My 18 month experience is with Eligard, not Lupron. Considering the fact that it has done the job of reducing my cancer to an acceptable level in that time, I have no real reason to find fault. EXCEPTION: the known side affects seem to have picked me to see how much agony I could handle. I think I've not been more miserable over this length of time at anytime in my life, including four and a half months in military hospitals. But again its doing the job.
Eligard and the side effects - Advanced Prostate...
Eligard and the side effects

4 months in a M hospital That’s saying a lot . I was picked also . I thought it was just me. Misery loves company. You’ve come to the right place brother. We can relate . I’ve been constant adt for five fricken years. The first two the worst . We must get cardio and eat for heart health. We can push pc away . For how long. No two are the same. It’s been 41/2 out five years clear for me . You’re not the only to get hit hard . We can survive with this in our backpack for many years. If you continue adt you should start bone nutrients now to help stave off osteo issues. I waited until osteopenia set in to do so. I think that was a mistake . Welcome to the club that no man wishes to join. We’ve got geniuses that know just about everything about drugs and treatment. No questions go unanswered. Take care and welcome.. Scott 🌵

I've been taking the bone "repair" pills, and griping isn't normal for me, but some days. At least we're still vertical
APC has opened the dam complaint Dept door fully . I’m lucky not to be in brutal pain right now. Just 100 tiny neuropathy and joint pains due to osteo .. se la ve. I’m still here . Thankful for the each day in the sun .. do you have a 49 Packard? Fantastic ! I did like yo see a pic please? Let’s stay vertical for as long as we can . It s no time to get sick now. 😎

Yes let's stay vertical and continue to practice complaining. I sold my 49 Packard, but had and enjoyed it for 7 years. Not sure how to add a picture.
True Americana! Living with APC is diatribe of complaining ., bitch bitch bitch . That’s me . Happy to alive today , Be well
Coming from a brother that that was ridden hard and put away wet by Eligard..... there are option if you take the lead away from you care givers!! The use of Eligard (my particular poison) does not treat cancer... it removes the testosterone by causing chemical castration in which any cancer cells remaining after your radiation feed upon! Options are depending on what the side effects you’re experiencing actually are!! Normal andropause effects are pretty much unavoidable no matter what tact you take. Eligard can take it to a whole nother level in some men (me). Don’t just sit back and accept the SoC (standards of care) dolled out by a cookie cutter health care system!
If you are able to exercise by walking and perhaps some resistance exercise with weights that may help some with the fatigue. For the severe hot flushes and sweats I am taking the generic antidepressant venlafaxine. It works the first day and eliminated about 90% for me. Others on this site have found alternatives to venlafaxine.
Hello there I’m on Eligard also. I have no side effects. Do you lift weights? Cardio is important too but weights are a absolute must. Virtually guaranteed to either mitigate or eliminate fatigue, and also helps greatly with every one of the other sides.
Thank you for your post.
Eligard, keeps me "in the game", but Lord the side effects!
I am fortunate to be able to maintain fitness honed from 20 years military service with Army, Navy and duty with USMC. The best decision I ever made, wedding a RN who is smitten with me. She makes certain I listen to my medical team and even eat healthy. I wish this support for all my "brothers of the Bonny Blue ribbon".
Now in the second month of my third series of Eligard shots I too struggle with the physical weakness, but it is the loss of mental ability; I stutter, struggle to complete daily writings a and the spoken sentence. Worst of all I have gone from reading 3-4 books a week to less than a book a week. Retention is so bad.
Medical oncologist yesterday said scans indicate a minor hip problem, but for now to stay on Eligard vice new treatment that could be even more harsh. Into my 13th year, I will continue "not feeding the bear"; reduce testosterone and live in the service of God for others keeps me going.
I pray for your medical team, your mental and physical adaption to Eligard.
Consider trying estradiol patches. For many, including myself, it drastically improved the side effects profile of ADT (whether Lupron Eligard or other similar). You can search for more information on this site on the term “estradiol” or “patch”. Or I can send you published articles’ links so you can discuss with your MO. (Private message me). As an adjunct low estradiol dosing may be sufficient. I would start with a four-day patch 0.10 mg/24hrs and change every 2 days. Then can cut back to see to maintain the effect. The benefits are diverse including strengthening bones. PSA must be monitored as usual. For me
It made life happy and livable again on ADT. The PATCH Trial showed how estradiol in higher doses can be used without other ADT drugs to keep T at castrate levels. Best and kind regards.
Now I bet you wish you were making out in the back seat of a 1949 Packard..... (me too)...
Hang in there........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/14/2020 5:28 PM DST
Libido is the first casualty for us...
Please note the comment below on transdermal estradiol, the standard of care for ADT in the UK, and a FAR better experience that Lupron/Eligard, at least as far as I can tell.
I'm definitely going that way when I require more treatment, as Eligard made me hate being alive.
In my 15th month. Gained 30 lbs, lost muscle everywhere, fatigue solved with walking/hiking, can hike 7 miles but can't walk 2 flights of stairs in the house without being winded, hot flashes that venlafaxine helps, memory and brain function is shot. That's the bad news the good news is my PSA is undetectable. Is the trade worth it? Hell yes! Hopefully after 2 years I can get off the Eligard for a good long vacation. Best wishes brother!
Welcome to the ones lucky to be undetectables. Not without sorrows is it? Hope that you can get that vacation .. I’m 5 years on adt with no one talking vacations.. I’m elated and my dr is also that I have no frickin signs of pc . Hallelujah! But ,When that day comes I’ll be screaming in the wind. God have mercy . Continued success keeping pc away and living well . I had all of the same side effects as you . Either it gets better or we adjust in time. It takes time to recover from treatments. While we are both on adt still,It zaps the manhood strength and endurance. I feel like a floating mad science project some times..but I laugh it off mostly to the public . We know we are altered .. we can get mad and angry or just accept it and try to enjoy what we can . I did the angry part for my first three years. Now I’m jumping on the happy train til the end. Hang in there. I think you’ll feel better in time.

Thank you my brother! I just realized that I did not mention no erection since day 1. That's because I don't even consider it anymore. Peed blood a few months back so they convinced me I needed a scope to see if I had bladder cancer. No problem they said. Woke up with a catheter and now I am in diapers again. Oh well upright and above ground beats the alternative. Stay happy and thanks for the reply!
I had tubes and foley then internal stints for a total of two years. I can relate to urology gone bad. Once things arnt working there is hell to pay to correct it.. Hopefully you’ll improve. It s a long bumpy road if we are lucky . If not it’s a short bumpy drop . Extend your good luck and smell the roses along the path. Be well brother.🤙🏽

Love your attitude. I hike every week with a PC brother that I met on this forum couple years back. We are both on the fuck it train and continue to enjoy life no matter what they throw at us. I think you are a couple of cars in front of on the train. We are working our way up to find you.
Heading in the right direction... seeking happiness out over sorrows. Our guy is fixing our bathroom and he brought his 9-6 yrs old boys to help him load trash and clean here today . Asked one boy. How’s it being out of school, ? He said “ it’s awesome”! They go to on line school until 1 .then it’s their time. To be a kid again ?
The scope ain’t fun but good no bladder c. The bladder is so important . So many organs so close together . We quickly find out that peeing is more important than even sex. No sex , we can live, no peeing and we die. K failure happened to me. I don’t fret about no sex. As long as I can pee I’m a happy mo fo ...For over a year and a half I didn’t pee at all. That was hell. No one was thinking about sex with a foley or tubes out of the back...Appreciate how good we are , instead of lamenting how we used to be studs . Dem days r goner. Pluck the day before APC plucks US all. 🤙🏽
So I’ve been on Lupron for 25 months now. And I am changing because the side effects of Lupron for me or just unbearable.
I’ve learned to cope with everything by enjoying cannabis 24/7 I am able to function so much more with it.
I really believe without it I’d already be dead...
So I start on Eligard next month, should I be rethinking this plan?!?!?
Me too! On the canabis train . Best of luck Dean.