Stock up on supplements before FDA cr... - Advanced Prostate...

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Stock up on supplements before FDA cracks down

Tall_Allen profile image
38 Replies

Those of you who believe in your supplements may want to stock up while they are still available. The FDA said:

"I’m concerned that changes in the supplement market may have outpaced the evolution of our own policies and our capacity to manage emerging risks. To continue to fulfill our public health obligations we need to modernize and strengthen our overall approach to these products. Toward these goals, the FDA is committing to new priorities when it comes to our oversight of dietary supplements at the same time that we carefully evaluate what more we can do to meet the challenge of effectively overseeing the dietary supplement market while still preserving the balance struck by DSHEA."

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Tall_Allen profile image
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38 Replies
Skander123 profile image

Wonder how much money lined pockets for that ??

homer13 profile image

The nanny state wants to protect me from myself so I don't get hurt. Just like they now filter most of searches to deliver only the results they deem worthy of me viewing. A very scary state of affairs.

garyi profile image

Thanks Allen....can't wait to see how the FDA messes this up :-(

Magnus1964 profile image

The drug companies have been after this market for a long time. Soon we will be paying 10 times more for these supplements than we do now. After all they have to test them for efficacy. Phases I, II, III trials.

gusgold profile image

Gator Blood will be banned but you still obtain Piranha Blood a supplement that contains a miniaturized piranha that has been programmed to seek out and destroy PCa cells


Stegosaurus37 profile image
Stegosaurus37 in reply to gusgold

You're wrong, gusgold. It won't be a miniature piranha. It will be a miniature candiru. Which is much more deadly.

cesanon profile image

My understanding is that they are going to stop all the BS claims, not the actual availability.

That is probably a good thing.,

gusgold profile image
gusgold in reply to cesanon

That and the supplements spiked with undeclared drugs

adlerman profile image
adlerman in reply to cesanon

Only if they stop the BS claims on prescription drugs.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to adlerman

YES YES YES by jove you got it adlerman

Who is going to pay for the wall. Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

Climate change? What climate Change?


cbgjr profile image
cbgjr in reply to adlerman

example of BS claims on prescription drugs ? :

Advo__cate profile image
Advo__cate in reply to cbgjr

Thanks for the info.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to cbgjr

No doubt that the care is better in clinical trials, which are often conducted by top doctors at top institutions. It doesn't argue against the drugs, it does argue against treatment in community practice.

Aren't you glad you are getting this kind of info? Don't you wish you had it for supplements too?

in reply to Tall_Allen

I have to agree with you. I want data. I want trials. I want drugs/sups to contain known quantities of known ingredients.

Where I differ with you is that I feel that I can contribute to my care. My MO knows me and agrees.

MontyB profile image

Speaking of supplements...

25 or so days ago my platelet count was 21. I supplemented with papaya leaf extract since then and my count yesterday was 300+. Surprised my MO and me. Can't say for sure it was the papaya but something really helped to increase my platelets.

in reply to MontyB

Thanks for sharing. There has been at least one trial on this with positive results

Here's more:

CalBear74 profile image

Government interference in free markets only creates black markets. Gator blood will always find a buyer.

MrEd44 profile image

They have tried before. Tried to outlaw booze and reefer too. Don't need the damn corrupt government telling me what I can and can't put in my body.

That's an alarmist and provocative spin on this. They want to weed out the wild claims (alzheimer cure) and adulterated products. Perhaps you missed this part of the statement: " I’ve personally benefited from the use of dietary supplements and, as a physician, recognize the benefits of certain supplements as a part of a comprehensive care plan. It’s clear to me that dietary supplements play an important role in our lives as we strive to stay healthy. It’s also clear that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration plays an important role in helping consumers make use of safe, high-quality dietary supplements".

Advo__cate profile image
Advo__cate in reply to

“That’ an alarmist and provacative spin on this.” Agreed.

They are going after false claims (which they should) as they did with a couple of Essential Oil companies a few years back. This did not stop the companies duely warned or new companies from making and selling Essential Oils. I have not heard of any of these supplement companies currently targeted in the issuing of warnings.

But, happy dance for Mr. Allen just thinking of such a day that supplements would be banned all around the world (this image in my head of Mr. A dancing in great jubilation of such a day makes me lol...a little).

adlerman profile image
adlerman in reply to Advo__cate

My step daughter was able to get off all prescription drugs and replace them with essential oils. My goal is to get off all BP drugs and statins before they kill me.

Advo__cate profile image
Advo__cate in reply to adlerman

We use EO’s for many things, I’m not against them. Companies claiming many cures of serious diseases or their oil is the only oil the market as “therapeutic” is the problem, this is why they were warned. My sister is a rep for one of these companies. I see being able to go off drugs with various side effects is a bonus and a valuable goal. My mom is 91 and is not on one drug, I hope I can be like her when I grow up.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to

"it’s also clear that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration plays an important role in helping consumers make use of safe, high-quality dietary supplements". Doesn't it sound to you like supplements will be screened for safety? If the FDA requires supplement mfrs to prove safety, many of those drugs will go. If they have to prove efficacy, that would eliminate all of them (they would be pharmaceuticals then). Safety and efficacy are what pharmaceutical mfrs must prove. We will have to wait and see the regulations that they come up with.

in reply to Tall_Allen

Only in your big government big FDA world would they have to 'prove' efficacy. Ain't gonna happen. If by chance it did, supplement vendors would move overseas. Problem solved.

adlerman profile image
adlerman in reply to Tall_Allen

You have to know there are many, many fake drugs being sold. Blood pressure drugs are pretty much a waste of time. I do better with breathing exercises than the four BP drugs I'm prescribed.

Mathes72 profile image

Not staying it can't happen,but I think I heard this before

snoraste profile image

I saw that yesterday - was wondering how long before I see your post!

monte1111 profile image

This has definitely been a voyage. Not so fantastic.

monte1111 profile image

Don't take many supplements so don't care much. Of course taxes would have to be raised to pay for all this.

j-o-h-n profile image

Geez before the crackdown, I'll have to buy a separate freezer to store up on my chocolate chip ice cream (two scoops daily). Three when my wife's not looking.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 02/13/2019 2:16 PM EST

GeorgeGlass profile image

It's seems to me that the FDA should choose two companies to develop all the supplements and check then for quality control then stamp FDA approved on those bottles. Then we wouldn't have to search for the best option on Amazon. The other companies could still sell their products but they would not have the FDA stamp on it. This is the sand way we contactt out for military equipment. Unfortunately with certain departments if the government, they want to either destroy freedom of business or shut companies down without offering an alternative.

Stegosaurus37 profile image

The supplements already have warnings they are not FDA-approved, so what's the big deal? If you create a regulator, they will find something to regulate. There is a lot of snake oil out there, but it's impossible to protect the gullible from that. If someone wants to believe, they are going to.

adlerman profile image

This has been a problem for almost 50 years. Big Pharma is like a dog with a bone- trying every year to have supplements labeled drugs or at least requiring a prescription. Luckily Democrats in Congress have seen this yearly charade for what it is -another attempt at a monopoly. Big Pharma needs to work on all their drugs that are killing people. Stay in your own lane losers.

Sxrxrnr1 profile image

Just as with spam junk calls, the supplemental business(racket works better) is replete with charlatans, frauds, and outright criminals. The only way that those who are illicit survive is because both in phone spam and phony supplementals is because of the unholy alliance between them and the politicos who rank even lower on the scales of value to this country.

Of course there are legitimate supplemental suppliers,,,,the problem is picking the fly specks out of the pepper and then prosecuting those and incarceration of those who are stealing billons of dollars from Americans each year,,,,and likely killing thousands,,,and when called to task get a slap on the wrist cease and desist order with an extremely modest financial penalty with no admission of guilt.

Tune in your AM radio for the wealth of info commercials for more information on these charlatans where they are proliferated in mass numbers.

Yes politicos,,,,it is a great country,,,where you can come to office as a bartender and retire a multi-millionaire.

Incidentally Utah is the ground zero state for these businesses. For further information check out the recently retired US Senator for this state and his congressional record in support of these fraudulent companies.

I just saw this old post from a year ago. Might be more relevant now. Thanks

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to

Although most supplements come from China, I doubt that the virus survives more than a few hours in them. Here's what the CDC says based on other coronaviruses:

"In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread most often by respiratory droplets. Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods. Information will be provided on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) website as it becomes available."

in reply to Tall_Allen

Agreed. I’m thinking about possible disruptions in the worldwide supply chains possible . Time will time.

I have a different take (sigh, a loner again :) )I think some supplements might help with my cancer. But I don't take many because every week I hear about a 3rd party lab finding toxic substances, mold, radiation, you name it, in supplements. And then I get news that many supplements do not contain their advertised doses. Some hardly have any active ingredients at all. Last week I got a report of 8 psyllium husk supplements that were tested: 5 of 8 had high lead levels. One was so high that 1 tsp of psyllium husk powder had 100% of your maximum lead exposure for the day.

I would welcome regulation. I want to know my supplement only contains the active ingredient and fillers without heavy metals. If I pay more or need to get my NMD to sign off, that's worth it for me.

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