I have been on Eligard for close to 3 years and have experienced several common side effects, mainly fatigue and reduced endurance. Now I've become much more clumsy that I remember being, altho a faulty memory can be a side effect. If I reach for something I knock over the object next to it that I didn't see. If I put a glass back in the cupboard I knock it against the shelf above. I hit things while walking. I might be on the way to dementia, but the side effect list has visual-spatial disturbance on it. I've also developed a spotty rash on my arms, legs, abdomen. Never had that before. Does anyone have any thoughts about these?
Are these symptoms side effects of E... - Advanced Prostate...
Are these symptoms side effects of Eligard?

I have felt that clumsy SE at times for sure and I have been on Lupron for almost a year until last Wed when I got Eligard, I know its the same drug but it "felt " different for the first few days. What felt like fatigue was kicking in and hit flashes I think. It could be accumulative effect coincidentally kicking in at the same time as the new shot but I have no way to confirm that. I did wratchet up my workouts and this morning I felt closer to my ADT new normal self. Time will tell.
It sounds like a failure of proprioception. Maybe go see a neurologist. It may have been a ministroke that you can rehab around.
Welcome to the club ! All side effects of adt causing chemical castration. That’s the goal? Isn’t it? Went through some hellish side effects . In time I adjusted. But not before a few years of fighting myself . I became accident prone off balance too . I think from adt and imrt . My bones are in osteopenia. I ve taken my third prolia shot and I too now have rashes over my arms and leg and torso sometimes. I take a Zyrtec and it fades away for a week. I’d say that all what you’re experiencing is normal for what we go through. It should get better. Or you will
Adjust ?? Physical exercise helps everything. Good luck . 🍀👍
I have the same issues.......... bumping into walls is one of my specialties....Balance sucks.....
Memory really really sucks.... (next time I'll say really twice). Sometimes I forget what I was trying to remember..........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 09/30/2020 6:23 PM DST