So as my father has a collapsed middle lobe with a potentially malignant lesion in his lung, so he is also under the care of a lung specialist. This lesion has been there for over 2 years now.
He has just reviewed my Fathers PSMA scan which showed high activity in the middle lobe, this led my Fathers prostate oncologist to previously assure us this was prostate cancer metastasis.
However we have just been told that primary lung cancers can also express high PSMA so he needs a biopsy on it now.
This node which we assume to to malignant has been there for over 2 years. It was previously looked at with bronchoscopy but they couldn’t even see anything to biopsy when they went in.
So it would be very atypical for this to be a primary lung cancer given it has grown only 2mm over the course of over 2 years, when lung cancers usually spread fast.
We’re hoping it’s just an infection, as infections can also present on a PSMA scan.
Will keep the group posted, but thought it was potentially interesting and useful info pointing to a potential pitfall in distinguishing between a prostate cancer metastasis and a primary lung cancer for those who have lung involvement.