Hello everyone. I am 36. I was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer at the end of last year. I was 35. I have been through surgery, currently on lupron, and expecting to start chemo in 2 weeks. Thanks in advance for any and all information/advice. I believe my psa prior to surgery was a 12 and gleason was a 9. Current psa is a .008
New member: Hello everyone. I am 36. I... - Advanced Prostate...
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Good golly! Welcome and sorry! Your numbers are good now. I hope you're facing CURE!
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis at such an early age. Sounds like they are aggressively attacking the disease, which is good. And you are young and strong! And the .008 number is a great outcome thus far.
My diagnosis was similar to yours Gleason 8, Intraductal, pre-op PSA 12.1 and now .008. Undergoing only ART at this moment.
All the best
Sorry that you are here, but it seems like you are getting it under control. Did you have CT/bone scans?
Just this month the results from the Stampede trial were published. In short, long term outcomes were seen people with advanced cancer when they used a mixture of Lupron and Zytiga at the same time. (Zytiga is usually only used once Lupron stops working.). After going to a conference where the Stampede and similar trials were discussed my medical oncologist added Zytiga to my ongoing treatment with Lupron. Listed below is a link to the article. It may be so new that your team have not seen it yet.
I had the ct/bone scans done prior to my surgery in march. All was good. I have not heard of Zytiga, but thank you for the link and will look into it.
Hi, Jeremy. I'm only a little farther along on this strange journey. Diagnosed 11/2014. Similar numbers to yours, but with a significant yet not painful bone mets in lower spine/pelvis. Initial diagnosis is a shock and effective treatments do come with downsides, but do not be dismayed, life just goes on--and because it is more precious it can go on to be very rich.
Hi Jeremy, I thought I was young with my diagnosis of Metastatic PCa, Gleason10 at age 49, but 35, that's rough. I think you have youth on your side. Many of the stats you read are scary, but the average age at diagnosis is something like 69, so being diagnosed so young is a bummer, but you have a good shot, I believe, at sticking around for many years to come. So far I've been through Zoladex (still on it) cryosurgery in the prostate x2, chemo (just finished round 6 yesterday) and also I'm taking a swag of supplements, most of which I've discovered form this forum. There is some fantastic knowledge and experience on this forum and I've actually learned way more here than from my urologist or oncologist. Try to keep a positive attitude and learn as much as you can. I live in Australia, but feel free to make contact anytime you like. Cheers Paul.
So sorry about your diagnosis with adverse pathology at such an early age. Also happy to learn that your aggressive cancer is being dealt with an equally aggressive treatment protocol. With the RP you have removed the major part of the cancer and if you can tolerate the side effects ( You will certainly because of your young body strength ) the early use of chemotherapy combined with ADT could be very much hopeful for a CURE or a long term stable remission because chemo drugs which are cytotoxic can deal with all types of cancer cells including the most dangerous hormone insensitive type. There is a long way to go and there will be other combinations as well to treat Adv. PCa. Research as much as possible and learn as much as possible about PCa. The more you know about your enemy the better you can fight with it.
My best wishes!
Wow. I wonder what symptoms you had that lead to your diagnosis. I wonder if they even check PSA or perform the DRE for men so young. Welcome to this forum and good luck with your treatments.
Thanks. I was having pains that came and went in my right pelvic area. They started to get worse then was having pain going to the bathroom. Took quite a while for them to check for it. Try this medicine go through this test.
well Jeremykoestel
You've come to a great place for information and support. Keep up the good fight.
j-o-h-n Thursday 06/29/2017 9:33 PM EST
So today I started my first of six chemo treatments. They will be every three weeks. I was also prescribed Medroxyprogesterone for the hot flashes. Hope it helps.
So just wanted to update my status. I finished my 6 rounds of chemo last week. With very minimal side effects. I go this Friday to get blood work done. And will go over the results with my chemo dr on 11/14. Thinking positive.
Hang in there!
Jeremy, I am glad you made it through with minimal side effects. Keep us posted on your lab results. I think you are the youngest I have heard of, I am glad you did aggressive treatment up front.
Man , you are young to the show. I’ve heard of a 16 yr old with APC. I was 53 and felt too young for this s”””! Hope is in the not too distant future that they come up with something new to take care of APC. I pray for a long and happy future for you little brother.
Thank you much appreciated. So far i am the youngest that i know of and the doctors i am dealing with.
So great news yesterday. I had my post chemo psa test done and went over the results yesterday. My psa is now at .001.