I've been ordering Xtandi from Canada for the last few months. Canada Post is now on strike, so I will be driving to Vancouver BC to pick up my medication in a few days. The Canadian pharmacy says there is a chance that the meds might be confiscated at the border. I've tried to reach US Customs/Border Protection, but they don't answer phones. Does anyone here have experience with this?
Crossing Border from Canada to USA wi... - Advanced Prostate...
Crossing Border from Canada to USA with Xtandi

I don't have experience with this but when I cross the border for vacation I do carry my meds with me. Unless you frequently get searched when crossing the border, I do not see why you'd want to declare it. And if you do get searched, I'd recommend having your bottle opened beforehand so it is not apparent whether you were carrying it with you from home or you purchased it in Canada. Of course, that would work if you carry one bottle, not several.
Best of luck to you.
I've carried drugs from Mexico, which I never declare. Customs can confiscate it (and if you ask, they will), but as long as it's an FDA-approved drug and the quantity is meant for individual use, I doubt they will bother with you. Of course, if there is a trade war, Customs may get picky, so do it before Jan 20.
I declare medications coming in from Mexico. Have never been asked to see what I purchased
How do you get a prescription for a medication that you can get fulfilled by a Canadian pharmacy? Will they accept a prescription ordered by a US doctor?
Yes, there are Canadian pharmacies that will fill prescriptions from American doctors. Here is the one we have had the most luck with: canadacloudpharmacy.com/
I used to live in White Rock , just south of Vancouver on the US Border . Buses used to travel up from Portland and Seattle and further south in the USA to buy their drugs in White Rock .
Some presented their US Doctors requisition to a local doctor who cut a Canadian requisition to use at the local pharmacy ( TheY charged $ 10 CAN . ) The latter may have changed - however they will fill your medication at the local pharmacies . Plus a site in Winnipeg, Manitoba will fill your medication on - line .
You might consider having it sent by courier, FEDEX for example.
Is your cost the reason why you order your Meds from Canada and not from the U.S.? Is getting your meds the only reason for your trip to Vancouver?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
No wonder............Replace the contents of a large bottle of over the counter common drug (i.e. Tylenol) with the Xtandi. Place a walking cane in view next to you in your passenger seat and let someone else drive the car. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
get your drugs from India. I will help you set this up. My abirterone cost $235 csn in u dia, $3700 in Canada so huge savings. Email me tridanpm@shaw.ca
Thanks Billy. I will have insurance starting in January, so I should be set after this month. I do appreciate your offer. For what it's worth, abiraterone is available in the USA for about $100/month through Cost Plus Pharmacy. Abiraterone didn't work long term for me do to liver enzyme reactions, so that's why I'm on Xtandi right now.
Our family is part of a Christian health-share network, so our expenses are covered...but we still want to find the best 'cash-pay' options available. We will be getting an ACA policy that takes effect in January, so that will hopefully make medications more affordable.
Thanks...each day is precious and I'm blessed and thankful for the family and friends who are with me through this process...the Lord has been most gracious to me.
Amen, and may God bless you as we walk this road together with Him.