Please suggest. We are living in India. If my dad turns castrate resistant can we come to USA for further treatment. My brother is in California on HiB. Only concern is the huge cost as we are not medically insured. In India zytiga/ Xantdi and taxotere will be there but don’t see expertise and other advanced drugs for same
Suggestions : Please suggest. We are... - Advanced Prostate...

Why Not ? If you have financial resources to pay the bills . There is no free ride in USA.
My information is that they have most of the modern treatments in India such as Immuno-therapy, Radium223, Lutecium, proton beam, all types of Radiation ,Chemos and so on.
Check with Max super speciality hospital in Gurugram, Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai or Apollo Hospital ., Delhi and the govt hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi.
From posts on here from Indians, India seems to have everything the US has and more. People from the US fly to India for medical tourism.
One has to be very rich to afford cancer care in the USA without medical insurance. I had a PET/CT at UCLA and by mistake they charged me as a regular patient instead of a patients in a clinical study. with a set price of $2,800. The bill from UCLA was $ 17,000.00.
You may like to share contact details with me. I live in Gurugram, am a PC patient and had RRP in USA ten years back.
Hi Ayra1, if you are looking for a cancer center in CA and can afford it City of Hope is excellent, although there are other excellent centers here too.
We were actually investigating Lu-177 in India, we were considering Bangalore. You can get Lu-177 and actinium treatment earlier than you can in the US. Other advanced treatments appear to be available as well.
Where exactly in Bangalore
Hi, we were looking at Heath Care Global Cancer Center ( I think their Banglore branch. I believe this is the address: Kalinga Rao Rd, Sampangi Rama Nagara, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560002, India.
Friends...I just booked Gallium 68 PSMA scan in House Of Diagnostics, Delhi India .
Total charge will be exactly $200 (two hundred ) Seems reasonable to me.
Sorry for this question, but what are the benefits of a Gallium 68 PSMA scan and should all get this done?
Ga68 PSMA scan is the most sensitive scan ....I have been reluctant to get it because it shows lot of false positive lesions...means the lesions which are NOT cancer tends to also appear as cancer. This can make people afraid and sometimes they end up getting unnecessary toxic treatment trying to chase that tiny lesion supposed to be cancer. I have booked it but I will be very careful interpreting the results.
Ga68 DOTATATE PSMA scan is excellent in picking up Neuro Endocrine Cells . But that also has similar problem. Because NE cells are scattered in human body even in normal people..which ones are truly cancerous ..which ones are harmless..that distinction is NOT possible. Too sensitive scans are like double edged sword...false positives lead to wrong conclusions.
Does this mean that my dad who was dx as being metastatic via PSMA Pet Scan with mets to 5 distant lymph nodes (enlarged bilateral external iliac, internal iliac, common iliac, paraaortic and interaortocaval lymph nodes) and only 1 bone met on pubic bone may not actually be metastatic ? Could all of them be false positive lesions? What is the alternative?
Also i thought it was the opposite - i remember reading somewhere only cells which are PSMA avid will be detected via this scan which always had me thinking if he has more mets from non psma avid cells... which of these two alternatives would be good?
Firstly, in 95% of men, cancer cells are PSMA avid...atleast in beginning years of treatment.
PSMA scan is super detects lesions as small as 0.2 mm. The important issue is what do you do even if you know there are two leasions on pelvic bone which are 0.1 mm and 0.2 mm size ? In most cases, there is no change in treatment.
I am doing PSMA scan out of curiosity and will be careful not to take tiny lesions /unclear lesions seriously.
I read that if PSMA PET/CT is performed along with an MRI , and both these scans are read together, one is likely to get a more accurate picture because PSMA PET CT reads metabolic side and MRI reads structural side.
Look up APAC Biotech in Gurgoan. I received their vaccines 3 years ago next month and they resolved appx 30 tumors in 2 months including many in my bones. APCEDEN is the name of the vaccines and they are offered at Medanta through Dr. Ashok Vaid, Apollo in Delhi, and Ruby Hall in Pune outside Mumbai among others. I was stable for over two years with just the primary and finally had it removed in September last year. PSA currently .03 after dx’d in August 2014 with PSA of 212, Gleason 9. Plenty of good options in India.