Has anyone found a pharmacy who will ship it cold to the states? And if you drove over the border to get it how did you handle the border patrol asking why you were crossing for just a few hours?
Dukoral from Canada: Has anyone found a... - Advanced Prostate...
Dukoral from Canada

Thanks I will and I will post if I am successful!
Nalakrats, I can get both dead one and the live one. Please tell me what do you think ,,which one is better ? I am healthy other than mHSPCa. with 0.6 psa and capacity to walk 5 miles every day. Your opinion is very valuable to me. Thanks.
If you cannot find a way to have it shipped, you can comfortably cross for a short visit. Crossing for shopping is a regular thing in many border towns. Senior Citizens by the carload cross to buy less expensive drugs. I have often crossed for concerts, car shows, and shopping. Just dont lie about your purpose or purchases when questioned on rerturning.
Thanks for this advice. Our main problem right now is neither my husband nor I have a passport. :/
I’ve got to get our applications submitted.
Needing a passport depends where you live. In Michigan, all that's required is an enhanced drivers licence.
Do you live anywhere close to middle Tennessee? Also... you can pay to have your passport expedited I had to do that once and got it fairly quickly
Thank you.
Finding a doc to write an Rx is the issue for us with this option. We can go to a travel vaccine company (Passport Health) but I wonder if they will ask us why we want it? And also will they give it since my husband is 66 and Vaxchora is approved through age 64? Always complications. :/
Thank you for this information. You’ve saved me some trouble. 😊
??? Is Dukoral Live Vaccine or Dead Vaccine?
Dukoral is not FDA approved in the US, and I don’t know how this impacts bringing it across a international border. I’m guessing it wouldn’t be a problem—but who knows. Several people here have succeeded at buying Dukoral so they could perhaps chime in about crossing the border and claiming a non FDA approved vaccine.
I shared the Journal Nature article about the Dukoral study with 2 Doctors yesterday who were not previously, but are now willing (after reading the Nature article) to write a prescription for my husband.
Just wanted to share my findings with everyone - thanks for the feedback and ideas. I've called multiple pharmacies in Canada (all that people have recommended), and haven't found anyone who will ship it. I get the feeling that they may have in the past, but don't anymore. Since it is OTC, we can simply walk in and get it. We plan on flying to Detroit and taking the short car ride to Windsor. The pharmacy (Yee Pharmacy) asked for a few days notice to make sure they have it in stock. We'll take the first dose there and then keep the second dose on ice until we get back. It is not a regulated drug so I've been told there's no need to hide it when crossing the border. It's also considered an anti-diarrheal medicine so that's probably what we'll call it when we cross. It's about $90 US funds. Plan on going in early January. God bless and have a great day!
I posted before that my friend in Detroit went to Windsor and made the purchase for $95, declared it as a diarrhea med. No problems. Paid $10 duty and overnighted it to me in Missouri with a refrigerated ice pack in a small box. Cost $77 with UPS. It arrived still cold. I have now taken both doses with no side effects.
The Canadian pharmacy who ships me many of my medicines, very reliable, is PharmaChoice Scotch Creek Pharmacy. Phone (866) 955-0392 and fax for prescriptions (888) 955-0394. Or email scotchcreekpharmacy@pharmachoice.ca
They told me they could arrange a cold pack shipment to me in the USA for the two dose dukoral. They will not require a US prescription for dukoral since it is OTC.
This is not some secret thing that you have to hide from US customs for your personal use.
Hey, just an update. I called all the pharmacies in this post. Not one would ship it to me here in the US except Hunters Pharmacy, but they required a prescription. They explained that it was illegal for them to ship to the US without a prescription. I have not found a doctor that would write the prescription. I have only the option right now of asking a coworker that has a relative living in Canada to try and get it for me and ask him to ship it in a cold pack. What a PITA. I guess I have to do what I have to as a work around.
Just tell the border guards it's weed and you won't have any problems...
"Smoke the Dope and don't Cope" is our country's new slogan..
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/18/2019 6:43 PM EST
I have been looking into this as well, and going back and forth on US vs CAnadian versions of the virus. I do like the idea of the live virus (personal bias really), but I do see this from the report:
"These data suggest that the composition of intestinal microbiota may be a determining factor of vaccine efficacy, although other factors, such as socioeconomic conditions, nutritional status, and host genetics might also play a role. It remains unknown whether intestinal microbiota might be altered after oral cholera vaccination. Excessive bacterial growth was observed in the small intestine among children who received cholera vaccine29, which suggests that intestinal microbiota might be altered after oral cholera vaccination. As intestinal microbiota might play an important role regarding antitumor immunity30,31, cholera vaccination might protect against the progression of prostate cancer by alternating intestinal microbiota."
So if we really are talking about weaponizing the gut microbial composition, wouldn't an oral version be better? Or do we think that the live viruses will make their way to the intestines anyways and achieve the same goal?
I told them I crossed to get some OTC medication. They did not even ask what it was. Many people cross for shopping and short day trips. No problem.