I have PC lymphnodes in pelvic area and have been on Lupron (3 months injections) for three years . In that time this has worked good and keeping my PSA undectable. However, recently PSA has gradually started to increase. The last nine months has resulted in readings of 0.23 , 0.366 and recently 0.631. I am somewhat concerned. Is it possible I need a change of treatment? Should I look into getting a C-11 Cholone scan or a Auxim scan . Or any other type of Pet scan to determine if cancer has spread . Is it too early for me to worry about it . I greatly appreciate your input . Thank you Amigos.
PSA Gradually increasing. : I have PC... - Advanced Prostate...
PSA Gradually increasing.

Hi Sun1115,
What treatments have you had other than Lupron?
With a PSA of 0.7 you should discuss a Ga 68 PSMA or 18F DCFPyl PET/CT. The detection rate of these scans is around 70%. at that PSA The axumin scan has a lowest detection rate.
If the scan shows metastases in the pelvic lymph nodes you could discuss getting whole pelvis radiation. If there are distant metastases and they are less than 5 it may be possible to irradiate them and see what happens with the PSA.
It is time for a scan. The insurance company may balk...some require you to wait until the PSA hits 2.0’or even higher. But it really doesn’t matter. You need a scan to provide information that may be actionable.
I agree tall guy . And that new scan Ga 68 PSMA sounds like the one I need . Thank you Tango 65 . But where can I get a good doctor that administers this scan ? I live in Florida but I am able to travel . I failed to mention I am 73 .
Or are clinical trials the best way to get it . Since it’s not yet aproved by the FDA ?
There are clinical trials:
Revise these trials and see if you could qualify for any of them and then call the people running the trial.
Best of luck.!!
Thank you Tango
Good luck with the trials. I believe the one being done at Stanford could be a possibility for your situation.
Best of Luck.!!!
I was on Intermittent Lupron for 3 years and it kept my psa low but after awhile my psa started rising and my doctor switched me to firmagon monthly injections. He did do a bone scan and a CT scan to check my progress and my radiation oncologist started me on xofigo for 6 months. My Psa is still at a 5.7 but holding for now.
Discuss adding an anti-androgen (casodex or nilutamide) to your regimen with your MO.
Seems you should be on Zytiga or similar in addition to Lupron.
Has your doc mentioned that?
Also consider provenge! You're in a similar place to my dad, psa slowly rising but low without pain. You sound like an ideal candidate!
Thanks for your replies . My a doctor wants me to wait until the PSA raises to 1.0 . And wants to see me in April. He will than give me the C-11 Cholene scan at this time and than go from there . And meanwhile he wants me to stay on the Lupron. My question is should I wait or address issues now . Tks
I recall during my radiation treatment, that the maximum dose was used with the prostate gland itself and a reduced dose (around 50 %) was used in the pelvic area.
I was node positive at the Dx, so the plan included pelvic node radiation as part of the initial treatment.
More radiation could be tried in the pelvic area but I'm not sure if that is part of the SOC, seeing as BCR may be indicated.
The 'pros' in your medical team will have to guide you through the next phase of treatment.
It is important that you trust the team that has been supporting you. Even better, would be a referral to an appropriate, qualified specialist or consultant.
Thankfully, we have several members who offer good advice based on real time experience with the advantage of having seen numerous situations arise where reliable advice was needed and taken.
It appears further testing is indicated. Hopefully, the resources are available to allow that to happen ASAP.
The good news is that you have been monitored over the last few years, so it is possible to start pushing back against further disease progression.
Wishing you the best, moving forward ....
Axumin Imaging Center Directory
If you're a healthcare provider and are not able to find a local imaging site, or have other questions about a specific imaging center, please contact Siemens Healthineers' PETNET Solutions Customer Care at 877-473-8638.
The imaging centers and physicians included in this list are those who have given their consent to be identified. It is not an exhaustive or complete list of all sites that offer imaging services using Axumin. This information is provided as a reference for referring physicians and is not intended to be an endorsement by Blue Earth Diagnostics, Inc. (BED) of the physicians or sites listed, nor is it an endorsement of BED by those sites. It is the responsibility of the referring physician to determine whether Axumin is the right option for their patients and to identify an appropriate referral site if Axumin is not available at their location.
melia Island
Ackerman Cancer Center - Amelia Island
1340 South 18th Street Suite 103
Dr. Scuderi904-880-5522scuderi@ackermancancer.comackermancancercenter.com
Akumin Aventura
2925 Aventura Blvd Ste 100
Jessica Viccari305-692-2222jessica.viccari@akumin.com
Unique Imaging
18851 NE 29th Ave Suite 103
Mickey Pacheco305-890-1839mpacheco@uniqueimaging.com
Beverly Hills
PET/CT Services of FL
3404 N Lecanto Highway
Todd Sandlin352-746-6888
Beverly Hills
PET/CT Services of Florida
3404 North Lecanto Highway
Cindy Greene352-746-6888clgpetct@gmail.com
Boca Raton
Boca Raton Regional Hospital
800 Meadows Rd
Maribel Rivera561-955-7138MRivera2@brrh.combrrh.com/
Boca Raton
Diagnostics Centers of America
8142 Glades Road
Michelle Aschbacher561-496-6935maschbacher@dcamedical.comdcamedical.com
Boca Raton
21st Century Oncology
21020 State Road 7 Suite 100
Lindsay Wendel561-883-8656lindsay.wendel@21co.com
Boynton Beach
Diagnostic Centers of America
6080 Boynton Beach Blvd
Michelle Aschbacher561-736-3227maschbacher@dcamedical.comdcamedical.com/
Simonmed Bradenton
6215 21st Avenue West
PET Department866-614-8555Schedulers_PET@simonmed.comsimonmed.com/
Carlisle Inaging Center-Baycare Health System
400 Pinellas Street, Suite 101
Diane Kirby727-462-7798diane.kirby@baycare.org
Clermont Radiology
3725 S Highway 27, Suite 104
Sheila M Lacroix352-241-6100sheilalacroix@clermontradiology.comclermontradiology.com
Daytona Beach
Twin Lakes Imaging
1890 LPGA Blvd Suite 110
Lesley Franck386-446-5200lfranck@radassociates.usRadiologyAssociatesImaging.com
Deerfield Beach
U of Miami - Sylvester of Deerfield Beach
1192 East Newport Center Dr.
Brian Crews954-698-3613dcrews@med.miami.edu
MELISSA SOUDERS386-943-7160melissa.souders@adventhealth.com
Fort Lauderdale
Holy Cross Hospital
4725 N Federal Highway
DeAnna Petitto954-771-8000 x5543deanna.petitto@holy-cross.com
Fort Lauderdale
National Pet Scan
6290 N Federal Highway
Tony Valdes954-332-3000tvaldes@nationalpetscan.com
Fort Lauderdale
PET Imaging Institute of South Florida - Fort Lauderdale
2122 W Cypress Creek Road, Suite 210
Scott Fritz954-329-8814sfritz@piisf.competimagingflorida.com
Fort Myers
Radiology Regional Center, PA
6100 Winkler Rd.
Shawn Elliott239-671-4875selliott@radiologyregional.com
Ft Lauderdale
MRI Scan & Imaging Center
3122 East Commercial Boulevard
Robert Kagan, M.D.954-772-8000rkaganmd@mriscancenter.commriscancenter.com
Florida Cancer Specialists Gainsville Cancer Center
6420 W Newberry Rd East Wing Suite 100
Amy Broom Anna Marie Zambito855-271-8071FCS-Radiology@flcancer.com
UF Health Shands Medical Plaza
2000 SW Archer Rd.
Jason Norton352-265-7050
Akumin Hollywood
3800 Johnson St.
Jessica Viccari954-964-3800jessica.viccari@akumin.com
PET Imaging Institute of South Florida - Hollywood
1150 N 35th Avenue, Suite 665
Gwen Luzardo954-981-6668gluzardo@piisf.competimagingflorida.com
Ackerman Cancer Center
10881 San Jose Blvd.
Honey Atkins904-880-5522honeya@ackermancancer.com
Akumin Imaging
2020 Professional Center Dr.
Jessica Viccari904-229-5375jessica.viccari@akumin.com
Southside Cancer Center
5742 Booth Road
Mark Annis904-538-4490CSNFCBOScheduling@CSNF.UScancerspecialistsnf.com/
UF Health Jacksonville
655 W. 8th Street
Jerald Farrow904-244-2945Jerald.farrow@jax.ufl.eduufhealthjax.org
St. Vincent's Medical Center Riverside
1 Shircliff Way
Kevin J. Doyle Jr.904-308-7428Kevin.doylejr@ascension.org
SouthPoint Cancer Center
7017 A C Skinner Parkway
Natalie Wethington904-520-6800nwethington@terkoncology.comterkoncology.com/
14550 Old St. Augustine Road
Nicholas Neil904-271-6154nicholas.neil@bmcjax.combaptistjax.com/locations/me...
Lady Lake
Sand Lake Imaging at Lady Lake
809 County Road 466 Suite 400
Chrystal Shacklock352-753-2660cshacklock@sandlakeimaging.com
Hollis Cancer Center
3525 Lakeland Hills Blvd.
Kristine Hall863-688-2334 x711
Radiology and Imaging Specialists
1305 Lakeland Hills Blvd.
Amanda Hulett863-688-2334ahulett@risimaging.comrisimaging.com/
Florida Cancer Specialists Leesburg South
601 E Dixie Ave Suite 101
Amy Broom855-271-8071FCS-Radiology@flcancer.comflcancer.com
Lake Medical Imaging
801 E. Dixie Avenue Suite 104
PET Department352-787-5858sjames@lakemedicalimaging.comlakemedicalimaging.com
Unique Imaging
3801 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 110
Mickey Pacheco305-890-1839mpacheco@uniqueimaging.comuniqueimaging.com/
University of Miami Hospital and Clinics
1475 NW 12th Avenue
Miami Beach
3T Radiology & Research
310 W 41st Street
Jorge Tamayo305 532-7460jt@3tradiology.com
Radiology Regional Center, PA
700 Goodlette Rd.
Shawn Elliott239-671-4875selliott@radiologyregional.comradiologyregional.com
Clinical PET of Ocala, LLC
3143 SW 32nd Ave.
Dr. Ganesh Arora352-291-0014ganesh.arora@clinicalpet.comclinicalpet.com/
PET/CT Services of Florida
1541 SW First Ave, STE101
Art Ammirati BS AS RT(R)(N)(CT)352-622-1133aammirati@hotmail.competctfla.com
Medical Imaging Center at WIndsor Oaks
1901 SE 18th Avenue Bldg 200
Tonya D'Ambrosio R.T. (R)352-671-4300tonya.dambroiso@raocala.com
PET/CT Services of Florida
1541 SW 1st Ave STE 101
Cindy Greene352-622-1133clgpetct@gmail.com
SimonMed Ocoee
10125 W. Colonial Drive, Suite 114
PET Department866-614-8555Schedulers_PET@simonmed.comsimonmed.com
Orange City
Mid Florida Cancer Centers
2776 Enterprise Road #100
Harish Gowda, MBA386-774-1223hgowda@mfhoc.commidfloridacancercenters.com
Orange Park
Akumin Orange Park
2020 Professional Center Drive
Jessica Viccari904-272-2800jessica.viccari@akumin.com
Sand Lake Imaging
9350 Turkey Lake Road, Ste. 100
Valery R Crespo-Matos407-363-2772 x1131vrcrespo-matos@sandlakeimaging.comsandlakeimaging.com
SimonMed Imaging - Orlando
51 W. Kaley St.
PET Department866-614-8555Schedulers_PET@simonmed.comsimonmed.com
ORMC/UF Health Cancer Center
1400 Orange Ave 1st Floor
Elaina Willis321-843-4125elaina.willis@orlandohealth.comorlandohealth.com
Cancer Center of Putnam
600 Zeagler Drive
Cancer Center of Putnam
600 Zeagler Dr
Shari Kinlaw386-326-7900Shari.Kinlaw@hcahealthcare.com
Palm Coast
Town Center Imaging
21 Hospital Drive Suite 130
Lesley Franck386-446-5200lfranck@radassociates.us
Pembroke Pnes
PET Imaging Institute of South Florida - Pembroke Pines
603 N Flamingo Road, Suite 155
Gwen Luzardo954-981-6668gluzardo@piisf.competimagingflorida.com
PET/CT Imaging Center of NW Florida
5149 North 9th Avenue Suite 124
Kirwan Price850-478-6336kprice@pensacolaradiology.compensacolapetct.com
Woodlands Medical Specialists
4724 North Davis Highway
Imaging Scheduling850-696-4200info@woodlandsmed.comwoodlandsmed.com/
The PET/CT Imaging Center of Northwest Florida
5149 N. 9th Avenue Suite 124
Kirwan Price850-478-6336kprice@pensacolaradiology.com
Pinellas Park
National Imaging Specialists
6600 66th Street N, Suite B
J.R. DiVincenzo813-731-2605jrd@nationalimagingspecialists.comnisnow.com/
Akumin Plantation
8300 W. Sunrise Blvd.
Jessica Viccari954-577-6000jessica.viccari@akumin.com
SimonMed Imaging - Poinciana
875 Cypress Parkway
PET Department866-614-8555Schedulers_PET@simonmed.comSimonMed.com
Port Charlotte
Akumin Port Charlotte
2625 Tamiami Trail
Jessica Viccari941-235-4646jessica.viccari@akumin.comakumin.com/
Rockledge MRI and PET Center LLC
1910 Rockledge Blvd. Ste 102
Angel DeHart321-636-6599rockledgemri@yahoo.comrockledgemri.com
Partners Imaging Centers
1250 S. Tamiami Trail Suite 101 & 103
Nigel de Wit941-951-2100NdeWit@partnersimage.compartnersimage.com
Imaging for Life
3830 Bee Ridge Road
Ged Denton941-921-0383gdenton@imagingforlife.net
St Augustine
Precision Imaging Centers
1000 Plantation Island Drive, Suite 1
St Petersburg
Rose Radiology - St. Petersburg
4551 4th St North
Amber Brown727-525-3800amber.brown@akumin.com
Tallahasse Diagnostics Imaging
1600 Phillips Rd.
LaCora Belcher850-878-4127lbelcher@radassociates.comradassociates.com
Impressions Imaging, LLC
7180 N University Drive
Nadia Torres954-580-2780service@impressionimaging.comimpressionimaging.com/
National Imaging Specialists (VyMed)
10010 N Dale Mabry Hwy., Suite 160
J.R. DiVincenzo813-731-2605jrd@nationalimagingspecialists.comnisnow.com/
Rose Radiology Center
5107 N. Armenia Ave
Amber Brown813-874-2999amber.brown@akumin.com
Tower Radiology
4719 N Habana Ave
Erin Leary813-874-7000eleary@ommi.net
AdventHealth Waterman Imaging
1922 Salk Ave
Sterling Elder352-253-6363sterling.elder@adventhealth.comadventhealth.com
The Villages
Lake Medical Imaging
1400 US Hwy North Suite 510
PET Department352-787-5858jmorgan@lakemedicalimaging.comlakemedicalimaging.com
Parrish Medical Center
951 North Washington Avenue
Dawn Hohnhorst321-268-6150Dawn.Hohnhorst@parrishmed.comparrishhealthcare.com/
Vero Beach
Vero Radiology Associates
3725 11th Circle
Ken Klein772-562-0163ken.klein@veroradiology.com
Diagnostics Centers of America
2565 South State Road 7
Michelle Aschbacher561-496-6935maschbacher@dcamedical.comdcamedical.com
Wesley Chapel
Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel
2600 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Sandy Cuddeback305-490-5498sc5498@gmail.comfloridahospital.com/wesley-...
West Palm Beach
Florida Cancer Specialists Good Samaritan Flagler
1309 North Flagler Drive
Amy Broom855-271-8701FCS-Radiology@flcancer.comflcancer.com
West Palm Beach
Diagnostics Centers of America
1572 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, Suite 2
Michelle Aschbacher561-496-6935maschbacher@dcamedical.codcamedical.com
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 02/06/2020 8:50 PM EST