Finished my fourth month taking Lymparza.Psa is still over 2000 and they will not measure over 2000. So maybe it is 4000. Scans came back with improvement in large lesions in the sacrum and pelvis. New lesions on ribs were noted. Clinically, I have no pain or other symptoms. Everybody says I look great. Even the oncologist. She basically does not know whether to stop or continue.She ask me what I want to do. I said since I felt great, why stop. We are going for two more months.This is unknown territory according to my research.Most men who ‘got results were heavily pre treated with at least two lines of chemotherapy. I never had chemo so that is backup. When I was diagnosed nine years ago, I had 2000 psa and could hardly walk. So maybe I am a psa factory. I work out 6 days a week now ,so my strength has increased. Dr. C.
Nothing is easy with this disease. - Advanced Prostate...
Nothing is easy with this disease.

Got Brca 1, thanks.
Same tribe, different village
Whoa Drcrunch , you are a real badass.. you look and feel great with no pain . Amazing . Hope it stays so . Take care dear Sir .. 🌵
How many total lesions do you have?? If 10 or less, I would sign up for could stay on olaparib and do the stereotactic radiation... f/u with hyperthermia.... or....consider durvalumab (Infinzi)
Just some thoughts....
That’s f’in amazing. I would predict anyone with your numbers to be in a coma on life are a very important anomaly. No visceral detectable visceral Mets?
Most claim the ‘boney’ cancer kills...not so in your case. PSA’s role in nature is an enzymatic viscosity reducer ....can the Docs lend any insight into that playing into your normalized physiology?
No visceral Mets. Only some bone Mets in ribs and shoulder. Bone Mets are lethal if they get into bone marrow and effect blood cell production.
I just asked TA about pure phenotypic osteoblastic existential’s a little hard to imagine.....but...If such a condition exists is it theoretical possible that you are such a case you say.....a firehose of PSA pumping the enzyme out of deranged osteoblasts? Science fiction or fact of the matter? This is the kind of meta science I love to contemplate.
You are fortunate to be able to take Lynparza.
I have read many good things about its effectiveness and wish they would come up with a similar drug not requiring the BRCA mutation.
Nothing is easy with this disease...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/20/2019 5:02 PM DST
They do not know much about lynparza taken by men with prostate cancer and Brca 1. I am taking it as a stand alone treatment with no chemo. Only a handful of men have taken it in U.S. Fatigue is a constant battle. I might add L carnitine for energy.