, there are some 20 year guys on this site that have been Stage 4 Metastatic for most of that time!!!! There are many therapies for you in your future. Be positive. Power of the mind to help you heal. Your partner is key. Have gratitude.
All our best to you and yours,
Mike & Barb