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Post about a doctor with stage 4 prostate cancer who cured himself

Cantabrigian51 profile image
67 Replies

I think this story, from midline is real, although I post this reluctantly because I’m not sure how available it is.

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Cantabrigian51 profile image
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67 Replies
dac500 profile image

This is something I just can't believe.

Cantabrigian51 profile image
Cantabrigian51 in reply todac500

I’m not committed to defending this post. I just want to note they published some data in what I think is a real journal.

NickJoy profile image

Great John is considering treatment with him. Dr Onik seems to be having having some successes. He was straight up and said he could not help my husband who has a large neuroendocrine component. I appreciate that he was honest. He could easily have taken our money..

I'm OK with someone telling me they think their faith in God healed them.

I just don't see why it's neceesary for these people to disparage the science-based, proven treatments that those of us who aren't eligible for a miracle need to depend on.

Really tired of reading these kinds of negative comments from people who most likely don't need any treatment. It's insulting, insensitive and shows a real lack of compassion.

Another observation: When I see these recognizable, critical comments about the Standard of Care treatments, it's obvious that they are not just telling a personal story. There's an agenda there whether it's to promote a product, sell a book or some program.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to

gregg57 wrote --- "I'm OK with someone telling me they think their faith in God healed them.I just don't see why it's neceesary for these people to disparage the science-based, proven treatments that those of us who aren't eligible for a miracle need to depend on... "

Not meaning to offend and just because of some confusion on my part I ask, who are the "these people" you are referencing ???


cesces profile image
cesces in reply toaddicted2cycling

"who are the "these people" "

Delusionals who believe they live in an imaginary world where the laws of physics, and cause and effect, bend to their emotional needs.

"Gary Onik, MD, an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University"


in reply tocesces

What laws of physics do you believe are being bent? There are many laws of physics so please narrow down the list of laws that are being bent to satisfy emotional needs.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Oh how about

"Praying" that emanates some yet to be discovered force, that permits communication with an all powerful entity, who through other forms of undiscovered and undiscoverable forces wreaks pain, suffering, and death among countless sentient life forms, on this planet and countless others...

which all powerful entity listens to self absorbed prayers for the inconsequential and transitory health and prosperity of on worthless chit on earth whose existence in cosmological perspective, just occurred and just as quickly will end...

which all powerful entity will take time from wreaking pain, suffering, and death on others, to lift some modest portion of that same pain, suffering, and death from one entity.

In other words, people who believe the world revolves around them and therefore believe in the cause and effect of transactional religion vis a vis an all powerful being who gives a chit about their transitory challenges in a transitory life, while disregarding that of so many others.

Is that an adequate answer that would satisfy the emotional needs of a fundamentalist modern day Caiaphas to understand why God will never answer their self absorbed and self centered prayers and hateful political ideology?

Nah... I didn't think so. LoL

in reply tocesces actually wrote that on a public forum. Why are atheist always so bitter?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Not bitter lolol

Arrogant, mocking and contemptuous of modern day Pharasees.

And that I have no great respect for a particular minority, self absorbed cultural center superstitious belief system does not make me an atheist.

No more than if I were to mock someone's superstitious belief in voodoo or the cultural artifacts passed off by modern day Pharasees as religion.

So nope I'm not an atheist.

Question: what would you call a modern day Pharasee who insists you worship their false idols and pray to it for personal gain or benefits in contravention to the main precepts of the holy book they claim to revere?

I think maybe they are agents of some evil entity? Or more accurately unwitting tools of such entity.

I'm attempting to answer your question. Do you have a better answer? Or do you just not want to hear truth.

That's what we were originally discussing. People who aren't interested in truth but prefer to get reaffirmation of their existing beliefs regarding healthcare, politics and race from Facebook who is all too willing to tell them what they want to hear.


That I don't believe in some Pharasee's favored interpretation of a particular religion does not make me an atheist. In this case transactional Christianity (I am not alone in believing this to be false Christianity)

What would cause you to think otherwise? That I am an Atheist?

in reply tocesces

Bitter and intolerant but no one really pays much attention to your ramblings so no harm done in the end.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Not tolerant of foolishness and ignorance, doesn't equal bitter.

What on earth would cause you to label it as such?

in reply tocesces

You're starving for attention. Many believe in the power of prayerAnd there is no harm and it has no impact on the laws of physics.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to

"Many believe in the power of prayerAnd there is no harm and it has no impact on the laws of physics."Too bad that wasn't your first and only response.

Instead you asked him for an example. When he gave you an example you gave him the finger with a strawman insult rather than discussing further (why are atheists always bitter).

in reply toCAMPSOUPS

Before I give you the middle finger. What laws of physics did he list?

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to

Go for it. (give me the finger). It's not my thing so I'm outta here.

in reply toCAMPSOUPS

You jump in and stick your nose in this exchange and you can't even copy/paste the laws of physics being violated from his comment.Seriously, what's your purpose here?

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to


in reply toCAMPSOUPS

Really? I need to explain the context?Why you felt the need to bust my balz?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply toCAMPSOUPS

"Many believe in the power of prayer And there is no harm and it has no impact on the laws of physics."Too bad that wasn't your first and only response.

So very right you are campsoup.

That was the right answer. That and no more LoL

And the name calling only reaffirmed the veracity of my original answer.

in reply tocesces

We are still waiting for the example? What lawcof physics was violated?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

You asked the question and I answered.

You are welcome.

in reply tocesces

You didn't answer What laws of physics are ignored?

You never provided a single example. You rambled on like an intolerant small minded faux intellectual.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Standard Model - Wikipedia

TomTom, it's a fool's errand for you to attempt to match wits or intelligence with me.

It's embarrassing to watch, for me, and no doubt many others. Please stop.

There are others here who can do it, but you don't stand among them. Sorry.

Let's Go Brandon

in reply tocesces

You're right...only a smarty pants like you would post something that includes includes the following:

"it leaves some phenomena unexplained and falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions."

So we have two things that negate you're original post.

1. This is a theory and not a law of physics.

" difference between a law and a theory is that a law is much more complex and dynamic, and a theory is more explanatory." [1]

2. The theory is incomplete and leaves some phenomena unexplained.

So, in your quest to denigrate and mock people who believe in the power of prayer, your post was not only incorrect, it showed a high level of intolerance.

I'll take my intelligence over yours 24/7.


cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

All laws of physics are theories my little grasshopper.


The Standard Theory is an integrated compilation of all the laws of physics as we currently understand back to just prior to the so-called big bang end excluding quantum physics (and gravity) and true singularities.

"I'll take my intelligence over yours 24/7"

That's good because you're pretty much stuck with it. I hope it doesn't do too much harm to your healthcare decisions.

To the end of helping you limit any such damage you might elect to visit upon yourself, I commend you to the following website:

SEE ALSO (it's a good read, I encourage you to read it in its entirety. It could save your life. Honest

Faith Healing by Prayer: Review of a Questionable Study | Quackwatch

On any Sunday, revival-tent faith healers and televangelists claim to restore vision to the blind and limb function to the lame. To many people, the sight of wheelchair-bound invalids standing up and walking (or even running) away from their wheelchairs is convincing evidence. But no such miracle healing has been scientifically authenticated. When these cases are investigated, it is often found that the infirmity did not exist or was psychosomatic [2]. Furthermore, the human body has intrinsic healing mechanisms and will frequently recover from illness or injury even when no treatment is rendered. Any claim of successful treatment, medical or otherwise, must therefore account for these factors.

The remaining author, Daniel Wirth, has no medical degree but has published many studies claiming to support the existence of paranormal phenomena. Many of these studies originated from an entity called, “Healing Sciences Research International,” an organization that he supposedly headed. This entity’s only known address was apparently a Post Office box in Orinda California. Wirth holds an MS degree is in the dubious field of “parapsychology” and also has a law degree.

In April 2004, Wirth and an accomplice (Joseph Horvath) pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail and bank fraud and agreed to forfeit assets of more than $1 million acquired through their schemes. Documents in the case indicate that the pair used assumed names, obtained bogus identifying documents, and obtained employment with a large financial institution from which Horvath improperly paid to Wirth for alleged services [13]. Wirth’s long pattern of dishonest behavior raises the question about whether the studies in which he was involved actually took place and, if so, whether the results were reported honestly.

in reply tocesces

That doesn't explain all phenomena!!

So going back to your original intolerant post, how does this violate the Standard Theory genius? After all, it doesn't explain all phenomena.

You made the statement now provide supporting evidence!

At the root of all this, you're just another faux intellectual parroting what someone told you without having any understanding of what you're posting. Ramblings of an intolerant atheist. Nothing new, unfortunately.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

I'm not an atheist.

I just don't believe in voodoo or transactional Christianity as apparently you do?

The provable discovery of a fifth force of nature will earn you a Nobel prize.

If you can do that, I would jump right on bit.



Guilty as charged. I do not tolerate or suffer fools gladly.

And you sir are insufferable. Yes, definitely insufferable.

jfoesq profile image
jfoesq in reply tocesces

Thank you for saying it so well.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply tojfoesq


treedown profile image
treedown in reply tocesces here's an article which explains the engineering. I think the prayer thing throws certain people off but via personal testimonies and the little research I have done I am keeping his contact around should my disease proceed to a no other option situation, possibly sooner. However, his services will be out of pocket only. Perhaps that may change if his FDA approval proceeds quicker than expected.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply totreedown

He refers to himself as "Dr Hope" and claims to "cure" metastatic prostate cancer.

And his main tools to do this appear to be "mechanical": ablation and electrophoresis.

Res ipsa loquitur, I say

Res ipsa loquitur

treedown profile image
treedown in reply tocesces

I disagree in this case IMO. And to quote somebody I respected on this forum "I gain nothing by proving you wrong."

cesces profile image
cesces in reply totreedown

"I gain nothing by proving you wrong."

In a forum like this that is true. But the many lurkers here who are attempting to make treatment decisions can gain much and/or avoid much damage and injury.

Also, in a clinical trial context, that is an integral part of finding truth, isn't it?

treedown profile image
treedown in reply tocesces

I certainly understand concerns about steering people toward untested or potentially dangerous treatments and don't believe that isnthe case here. Again this is just my opinion based on members who have used his services, my own research, and based on members I respect on this forum who have said this Dr is not one of the forementioned concerns. I don't understand your ref to a clinical trial context. My intent was only to offer you further information on this individual, not change your mind.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply totreedown

Tree down it would seem we mostly agree with one another.

And healthy debate on this forum is good for everyone.

It's what makes it the best place to educate and keep oneself informed on the topic. I think it's the best place to do this on the internet, as supplemented time to time with Tall_Allen's blog on the subject.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply tocesces

That I certainly agree with.

noahware profile image
noahware in reply tocesces

"And healthy debate on this forum is good for everyone."

I agree completely. But I'm not sure the debates always take a form that most would consider "healthy." I think that stems from a problem inherent to all social media, in that we are not actually interacting with others on a person to person, flesh-and-blood level. Rather, we are sitting alone in front of a screen, interacting with digital images of written (not spoken) words.

I know from my own experience on this and other forums that the words I type do not always treat others with the same level of respect I would try to maintain when dealing with a live human being. To that extent, my debates are not as healthy as they could be.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply tonoahware


Name calling is never healthy or productive.

If find when I speak truth to people but can do it in person with a smile, it's not the same as when I deliver truth to the anonymous avatar of a keyboard warrior.

I think face to face reduces the name calling.

I have no problems with my many fundamentalist relatives with whom I discuss religion and politics. And two of them are pastors with their own fundamentalist congregations.

Then again they are smart as whips.

It is the slow witted creatures of creation that I most have problems. Especially those who are not self aware.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply tonoahware

Yes healthy debate. That’s a good thing ha.

A month or so ago I started a post in a word doc. I haven’t finished. Probably won’t.

It’s title: Help Mr. Wizard I’ve become some kind of a Health Unlocked Cop.

I'm striving to have a healthier relationship with us here.

This has been my first social media exposure. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Very minimal texting and just business or family. Lots of work emails some with family.

Faxes were a bit like texting, blunt and to the point. That form of communication has found its way into email as well.

I have good memories of my grandfather, uncle, and father having intellectual discussions, debate into the wee hours of the morning when I was a kid.

They even had the balls to discuss how to end life when necessary. At one point one would kill the other under the terms they had worked out. Another was basically don’t’ let anyone know I have a gun or the poison hidden lol.

Sounds corny but some kind of bond occurs in person even with a stranger.

Used to think of tribalism as a group of physically present people. Now it shows here at times in its worst form. Hostility.

With the divide presently in the U.S. and locations abroad as well it seems some are always on the lookout to interject their (you name it) when the opportunity pops up.

Hard to have a discussion when an insult is hurled. And it plays out just like a grade school fight rule: “he hit first “.

If in person a smile and tilt of the head and “really”? Helps to keep it real. We don’t have that opportunity here at the key board.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply tonoahware

Great point.


dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to

Good points to always be aware of. Easy to cure cancer if it wasn't bad to start with.

in reply todhccpa

It's also easy to cure stage 4 cancer when you don't have to show evidence.

You know right away when they start bashing the Standards of Care that they are outside of checks and balances assocated with real science like peer review.

Many of the people who read about these so-called "miracle cures" just accept what they are told because it sounds so good and it's what they've always hoped would be true. We need people to be a bit more skeptical when they hear things that sound too good to be true.

in reply to

You could arrange an appt with this Dr and get the answer from the horse's mouth. You might even consider a treatment after the consultation. Who knows, what's at stake?

in reply to

No thanks. I prayed about it when I was first diagnosed and God told me to go with proven, science-based treatments based on clinical trials. And I got confirmation for that, God led me to a doctor who also thinks the same way.

True story.

in reply to

I did the same....triple modal...RP, IMRT, ADT + Zytiga Just finished 2+ years of ADT and zytiga. Hoping it's curative. If not, all options will be investigated

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

You can do only so many of those second opinions.

Someone who refers to themselves in the third party as Dr. Hope, doesn't rank too highly on my list.


in reply tocesces

Who cares about your list? It doesn't go unnoticed on this forum that you conceal the facts surrounding your supposed pca. So little is revealed that one is easily led to conclude you never had pca.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to


You've obviously not been following my posts.

But...tell me more about this conspiracy.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

So when do you plan to visit "Dr. Hope".

Perhaps you will be kind enough to report back to the forum on your experiences and learnings from the great Doctor.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply tocesces

cesces replied quoting my --- " ..."who are the "these people"... "

WITH --- " ..."Delusionals who believe they live in an imaginary world where the laws of physics, and cause and effect, bend to their emotional needs."Gary Onik, MD, an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University"

Huh???? ... "

cesces WROTE in reply to Tom Tom1111--- " So when do you plan to visit "Dr. Hope".

Perhaps you will be kind enough to report back to the forum on your experiences and learnings from the great Doctor. "

WELL CESCES, no need to wait for TT1111 since I met Dr. Onik in May-2015 and in December received his Immuno in-situ injection for my GLEASON 10 tumor previously ablated 7 months earlier and have been receiving Testosterone Injections biweekly that began 1 month later to replace the "T" lost when I had a bilateral Orchiectomy before meeting Dr. O.

My experience with Dr. O. is that he is honest, sincere, intelligent and has a desire to help men.

p.s. -- maybe you should give him a call and have a friendly chat. 😀

cesces profile image
cesces in reply toaddicted2cycling

"p.s. -- maybe you should give him a call and have a friendly chat. 😀"

I'm good with my health care for the moment.

I am metastatic, so mechanical means to treat only visible tumors are only a distraction and dangerous detour from global treatment tools.

May I ask have you been tested for metastasis since 2015?

There is a new blood test for metastasis of 50 cancers (including prostate cancer) through a blood biopsy.

I am going to take it. I will report back.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply tocesces

2 weeks ago had an Axumin, not the best for early mets but totally clear. Still have half a prostate producing PSA so another PSA test next month. Got my "T" shot Tuesday so should be pushing around 1200ng/dL right now down from the typical 1,600ng/dL the day after. Did manage to skip the injection due to cruising and tested at 404ng/dL at one week late then held off for another week because of scan and tested at 48ng/dL.

p.s. -- just set my clocks back 1 hour and feeling better already. 😀

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to


dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to

I'd never advise anyone to ignore SOC. But I see no issues with combining with alternative. One day we'll have that one cure, but not yet.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply tocesces

I thought chit meant "a short official note, memorandum, or voucher, typically recording a sum owed". Actually I don't give a chit what chit means.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 11/06/2021 8:59 DST

in reply to

You have me confused? Did he not have metastatic prostate cancer? I do believe this gentleman is not a crackpot but well respected.

Cooolone profile image

Stage IV spot treatment of "seen" tumors...

I'm definitely more convinced if a systemic therapy that allows for wholesale bombardment of seen and "unseen" cellular activity in a Stage IV setting!

I've seen the intratumoral therapy before and for non metastatic in-situ tumors that stay local in the Prostate I would imagine this could work very well. Maybe I'm reading it all wrong. Again, I've seen with interest the idea of injecting directly into cancer cell tissue at tumor locations having good effect, but I'm left to wonder what about all those little suckers we can't see when we are more advanced staging?

In any event, if it works, who's to say it's wrong?...

Scott1963 profile image

Rapamycin + Dasatinib + Quercetin + Fisetin five days.

Why not?

Sipj profile image

My husband had two treatments with him at almost a six figure cost. Did not help his stage 4 PC.

Fightinghard profile image

In the long windy comments about finding a 5th force of nature, it is obvious that God created the 4 forces that man has identified so far. So there is no reason to think he did not create a 5th or even 6th that man has yet to comprehend.

Worship God please

jfoesq profile image

Putting aside the comments about prayer, both in the presentation itself and those made by members of this site, does anyone know if any studies have commenced or will be commencing that will use the "cancer vaccine" referenced in the article?I think that's the most important question to be answered for all of us, whether we believe in the "power of prayer" or not.

Spyder54 profile image
Spyder54 in reply tojfoesq

Jfoesq,If you click on the hyperlinks in the story, you will see the study of 67 Men with better than average results along with the comment that Covid delayed Phase 1 Trials which are now beggining.


jfoesq profile image
jfoesq in reply toSpyder54

Thx for letting me know that.

Spyder54 profile image

Thank you for posting. No, you have to post this. I read to the end plus the published small study of 67 men. Listen, it all works, yet nothing works well. A combination of treatments and the power of the untapped Mind will be part of the solution one day. The study of Quantum Physics and empowering the mind is discussed well in the Documentary “Heal” on Netflix/Amazon. The “MAB” drugs have been miraculous to some men.

Spyder54 profile image

Many missed that this was a 2 stage process. Not just prayer. Here is the Cancer published study. Mike

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