Hi everyone,
Not posted for a couple of weeks, but reading and gaining valuable info every day.
My question, (sorry for being very naïve still, new to all this ) I donot know my husbands T level, the OC has never mentioned this, and until I read about it on this forum I didn't know to ask (but will on our next app) His PSA is 2 , TA suggested adding Zytiga, to lower PSA but my husband missed out on the STAMPEDE trial, as at the beginning of his treatment he had to have a stent fitted in one kidney because of pressure from the infected lymph nodes, its ok now and the stent has been removed.
The OC has told us you cannot join the trial half way through his initial treatment, so will prob have to wait till he becomes cas res before being offered Zytiga, which I am not happy about. I will ask the OC but as we are being treated by the NHS in the UK, we cant demand it.I was thinking about buying it privately with prednisolone off the web ?as ive read on lots of posts here that adding Zytiga sooner rather than later is a good call. Any one out there (probably in the UK ) that has had the same dilemma, and what action did you take ?
Also is there any supplement's that anyone is taking to lower PSA and T levels.Ive got my husband drinking green t, pomi juice and Lycopene tablets.Eating plenty of fruit and veg, and a low sugar, carb diet . Any input would be gladly received.