Just finished chemo. Fell broke hip with mets. Now in hospital. Has anybody had a hip replacement?
Hip replacement: Just finished chemo... - Advanced Prostate...
Hip replacement

I’m sorry Cosette100. Unfortunately the same may be in my future. I’m listening to see what others say . I pray for healing .

Hi, thanks, its my brother who has the advanced PC , 11/2 yr now. Mets all over especially in hip and spine no organs involved PSA 25 doesnt want to go down anymore. Right now i just would lime to know anybody who has had a hip replacement. I hope they will replace rather than fuse .
111/2 is a long time ... I’m sorry he suffering so ..

One and a half years
Sorry Cosette .. He’s in the heat of battle .
I had a hip replacement about six months ago in similar circumstances to those you mention. The surgery was done at Sloan-Kettering (Dr. Fabri). I was advised that this is far from a standard hip replacement surgery, and that it requires specialized surgery not available from the standard orthopedic surgeon. In fact the implant I received was a heavy-duty piece of metal much larger than the standard hip replacement. I'd suggest investigating the matter with a comprehensive cancer care center - it's not a matter for run-of-the-mill surgery.
Thanks for yr response, u fortunately he is in a hospital on morphine so a little difficult to get him somewhere else. He is waiting to have the surgery done asap.
Forgot to ask, sorry, how are you doing now? Can you walk unaided? no pain? how long and painful was your recovery?
The surgery was back in early January. I was advised that the recovery would be longer than the standard hip replacement surgery and it's turned out that way. I was in the hospital for four nights instead of the usual one. The walking process has also taken longer. I'm more or less able to get around without a cane now, although I still need it for longer walks. My gait is still not normal, and I have some hip and joint pain after longer distances.
Hi tjdi.
I am also curious about whether or not you may have been on any of the bone protective agents, such as Zometa (zolendronic acid) or Xgeva (denosumab) either before or when the hip failure happened. If so, was there any advice about taking these bone medications just before, during, and for some time after the hip surgery itself, and until complete healing was confirmed. What kind of restrictions were there during recover? Any physical therapy? Etc.
(I have a history of extensive bone mets in both hips and sacrum, too, and I might be in this position someday, myself. These would be good things to know.)
I had both done about 4 years ago, within six week of one another. If you get the best surgeon for the job all will be fine. Just make sure to do the requite physical therapy or walking. I did a lot of walking....meaning I stared out walking around the house, then the yard, then a loop around the neighborhood twice per day and finally longer and longer walks/hikes graduating to uneven trails. Took me 6 months to recover fully but then I was surfing, hiking and active as ever. All this was before I knew about my cancer.

This might be a little different he just did his last chemo couple days ago, his bone mets are mostly in the hip area , he has agressive type cancer. So more difficult to fix or replace a “head/shoulder” brake in the hip/ femur with the surrounding bones full of cancer and brittle.
That makes sense and I thought it might be something like this. I truly wish you both all the best.