April 25, 2019
yeatz again:
Hello! A reminder: I have recurrent prostate cancer after
radiation and two years of Lupron. The Lupron drove me
nuts. Fatigue & depression made me a zombie. Now, after
tests & scans showed it's local, not metastatic, my docs ruled
AGAINST curative therapy (cryo, brachy, hifu, etc.) because cancer
was outside gland. Felt they couldn't get it all, and poking around
might spread it. Only prescription: Lupron (Eligard) again!
I've read that in Europe, they often use much lower
doses of it than we do -- sometimes only half
(11.25 mg for 3-month shot, etc.) Mainly because they
use a testosterone-based standard of effectiveness as
well as PSA. A study by Dr. Nicholas Sanfilippo at David H.
Koch Center in NY said studies show that Lupron "may be
efficacious for longer" than we thought; testosterone-based
method can lead to "lower dose levels" and hence fewer
side effects. Found other references to "dose adjustments"
in Europe as well.
Showed these to my docs. Reply:
"We don't do that here. Give us the EVIDENCE
that lower doses actually WORK - and benefit patients
as well as our doses do."
So: Do any of you have any knowledge about European
practices -- especially the lower doses?
Also, Europeans often start treatment with Casodex-type
drug; use till it fails (maybe a year or two), THEN start
Lupron. Any of you heard of this?
Just had my first 3-month shot of Eligard (regular
U.S. dose, 22.5 mg). I'm writing to cancer centers
in Europe (ESMO, EMA), plus global programs of
U.S. outfits. But you guys are a lot smarter than
I am about having -- and getting -- info. Please
let me know if you can help keep me from becoming
a Lupron zombie again!