Are steroids absolutely necessary with Taxotere? What purpose do they serve?
Steroids with Taxotere: Are steroids... - Advanced Prostate...
Steroids with Taxotere

They reduce allergic reactions and post-chemo swelling.
What if one has reactions to steroids? Do you happen to know if there is an alternative? thanks.
Seems to me it's a nice-to-have.
Dexamethasone prophylaxis was associated with a lower incidence of several nonhematologic toxicities, including nail changes (13% versus 35%; p = 0.004), fluid retention (3% versus 12%; p = 0.017), and conjunctivitis or hyperlacrimation (10% versus 18%; not significant).
I used dex in combination with taxotere chemo. Unknown what the side effects would be if you avoid dex. See CantChoose advice.
I was taking Prednisone, 10mg a day and it made the side effects SO much more tolerable for me. I know because I tried without just to see. Not taking the steroid made the side effects about 2 times worse, seriously. Night and day difference. The difference was dramatic. At 10 days after the infusion, it wasn't helpful because the side effects were so much less by then. But the first week it was essential to take it.
Prednisone also helps the performance of Taxotere. Here's more information about that.
It's controversial. But they might reduce side effects. It's only for 18 weeks.
I was asked before every infusion if I'd taken my Prednisone that morning before coming in. It was pretty clear that the answer had to be "yes" or they weren't going to proceed.
I took Decadron, trade name for dexamethasone, on the day before, given with infusion, and day after to help me tolerate the infusion drug. However, I also took Prednisone for a different purpose. Because in a research lab, Prednisone has a characteristic of PCa cell wall destruction, I took 30 mg a day for the 180 day trial. Side effect, weight gain. I gained 80 pounds during the trial.
Please note a research trial is usually very different from standard of care. Every drug which I took in the trial had a characteristic of causing PCa cell suicide or apoptosis. In my opinion, in the “effort to do no harm”, especially in a society quick to litigate, the effort to kill PCa becomes shaded.
The only benefit that I see today is a movement toward early aggressive systemic treatment while the tumor burden is minimal, the body strong, and little or no co-morbidity existing factors. Perhaps one day combination treatment with known drugs that cause cell apoptosis, will become the standard. Taxotere, Adrimyacin, Erustamine, Ketonolizole, Prednisone, etc. giving a real chance to cure rather than longevity. Until then, never give up and always remember that you are a a Statistic of One. The only statistic that matters is yours,

Thank you.