my dad is currently seeing MO at Max Saket, New Delhi India. However, we are not very happy with his treatment plan as the MO is not very proactive and discourages any new treatment such as dendritic cell therapy and others. He also never agreed for triplet therapy even though my dad has multiple bone lesions. Unfortunately I was unable to convince him and my dad for triplet. I am desperately looking for an MO who is aggressive enough to beat this beast.
recommendations for MO in India - Advanced Prostate...
recommendations for MO in India

Try Dr. Ishita Sen. Also, you could get a consult from someone outside India and find MO who is receptive. I had a friend that did that and was doing well... But unfortunately passed away due to some other issues He was consulting with someone from May and his MO in India would listen to the recommendations and try to follow it.
had shared with you. dr Vijay Patil. He is in Mumbai. And is ex Tata Memorial doctor. Well versed with immunotherapy also
APCEDEN was developed and tested at Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Gurgaon is not that far from New Delhi, I think. Maybe try Ashkok Vaid there.
Thank you TA! We are meeting dr. Vaid on Sep 10 to discuss Dendritic therapy.
You are right that Gurgaon is not far from New Delhi!
Please tell us what they say ok
Hi Tinkudi - we met doc Ashok Vaid but sadly he has really bad bedside manners. He did not answer any of our questions and said he would only give his opinion and not answer questions. All the questions that were around immunotherapy i.e., DC. Not a very good experience. So, I don’t have answers for my questions yet.
Sorry to hear about your experience. It is sad that india still has so many of these kinds of doctors who dont like if they are asked questions.
In Mumbai , you can try Dr Vijay Patil. - He is ex tata memorial and well versed with immunotherapy.
Or also Dr Sewanti Limaye at HN reliance hospital.
Don’t know much about Delhi