my kidney function is the reason. My gfr (non black) is at 40. Any comments or suggestion for alternative scans. I have not talked to my urologist/oncologist yet. Gleason 8, radiation, cryotherapy, and 3 rounds of Lupron. This has come up because I am having abdominal pain
My primary doctor is reluctant to pro... - Advanced Prostate...
My primary doctor is reluctant to proscribe a CT scan or MRI scan with contrast. I have advanced Prostate cancer

It's a rare PCP that would order such tests. Please visit with your urologist ASAP.
You could always get a MRI scan without contrast and see if they can determine what is wrong. No radiation and nothing that could affect the kidneys.
Geoff, with a sole kidney for very many years since a right nephrectomy in my early teens, all remained well UNTIL 12 years ago when a consultant rheumatologist arranged MRI and CT scans without a thought to the fact I only had a sole kidney. A few months down the line I received a phone call from the GP advising blood tests showed I had chronic kidney disease with
an eGFR in the low 50’s (now in the upper 30’s to low 40’s). So, with your current eGFR reading, you would be very wise to go along with your primary doc’s advice and avoid the contrast and have a CT scan without contrast. I have had such fairly recently with no problems. It may not be quite as clear but better than risk to your kidney function. An ultrasound in the first instance might reveal the problem if you haven’t already had one? Lots of good luck wishes.
Your Urologist should be the one to order scans.
I went to my primary care Dr. because I wasn't sure the condition was related to prostate cancer. Turns out it wasn't. It was diverticulitis
Get to a urologist at a good treatment facility. Scans are necessary to see where your cancer is at. This is not a job for your primary doctor. Who ordered radiation, cryotherapy and Lupron for you?
Apparently you didn't read my reply. My urologist is not going to treat my diverticulist which is in my large intestine and has nothing to do with cancer. I have been under the care of Raymond Lance for the last 3 years. He has degrees in Urology and Oncology. He is nationally recogonized for his work.
I asked about scans in my first post because of my kidney disease (most contrast agents used are toxic to those with kidney disease) I have the same problem with scans for diverticulitis and my prostate cancer. I thought this site would have information on people like me with kidney disease. You were less than helpful