I had a RP in Jan 2018. Gleason 9. PSA prior to surgery was 1.75. Met to lung only. Was started on docetaxel/ casodex/ lupron. Had a disected carotid artery. Had to be treated with blood thinners for 3 mo. OD decided to change to zytiga and prednisone/ along w lupron. PSA have been running <0.02 for last 9mo. Trying to follow plant based diet.
New member: I had a RP in Jan 201... - Advanced Prostate...
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Did the chemo shrink your lung met? Any blood work to detect levels of chromogranin A, synaptophysin or neuronal-specific enolase?
Yes Cscan showed no new nodules and prev nodules decreased in size by greater 50%. Do not know the other tests you mentioned.
You can ask your oncologist for them, but if docetaxel was effective, the blood tests probably won't tell you much.
I only had one docetaxel treatment and then stopped because of dissected carotid. OD felt chemo would interfere with carotid healing.
Therefore changed me to zytiga.
I'm the same. Metastasis to lungs only. Did GA68-PSMA scan last October at UCSF. Started Zytiga Lupron Prednisone Dec 1st. First CT scans next week. Also blood work. PSA dropped to .013 from 1.99 .
Hi MichaelDD
I have been on zytiga/lupron(every 3mo.) for 8mo. My PSA has been
<0.02. I get blood drawn every mo. The waiting for test results is hard. Hope all goes well. A prayer helps me. Stay positive
Thank you. See my Radiologist every 3 months. Saw him yesterday for the first time since the scan found the metastasis. He walked in and said "you're pretty rare'. I will be following you to see your journey.. not many lungs exclusive. I too see my MO every month at least. Blood drawn monthly too. Only way to track nodules is scans and psa. Best to you..
Hi Michael keep me updated on your progress. Hope you're doing well at this time . I'm interested in what your Dr. suggests, if anything at this point, other the the treatment regimen we're on now.
Hi Michael --my 1/18/19 CT scan was compared to 2/21/18.
Neck base No lymphadenopathy
Mediastinum and lymph nodes- No lymphadenopathy
Lungs: Significant interval decrease in size of multiple bilateral
pulmonary nodules. For example, a peripheral nodule in left lower lobe currently measures 3mm and previously measured 7mm. No new nodules.
Upper abdomen: unremarkable
Soft tissue/musculoskeletal: no acute osseous abnormality
Impression- Significant interval decrease in size of multiple bilateral
Nodules, consistent with interval treatment response. No new nodules.
I'm having no side effects from lupron and zytiga to speak of.
Losing muscle and some weight so trying to increasing calories and weight has stabilized. Working out 3+ times a week running 2-3 miles. Weight training to keep what muscle I have.
Hope you are doing well. Keep in touch.