Fasting and Diet??: Has anyone seen or... - Advanced Prostate...

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Fasting and Diet??

Flydoggy profile image
14 Replies

Has anyone seen or heard of any studies that support fasting, either intermittent or extended, combine with a ketogenic diet, as a support to western medicine in this battle agains PC?

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Flydoggy profile image
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14 Replies

Fasting just one day a week is good. “ Fast & Live” a video on YouTube .. good luck ..

There are studies of chemotherapy + fasting with good results (don't know if specific to PCa) by Walter Longo. Less side effects and more effects of chemotherapy.

Also good results with fasting alone.

Just be careful if already loosing weight! But fasting can probably enhance immunity.

I've been on intermittent fasting, only eat from 12:00 PM to 08:00 PM, everyday.

For me, losing weight and feel so much better...

NPfisherman profile image
NPfisherman in reply to

I do IF as well...between exercise and diet, down 46#...feel much better--cut out sugar, low carbs, no dairy, more veggies, and no red meat...(occasionally cheat)..if nothing else, it has helped my overall health and that is worth cholesterol is much better...


Burnett1948 profile image
Burnett1948 in reply to

Burnett1948. I have been fasting 7.00 pm to 1.00 pm the next day for 3 weeks now. I am starting to feel better. I will keep it going for a while. I drink green tea (or black coffee) in the fasting times. Nice to know others are doing same and hear about the benefits.

Arthur479 profile image

I recommend the keto diet (20g carbs, 55g protein) with IF as well. Cancer absolutely feeds on sugar and shifting the body from glucose as a fuel to fat as a fuel is both good for you in general and makes life difficult for the cancer. Add in metformin and berberine for optimal results

But cancer uses more than glucose. I highly recommend the book How to Starve Your Cancer which describes how to block the other pathways using off label drugs and certain herbs.

My onc and my PCP were impressed and endorsed the findings and we tailored a protocol around it plus the standard of care meds. So far so good 5 years+ with Stage 4.

In addition, I do both weight lifting and lots of aerobic exercise. Plus cleared my life of toxic people, which was a big help.

More than you asked for, but IMO, keto alone helps and gives you more energy, but more is needed to treat Stage 4.

Burnett1948 profile image
Burnett1948 in reply to Arthur479

Burnett1948.Arthur479: Great information:thanks

WifeofD profile image
WifeofD in reply to Arthur479

My Husband & I follow the keto diet and Fasting during chemo. He had good results on his last labs & Scans in Feb 2019. He finished chemo Jan 21 2019 and now working on exercising to build his strength back up from the chemo and ( Elegard & XGeva) shots..He is Stage 4 Sept 2018, started Firmagon shots & Chemo immediately after diagnosis. We did a lot of research during the chemo. Shortly after his Chemo was completed I found a holistic doctor that recommends the keto diet for all his cancer patients. We wanted to confirm which diet was best and also what supplements he should take. It's made our life easier knowing which diet, supplements, etc to use to fight this cancer. Also working with our urologist/cancer doc as they know we are very active in the treatment plan. Hope some day all docs treating this cancer realize how important food, exercise, less stress & positive thinking is with this cancer!

henukit profile image

I fasted around each chemo session for 60 to 70 hours. I partially attribute the remarkable success chemo had to this regimen. I had a huge non-resectable tumor filling the pelvic area and pushing on the left hip nerve. It's completely gone and prostate is normal on scans and DRE. Plus, I had very few side effects. I continue to fast one or two times a month for 48-60 hours, usually when I travel for work, easy to avoid bad food. Aforementioned Dr. Longo work is my inspiration and generally, I just feel better when not eating. ;)

Flydoggy profile image

Thanks for all the input everyone. I am going to continue on my current IF 16/8 with low carb/healthy fat lifestyle. I do feel better doing it but have had people warn me that it can also give the cancer a boost. Just wondered if anyone knew any more about that.

Arthur479 profile image
Arthur479 in reply to Flydoggy

Unlikely. Work on blockig all pathways, as stage 4 uses most of them, if not all.

dockam profile image

Hey, I have done IF (16/8 currently) since Dx in 01/2015 - fasted two days prior to each of 15 chemos and that IMHO spared me side effects.

Best to y'all

Controversial and unsettled. Listen to your treating physician.

Antioxidant supplementation during conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy is a controversial subject. Some studies suggest taking antioxidants supplements during treatment may be beneficial; however, there are just as many studies that tell us this may be harmful. The scientific evidence on this topic is not strongly for or against taking antioxidant supplements during cancer treatment.

It is possible that taking antioxidant supplements during treatment can protect normal tissues from the damaging side effects of treatments, and may improve tumor response and patient survival. On the other hand, some studies indicate that taking antioxidant supplements may interfere with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, by reducing their effectiveness. It is possible that antioxidants may protect tumor cells, in addition to healthy cells, from the oxidative damage intentionally caused by conventional treatments. This, in turn, may reduce the effectiveness of the treatments.

j-o-h-n profile image

I fast between meals.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 04/06/2019 10:39 PM DST

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