Hey gang - PSA ticked up to 4.0 from 3.9 last month with T at 13 then and 12 now. The MSK PSADT Nomogram:
Doubling Time -5.6 months
Slope Log (PSA) -0.1
Velocity -0.8 ng/mL/mo
So, I ain't gonna worry.
I did a hike up to The Notch on Mt Baldy to 8000ft from 6000ft (7 mile RT) with a friend from an LA PCa group - rewarded myself with a cold beer, Bratwurst and even fries.
I'm prepping for the last 110km of The Camino (The Way) Frances with my son and his wife this Sept. Gonna place Blue ribbons along it, as it will be PCa awareness month and my almost 5 year point when I had a PSA@ 555.2 on 10/13/2014.
My low T was really evident as I struggled to hike, having to catch breath quite a few times. Probs related to decreased RBCs and O2 transport.
It's my prostate and I'll cry if I want to, Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
My best to y'all and Fight On