When we last left my continuing adventure, I had a urology appointment in which my urologist said the cause of my problems was "friable tissue" in my prostatic urethra.
Fast forward to the wee hours of Monday morning, when I woke up with severe abdominal pain, thinking it might be my appendix. "If this doesn't get better I'm going to the ER", but after a modest BM it started getting better and responded to pain meds. It came and went for the rest of the day and I thought it was a bit of IBS due to constipation.
And then this morning, again, I woke up with severe abdominal pain, and it seemed even more like an appendix or similar issue. After some time writhing on my couch waiting for pain meds to kick in, my wife took me to the ER where they did a CT scan.
Well, the appendix was fine, gall bladder was fine, intestines were fine, but "there's a growth on the outside of your bladder". What?!? They called my urologist who basically said the same thing, so they re-consulted with the radiologist and said they think it's a growth in the prostate growing into the bladder. And of course, they don't have the scans from my original diagnosis so there's no way to tell if this is just my status quo or not. (My PSA is undetectable and other blood numbers are fine, this would really be unexpected)
Also, my right kidney is a bit inflamed which apparently is the source of the pain, and they think it might be a partially obstructed urine duct, but since I can still urinate on my own I can go home and follow up with my MO. I guess my other kidney is working just fine and they're okay with that.
It's been a stressful day to say the least, and other than the "free" Percocet I'm wondering if anything was actually accomplished. It's possible this prostatic growth is just my original tumor, and the kidney may be angry due to prophylactic Cipro as part of last week's cystoscopy. But at least I know the pain is probably more than just constipation.
Thoughts? Similar experiences? I'm thinking emergency departments are a bit of a dice roll as they aren't intimately familiar with your history and end up making best guesses which can be a bit unnerving. On the other hand, I got a CT scan in a timely fashion and at least some answers as to what's going on.