Dentist at Sloan Kettering on 67th St NYc? I need to have some teeth looked at, there is a dentist at Sloan Kettering that I have heard "people" talking about. Does someone have a contact? I could contact the general operator at Sloan but the institutional run around can be frustrating. thanks
Dentist at Sloan Kettering on 67th St... - Advanced Prostate...
Dentist at Sloan Kettering on 67th St NYc?

Is there some relationship between your prostate cancer and your specific dental needs?
I most likly be going on ADT - Lubron, because of the bone loss risk I may need a implant before the ADT.
I would take a look at Mayo clinic. They have a strong prostate cancer department there. They are also really really good at cross discipline practice of medicine. They will literally make the dentist part of your team. At a minimum I would go there to get a second opinion and evaluate them for doing everything.
I see 4 dentists listed at MSKCC: Cherry Estilo, listed as a specialist in "hospital dentistry and dental oncology"; Jerry Halpern who is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon; Joseph Randazzo who is a maxillofacial prosthodontist; and Joseph Huryn. who is also a prosthodontist and the chief of the dental service. I don't think any of them would likely deal with general/restorative dentistry, but there may be others on staff they're not showing. (Full disclosure: Huryn was a classmate of mine at NYUCD, and I remember him as a super-nice guy, but I haven't seen him in many years).
67th Street and York avenue (main campus)?
You have to be a bit more specific...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 07/13/2019 9:04 PM DST
Yes 67th and York. I did say 67th st I usually enter on 67th btw York and 1st av.