I expect I will get shot down in flames, but I have just read Jane McLelland’s ‘How to starve cancer’ (without starving yourself book) - she is a 15 year plus Stage IV cancer survivor. It’s very in-depth and well researched book (to my eyes anyway). There is a trial underway at the Care Clinic in Harley Street that are seemingly trialing a similar protocol to hers with 4 off-label drugs in particular, Metformin, Atorvastatin, Doxycyline and Mebendazole. Any thoughts? Here is the link to the clinic - there is a link to the study on their page. careoncologyclinic.com
Repurposing off label drugs for cance... - Advanced Prostate...
Repurposing off label drugs for cancer/targeting metabolic pathways. Is anyone participating in this trial?

Why would you get shot down? This is a very thoughtful community when it comes to alternative approaches. However, it's also a rigorous one.
We know this cancer evolves some unique ways to get nutrients, so reducing available glucose and cholesterol might have an effect.
The antibiotics and antiparasitics are more of a crap shoot IMO. I think we do underestimate the affect of the microbiome on feeding these cancers. However, indiscriminately torching everything seems to result most often in the bad stuff growing back, rather than the good. It's like weeds vs. roses. FMT has a better shot IMO. If only we knew what to transplant.
All of these same things can be accomplished by eating well. Some people who eat well still die sooner rather than later. Of course, they're not the ones who write books and make money off them.
I don't see any huge downside to a statin or metformin or GLP1 inhibitor (assuming side effects are tolerable). Lots of people here are taking the antiparasitics (search "dog").
My husband has been on every broad-spectrum antibiotic out there. He still has cancer, last I checked. 😉
It is a thoughtful community but also one that can "shoot its own" if there is a major disagreement. Sometimes it is tone easily misinterpreted, other times certain questions (it seems to me) are not well received. It's happened to me more than a few times. I'm learning.
All in all, we can disagree and respect the person even if we disagree with what path they choose in their personal journey. It is all palliative, after all. At the end of the day how an individual wants to work it out is ultimately up to them. I'm reading in the literature all around that certain medicines/protocol "may" help this or that for a "few" or "some" -- the pros really don't know it all.
I think all questions should be openly recieved and answered, even the hard ones. Those that don't want to see it can keep scrolling if it is hard for them to digest it at the time. That's ok. imo
As someone who uses Metformin, Simvastatin, Minocyline (although not Mebendazole), I am unlikely to shoot you down.
The last I heard, there is no cure for advanced PCa. In fact, the mortality rate is such that it would be foolish, IMO, to disregard the research behind such drugs. Who among us has the luxury of waiting for definitive clinical trials?
do you take minocycline with interruptions (and how much)? do you prefer it to doxycycline?

My integrative guy prefers minocycline - he uses it off-label at 100 mg, 3 times weekly. I'm not convinced that it is superior.
I take it at night (M, W & F) & load up with probiotics in every morning.
what probiotics do you use?
I buy Garden of Life probiotics because of the Dr. David Perlmutter connection:
I stay clear of the blends that have vitamins & minerals added.
I’m a complete believer in the benefits of conventional oncology, but the metabolic school of thought has a growing place. McLelland’s book is more in depth than most, and a bit less preachy. As time goes by more metabolic concepts are being proven worthy, and more old drugs are being successfully repurposed. My MO didn’t hesitate when I asked him if I could supplement with Metformin and Lipitor. I didn’t have the nerve to ask him about the dewormer.
What is the link to the trial?
I started on the CareOncology protocol on 17 Sep 2028 and am still on it today... in the mean time, I have had eSRT and am 5 months into 24 months of goserelin plus Zytiga + pred, to try and get a cure for recurrent pT3b.
Until a cure for MCRPCa is actually discovered and whilst Bigpharma continues with it’s understandable but disappointing “singular” target approach (for Trial result clarity) who can condemn members of this illustrious community for seeking combination/adjuvant therapies. We are all individuals and can make up our own minds, as to whether a metabolic pathway approach to PCa life expectancy is a concept to which and to what extent, we attach credence.
A few years ago the disease was regarded as “genetic”. Now it seems to be accepted that metabolism can play a significant part in its inception and/or progress - just look at the growing “Obesity lobby”.
Why would any reasonable person not consider what is potentially out there?
Metformin is very well known to block a pathway. Not sure which one? I take it simply because I have out of control diabetes from Keytruda messing so much with my endocrine system, but am thankful I guess that the Gentech test my American onco ran on me showed me to be MSI High with mismatched repair, in addition to a partial mutation of my MHL-1 gene. The combo I am on has me feeling good most days and I am absolutely stronger than I was. I plan pn taking the dewormer as there are just too many positive stories to not gove it a try. By the way, Jane McClelland does mention somewhere that she also had a dendritic cell vaccine regimen. If she got a memory out of that that could also be why she is doing well in addition to whatever else she is doing. I am on one now that melted 30 tumors in 2 months. This was while I had been off Lupron for about a year and Zytiga had quit working after a couple of months. As far as I'm concerned you have to do whatever you feel is right for you. It was hard accept that it is incurable when I was cured from incurable metastatic kidney cancer with vaccines 23 years ago now. Had a 5.1 pound tumor taken out and the vaccines resolved a marble sized met in my pelvic bone and any floaters. The APCEDEN vaccines I have had made in India was the only thing I was on when they melted 30 tumors in about 2 months from the mPCA, with mets in my spine, sacrum, and cheekbone along with lymph mets all over. A friend that is a doctor told me later that I didn't want to tell you Chris, but b4 you had the vaccines I gave you 60 days max. Ouch. That was over 2 years ago now. At least I am stable today so it's a good day and I feel stronger day by day. Just get tired more easily with all the crap I am on.
Okay mary, I'm about to shoot you down. Give us info on the patient. age? location? symptoms?, scores PSA/Gleason?, current treatment? Treatment center? Doctor's name(s).
All info is voluntary but it helps us help the patient and helps us too. If do answer then please do so in a future post (not today and not to me). Thank you..
Now extinguish the flames...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 06/10/2019 5:07 PM DST