Taxotere : I have been on fermagon for... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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rxearl profile image
21 Replies

I have been on fermagon for a week and starting Monday they will put me on taxotere,xgeva,and lupron. What can I expect? I am just plane scared!

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rxearl profile image
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21 Replies

Personally, I would expect to get better. I had PSA of 400, extensive bone mets and so much pain I could barely get up. One month on Lupron and I was off pain meds with a PSA of 12. Next month I started Taxotere, PSA went down to .6 then 3 weeks later, down to .5. I'm on the 3rd cycle now, but feeling better with each one. Of course there are some side effects, but most people tolerate them well. Hot flashes and loss of sex drive from the Lupron and the typical chemo side effects for Taxotere although it is on the easy end of the chemo spectrum. For the vast majority of advanced PCa patients, Lupron or other ADT treatments provide almost immediate improvement. Taxotere mainly adds more time until clinical progression, on average about 13 months

What are the specifics regarding your diagnosis and previous treatments, etc.?

rxearl profile image
rxearl in reply to

Thank you!

Dan59 profile image

I would suggest you have doc prescribe a light laxative

And start the day of chemo until bowels stat moving then lay off till next treatment .I also ice my fingernails to avoid fingernail problem and nueropathy, I also use a gel ice pack to ice bottoms of feet to prevent nueropathy ,and suck on ice chs to save taste buds and prevent mouth sores. I am between 6th and 7th cycles traveling in Europe. For me chemo was not as bad as I expected,hair loss I. Bit of a problem,someone spoke of a way they prevented that. I wish you the best

eggraj8 profile image
eggraj8 in reply to Dan59

Nail condition both hands and feet are an issue. The use of ice I only tried last chemo session and I am not sure the best way to do. I put ice in a plastic bag and held it next to fingernails. I haven't tried on feet but I am not sure if I should put it under feet or on the toe nails. Do you suck on the ice during the entire chemo session or only with the Taxotere? Glad you have energy for European travel. I find my energy is low and I spend most of the time at home.

paulofaus profile image
paulofaus in reply to eggraj8

I keep both hands and feet submerged in ice for the full infusion. Last round that was 1 hour 40 minutes. It's a little hard to tolerate, but I'd rather have short-term discomfort rather than neuropathy for ever.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to eggraj8

I only do the ice during the taxoteter. Many ways to ice. I come in with a rolling cooler and gallon bags of ice that I mix with water in a bowl, I also have Elastogel frozen gloves.

, but use the bowls w water and ice more. What also works well are frozen bags of peas, they are cheap, you can dig your fingers in and also work well if you can not find gel ice for feet. Cooling toenails for that problem and cooling bottoms of feet with gel ice or bags of frozen peas to prevent nueropathy. ( keep frozen on a cooler when getting premeds) So far after 6 sessions I have none of these problems.I can not ke fingers in water whole time, too cold but in and out as much as I can stand during the one hour infusion of taxotere. I suck on ice cubes as much as I canduring this time . I also read of using glutamine in co.d water mouth rinse, my wife did that and I had her use the ice too, and she never had those problems when she did chemo.

rxearl profile image

Thank you!

Also, make sure to drink plenty of water. I'm drinking at least 5 glasses per day.

JamesAtlanta profile image

I agree with all the advice provided. I had a PSA of 227, bone mets in my spine causing severe pain. Had to be on opioids for the pain. But literally a few days after I started ADT, pain went away. Haven't had a pain med since. In 3 months PSA became undetectable. And is only 0.8 after 2 years.

I then had 6 rounds of Taxotere. For me it was like getting myself conditioned to have 6 mild cases of the flu. Bone pain and stiffness. Mild body aches. But that is it. And it improves in a few days.

A few tips: the recommendation earlier to put your fingertips in ice is great - I did it, too, and had no issues. Wish I had known to use the gel packs Dan recommended for the toes and balls of the feet. Would have helped with my neuropathy in my feet. But again not too big a deal. Gregg's recommmendation of drinking lots of water is important. And push yourself to exercise every day. Just walk a couple of miles - it does not have to be strenuous. You will feel much better.

Regarding hair loss, I used a treatment called Polar Caps. Did not lose a hair on my head. You can get info about it - just google it. I recommmed it But if I have to do chemo again I'm just going to wear a hat...

Finally (sorry I'm being long winded, but you seemed to need some reassurance), you should expect to feel better, like Gregg said. 😊 This is a tough illness. But it is treatable. And in many cases for a very long time. Plus there are a lot of new treatments coming down the pike...

Most importantly, you should expect to live your life. The odd thing about this disease is it gives you the gift of forcing you to focus on what's important. Take advantage of that part of the journey.

Educate yourself (read Dr. Walsh's book called Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer), explore integrative medicine options, take care of yourself and keep living life to the fullest! We are all here for you! 🌈

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to JamesAtlanta

Great thoughtful answer James, I. Wish I had used the polar cap, as I find people staring at my scraggly hair that was once so thick, but again no prob, where it like a badge of courage for what we have been through. So true on how Cancer makes you realize what is important.

Nicnatno profile image

I am in concurrence to what each of these fine gentlemen said as they fully covered on what the expectations are during chemotherapy . I just completed my 4th round of taxotere yesterday. Fatigue is my main side effect with a bit of taste buds being impacted. To me, everything taste metallic but only last a couple of days. To combat fatigue, ensure you eat plenty of protein with less fat of course and exercise- very crucial. I walk and ride my bike daily which helps boost my energy. I am able to work with no problems as I am very functional and coherent. Drink plenty of water. After my first round of chemotherapy,I started to feel normal again after 7 days as ive fully regained my energy and appetite. After the 2nd and 3rd round, it only took 3-4 days and I hope it continues that way until after my 6th and final round- Lord willing. My initial PSA was 415, now its at 0.8. I will be on Lupron for the rest of my life, once every 3 months along with xgeva. I feel very positive and optimist and to be honest with you, I don't even think about the "c" word as I have come to embrace it. My Onc said to stop reading too much of doctor Google as he expects me to live for many years as I expect for you and every one. May God bless us all.


Sisira profile image

Get rid of your fear, you are not alone. Now with these replies you will understand that you are with fine, compassionate and brave people. Get a copy of Dr.Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer ( Just for less than $ 20 ! ) 590 pages of real substance - Priceless! Certainly I expect you to achieve long years of stable remission with your current treatment regimen, of course if you manage your case intelligently.


rxearl profile image

Thank you all so very much!

I pray I can have your courage!

Thank You!

paulofaus profile image

I can relate to what Gregg and Dan have said. The only other issues for me have been brain fog, which is temporary, I try not to drive in the week following chemo and I sometimes forget the topic half way through a conversation, which is embarrassing. I also have trouble sleeping for the first few days. Oh and I had major constipation after the last infusion so as mentioned, drink lots of fluids and take laxatives a day or two before the infusions and a couple of days after. Best of luck, you'll be fine.

I get diarrhea on chemo, opposite of paulofaus. When going on chemo, I think one should be prepared for both constipation and diarrhea. Hard to know which one, if either you will end up with.

You can expect lots of changes in just about everything part of life .Kept active keep positive eat right no junk , do all that you can to counteract the ADT .I did firmaron then Eleguard, then Lupron for approx. 11/2 yrs then 9-1- 16 did orchiectomy in order to stop the chemical shots every three months until failure.. either way you're caterated. I'm happy to be alive today but limy life is not without daily struggles .The optimum minus PSA and no testatetone is in itself the cause of many of the problems that you might encounter.If you had a positive state of mind and a healthy outlook it will do scores towards dealing with the moods depression Evan at times I had suicidal thoughts.Red after the surg orchiectomy that those thoughts are common .They have left me after months of turmoil.This is no cake walk .You need love and support.I could not have survived it alone. So keep love in your life. With time your deligence to cure yourself and some luck you do the best that you can .Any question you could possibly ask about PC can be answered by the wisdom

Of some of these super knowledgeable gentlemen on this side.It can be a great benifit to you. We have a formidable hill to climb. Keep faith in yourself and adhere to your beliefs because you are being tested substantially.Good luck & stay in touch with other here.

rxearl profile image

5 days int the first round.

I just hurt all over. How long will it last not sure I can cope with it?

paulofaus profile image
paulofaus in reply to rxearl

Sorry for the late reply. I have a rough time from day 3 - 7, but then I'm pretty much back to normal. The 'rough' period seems to last a bit longer with each round.

rxearl profile image
rxearl in reply to paulofaus

Going for my second round this morning. Thanks

paulofaus profile image
paulofaus in reply to rxearl

I hope it's easier this time.

rxearl profile image
rxearl in reply to paulofaus

Going for my second round this morning. Thanks

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