(When they did the lung biopsy it was reported the nodule is 2.3 cm ) . Had surgery 2007 , Gleason 4/5 , ADT3 off and on till 2011 . Had DART radiation at Dattoli for lymph node contained cancer . 2012 PSA rose and had radiation to ribs with metastatic . Been on ADT 3 for awhile then went on secondary line therapy with Xtandi and Eligard . Now had a ct scan , pet scan . lung biopsy 3 cm nodule positive for cancer stained for prostate cancer . Going to a thoracic surgeon for a consult . The only part that lit up at the pet scan was that nodule . I guess it can be removed with that part of the lung . Anyone have any experience or knowledge about this prostate cancer going to the lung ?
lung cancer : (When they did the lung... - Advanced Prostate...
lung cancer

You can zap it, but chemo will shrink much of what you can't see.
Have you considered Provenge?
Yes my husband had an acetate scan several years ago which showed pCa in lung. He had thoracic surgery to remove lesion and lymph nodes in lungs which was tissue confirmed. He started ADT afterward. He was 14 years into his pCa diagnosis. He currently had two more lesions in his lung which cannot be radiated according to two experts. He had Provenge then Xtandi which has now failed. Will start Zytiga tomorrow.
.3 cm. is an awfully small nodule. Did you say it was PSA-positive? My dad had APC, and a mass showed up on his lung. He did have a 35-year smoking habit. He had positive mediastinal nodes, which after too long a time were shown to be PC. But the lung nodule was re-tested, and was in fact NSCLC, so he had surgery for that.
Hi. Sorry, no advice. But I am wishing you well.
Sorry to be redundant.... but Keytruda has been working on my Lung Melanoma... Apples and Oranges?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 08/13/2019 6:13 PM DST