I posted about my father's PCa initially here:
Yesterday he finished a 20 session course of radiotherapy. The RadOnc instructed him to stop taking Casodex, and he also received another 6 month Lupron shot.
About 10 sessions in to the radiotherapy dad started experiencing side effects, burning during urination, frequency, not emptying, and diarrhea or constipation (but mostly diarrhea).
We discussed these with the RadOnc last week, and he was prescribed Pyridium and Flomax. The Flomax he had to stop taking after two days because it lowered his blood pressure too much, he was feeling dizzy, and it also congested his sinuses to the point where he could only breathe through his mouth. Within two days of stopping the Flomax his BP is back to normal, and his sinuses are clear again. Whew. The Pyridium seems to have only minimally abated the painful urination which is his worse symptom. It hurts him greatly to urinate and he is peeing upwards to 18+ times a day and gets very little sleep because of it.
The RadOnc said these symptoms should start relieving within 2 weeks and if they don't that we need to contact him.
I'm considering sending a MyChart message to see if there is something else that my dad can try for the urinary issues. Does anyone have any other suggestions that he can try? Have you had any success with another medicine or treatment option?
Thank you all for your help and support.