I was diagnosed April of last year (S4) and have suggestions from a dramatic Mediterranean diet (dietician) to everything is ok in moderation from my MO. I definitely eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and less beef. But sweets continue to be a challenge. I’m just curious what others are doing. I’m currently on Lipron and Zytiga.
How Many of You Have Changed Your Die... - Advanced Prostate...
How Many of You Have Changed Your Diet and How Has it Changed?

My MO said the same but I changed my diet big time.....Broccoli--about 2x/day, cut way back on red meat....the wife's lamb stew is my downfall, but loaded with turmeric, black pepper, other spices....fish and chicken no more than 1 helping a day...planning to get to no more than 3/week...veggies and fruit way up...trying to get to 14 helpings a day....apples-2x/day, and carbs are real low...a wasa cracker a day....oh, increased walnuts, almond butter....and no dairy--almond milk vanilla low cal.....tomatoes way up--tomato juice 3x/day....to get my protein I use a protein powder-1-2x/day... Got a diet book I will start reading this weekend... I also have a period of about 12 hours or more where I don't eat...8-10 pm-10:30 am
Best of luck to you on your diet
Thanks....perhaps I could add drinking gator blood if you could catch one and Gus would do the phlebotomy...please catch a smallish one as I enjoy the Nalakrats-Gusgold comedy show...not too small though....wouldn't want to lose the exercise value, and it makes the youtube videos more exciting....
Fresh New England IPA (Citra buds), should be on your diet, you are welcomed...
One of best sources for information on nutrition is at NutritionFacts.org. This links to Dr. Greger's page of "Introductory Videos" and includes one abut how he came to be a doctor of nutrition. Good evidence-based stuff, but if you are not already on a mostly WFPB diet, be prepared to be challenged:
Eat Well to Be/Stay Well!! cujoe
I eat everything I want, except I do not drink alcohol anymore. My Zytiga\Lupron or Predinosone doesn't like it at all... I eat a lot of fish, sardines, and veggies, make my own sourdough bread. Make ice cream in my Vitamix with frozen banana's, greek yogurt and milk and a little vanilla extract (every night!!).
My MO said the same thing, eat what you want to, enjoy life. This disease has taken a lot from me but it will not take away my foods.
I eat and drink everything that I used to eat and drink before I was diagnosed with PC.
Mmmmm sourdough yah...
IF (Intermittent Fasting) from 9pm to 1pm the next day - sipping homemade curry/tomato/veggie broth during the fast. Low carb, lean protein (fish, pork, some red meat/chicken), and mostly plant based. Occasional eggs, cheese, ice cream, I still have beers - my only vice :-). Fight On
I cut out alcohol, red meat, milk, and went veggie/fish. Before, I had a perfect diet for PCa-- steak/hamburger 3x week, 1.5 gallons of milk/week, egg every day, and occasional drinking. Now, it's salmon/fish 3x/week, beans, kale, brown rice, tomatoes w/ flax seed oil, oatmeal w/ plant protein, steamed broccoli, raw cabbage, 2 eggs/week, 1-2 raw pomegranate/week, apples, oranges, green tea 3x/day. My weakness is one In/Out burger per week, but I cut out the fries. Been on this for 4 months, and just tested my cholesterol to see if drops from 211 total. On this regiment my PSA only went up 6 points in three months (23.5 -> 29) with no other therapy. (GL 7(3+4) + ISV, 3b)
Love the In/Out burger. Not near me so always buy one for now, one for later. Making a tri tip soup in crock pot that will last a couple of days. Will put In/Out on radar for Monday.
I tried to beat PC on a very healthy diet alone and it failed. My PSA went up to 70 before I put up the white flag. Currently have been on Zytiga and Lupron since February last lear and my last 2 PSA results were < .1 I highly suggest you consider adding both Lupron and Zytiga. I resisted , and the cancer spread. Slow it down now brother and enjoy life!
Yes, I'm seeking tx, had a meeting with an Onco last week, and scheduled with a MO in a few weeks.... just trying to slow the beast down... it has risen 10 pts in 4.5 months on my new diet, from 23.5 to 33.5. What I can't figure out is, my LDL actually went up from 138 to 158 by cutting out meat/milk (HDL stayed the same: 56, Total: 233). Will be on ADT soon.
I started on a vegetarian diet right after being diagnosed, no alcohol. That was 26 years ago. Since then I have added fish and some eggs and red wine occasionally . Changing you life style is definitely the way to go. I suggest RADICAL REMISSION by K. A. Turner. This book tells how to change your life and defeat cancer.
My Dr gave me the book . I too did the 360 change ... I want to be like you when I grow up ? Radical Remission , especially chins story should be a mandatory read for all open minded cancer patients . Thanks .
I was fat and slow with fatty liver before my pc diagnosis. Fear made me change and it had been good for me. Should have done it long ago. My doc says Mediterranean.
Great job .
I eat mostly good stuff now ( lots if fruit and veggies which I always loved anyway) but have not entirely weened off eggs, beef etc. and I still drink wine daily.
The main reason for diet change is to reduce comorbidities caused by ADT imho not to stop cancer.
Hi Break and others,
who also like Medit.diet.
If I easily could move and live there
and have fun under the Medit. and may be Tuscan sky ,I would do it.
The side effects of ADT are often horrible, weight -gain,
among others.
Change in ADT medication ,namely from Bicalutamide to Nilutamide, (Nilandron ) almost killed me ,( causing me Chemical Pneumonia).
I was 2 months on Oxygen "diet" tongue in cheek,but survived.
By than I lost around 30 kg,in 6 weeks.
Since than I increased exercise,tried Ketogenic Diet with occasional fasting
and visited Mediterranean for 4 weeks to see different lifestyles.
Hope to be able to repeat this.
In the meantime I think I am being treated with more competent medical specialists.
I hope that one day somebody brilliant
and not only profit oriented,may solve, or tame the cancer "beast".
Good luck on our journey (or journeys).
Mediterranean diet, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of fish and skinless poultry, very little to just about no dairy, egg whites and either grass fed or wild venison. No sugar with the exception of around the holidays. GOOD olive oil produced in the USA by the quart. Brown carbs in moderation.
This allowed me to lose 20-30 lbs, maintain normal BMI, and healthy cholesterol levels. Goal is to be heart healthy and keep the body in good shape for the battle.
I’m with you and Dean Nelson, Hex. And sweets (especially chocolates) continue to be my Achilles heel, too.
I started out on the “You Tube” diet, incorporating all of the elements proposed by all of the quack nutritionists and “doctors” who put fad diets and unsubstantiated miracle cures on there for desperate and unsuspecting cancer patients like us. After I gained 15 pounds on that, I switched Indigenous Diet,” consuming only bison jerky and government cheese. That gave me constipation. So, after observing that my nearly 14 year old Shih Tzu buddy Bogey didn’t have prostate cancer, I moved on to the “canine diet,” eating only dry dog food with a little kibble. Then it occurred to me that he had been neutered as a puppy, so I moved on to the “blessed aqua diet,” where I eat no solid food (animal or vegetable) and drink only distilled water extracted from a small corner of the grotto at Lourdes. I’ve been on that for over 2 hours now. I don’t know if it’s working, but I’m not thirsty. However, I could sure go for a stack of pancakes smothered in butter and syrup right now.
OK...I’m kidding of course. But seriously, like you and Dean Nelson, I haven’t been given any dietary restrictions by my M.O., and pretty much just try to follow a sensible diet. Like Dean, I cut out alcohol (ok...I had a Jim Beam and Diet Coke last month...so sue me), and enjoy other foods in moderation, substituting my former bad choices (e.g. anything breaded and fried) with better, healthier ones.
From everything I’ve read (including posts in this forum) I’m not totally convinced that following a very strict and restrictive diet will necessarily add any meaningful time to our lives, and if doing so comes at a great sacrifice, then doesn’t that in itself diminish our quality of life? However, if any of you feel it will help you, and you can tolerate it, by all means go for it.
Also, I’m still confused about the correlation between nutrients that we get from food being productive in halting the progression of PCa, but taking the same in supplement form does nothing.
Finally, to end my rant, we (advanced PCa patients) are constantly bombarded by well-meaning advice from doctors, researchers, bio-chemists, nutritionists, et al who can’t even agree among themselves what works and what is crap. Some of it is supported by “evidence” of their efficacy. Who are we supposed to believe?
Best wishes to all of you! “Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, and today’s a gift...that’s why they call it the present.”
Bravo, Litlerny! A kindred spirit (among, I must admit, many here)...well put.
I think consensus is that all of that stuff we’ve heard about a healthy diet for so long is true. Beyond that, I think that we are so genetically diverse that only through purpose and trial and error can we find our “ideal” diet - and this is a moving target as we move from treatment to treatment.
What I’m seeing in this thread is the deliberate, fierce, joyful intent to live through one of the few avenues not denied us via the frustrating, fearful, and overwhelming biochemical manipulation that we signed up for....food. Preparing, cooking, and eating with our loved ones is something to cherish.
SeosamhM, Kudos! I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head, in that due to our genetic diversity and individuality, among other factors, there is no one single diet or nutrition plan that will work equally well for all of us, and as you stated “is a moving target” as we move from one treatment to another. We have all been told by many sources that our cancers are individual, and there is no “one size fits all” treatment plan that will work for all of us. Yet the medical establishment has been intent on working inside the box and moving us in an orderly sequence that they created from one treatment to another. Only in recent years have they begun to realize that there may be combinations of drugs/treatments that will work synergistically, and may work for some of us, but not all of us. This has been shown by the multitude of genomic variants that some of us have and others don’t that in part determine whether a certain drug or therapy will work for us as individuals. The same principle should apply to our dietary and nutritional choices. I applaud those who have gone vegan and are happy with that choice, but it is not the only rational option we have. I liked your final sentence, and I cherish every meal I share with my wife (and sometimes under the table with my dogs🐶). 😎. And now it’s lunchtime.
This is a fantastic comment, I couldn't agree more. When I was diagnosed in Oct 14 with only a PSA score of 4 , I opted for a Radical Prostatectomy with a "world class" surgeon who had performed 8000 of these operations. The surgery was successful in that I retained the ability to obtain an erection and also no "dribbling". Unfortunately 3 months after surgery my PSA was (.1). Then it proceeded to double every month. The recurrence rate is 25% with those of us who have a gleason score indicating the cancer is aggressive. As an African American the potential for mortality is higher. I then met with a radio oncologist who strongly recommended I have radiation and when I resisted, he said I would "be dead in 5 years". I read all sorts of material about diet, and radically changed mine to eliminate meat, alcohol, sugar, and carbs, essentially I went green. Eventially my PSA got as high as 70, and that's when I decided to go for the drugs, Lupron and then a combination of Lupron and Zytiga. (see my previous post 5 days ago).
I still believe in eating healthy and limit my intake of meat, sugar, processed foods, but I am now more balanced about it, since diet alone did not work for me. So like Litlerny stated, we are all unique, and we must cherish each and every day. As the good book says, "moderation ", is the key to healthy living.
You really had me laughing there. Glad I'm not on a diet, cause all this talk of food is making me hungry. I was just amazed when my dr. said "your liver is just fine, but your prostate may be a problem." (He was right on that one.) So I continue to drink excessively unlike so many here. When, and if, they say liver is a problem will adjust to a sober reality. Diet Coke is bad for you. Have a Pepsi.
Hey there Monte,
Actually, my wife and I both prefer Diet Pepsi to Duet Coke. Coca Cola was never the same after they took the “coke” out of it, and I’m suspicious of any soft drink you can use to clean your car’s 🚙 battery terminals or your toilet bowl 🚽. 😎
Gone vegan for the last year and a half. As a consequence, I am cooking more; my wife converted 2 months ago and she is enjoying veganism. To fully appreciate the health risks from meat of all kinds and dairy products, visit nutritionfacts.org. Dr. Michael Greger has also developed a downloadable app you can learn about at nutritionfacts: "The Daily Dozen". Hundreds of food choices are identified in the twelve categories.
I am 77, diagnosed in 2012 G8, PSA 19, and treated with only Lupron for the past 3 years, before then Eligard and Casodex. My wife is 64. She noticed my skin was changing and overall appearance improving. Restaurants have been surprisingly cooperative in preparing delicious entrees. Chefs seem to enjoy the challenge and we are encountering servers who are vegan also.
These may be of interest:
If you ever have an opportunity to hear Dr. Hans Diehl from Loma Linda University speak, don't miss it! You might also seek out some of his books. Very eye opening discussion on what has happened to the normal diet in the US in the past 100 years!
For those looking for a more middle course than Vegan/Vegetarian, Michael Pollan's books provide great in-depth historical & cultural overviews of how our "western diet" came to be - and why it has become so bad for our health.
My fav is In Defense of Food, An Eater's Manifesto = eat FOOD, not TOO much, mostly PLANTS. (emphasis is cujoe's), but all his books are great reads.
Knowledge is power - In diet as in everything else. Be Well - cujoe
So good to see NutritionFacts.org recommendations We’ve been vegan NO ADDED OIL, 1 year, 5 months and my husband LOST his diabetes (of 23 years) and 60 lbs. Both of us feel better than we have in years. Many videos re cancer on this website. Grateful for it and for Advanced Prostate Cancer website too
That is proof of great improvement by diet .. keep it going . Nice you both did that together .., we did the same .. I didn’t have diabetes ..Congrats to you both .....🥦🥑🍅
Pescatarian here. Weight under control. Mood upbeat. Energy level high. 2x week weight + aerobics, 2x week swimming, 1-2x week yoga. Eating all organics across the board. Does it help my PCa? who knows for sure, but helps me in a dozen other ways. Your diet is fine. You need the discipline to stick to it.
I say what the hex I'll just continue eating Bees Knees...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 01/12/2019 4:19 PM EST
Well , you ‘ve done well for thirteen lucky symptom free years . That is an amazing feat in itself by my standards .
A final comment, I don't think I would have lived this long had I not changed my diet to vegetarian. Don't forget the spiritual. Yoga, meditation, the mind body connection.
The surprise results of a prostate biopsy were received on November 13, 2017. My PSA was 2.5 at the time. I had a steak on November 18 and became a strict vegan November 19. I am not doing it to cure my stage 4 cancer, which is now metastasized to several places in my skeleton.
I have seen several loved ones die from cancer incuding my father in 1984, at the age of 60. There are a variety of reasons to eat healthy, IMHO.
The first, for me, is that a plant based diet is better for heart health, inflammation control, and has other benefits. Health for everything else helps. The medications we take have a lot of toxic side effects, and having a strong heart and healthy organs help to battle against the toxic effects of many cancer treatments.
The second is that it gives me a feeling that I am participating in the war against cancer in my body. The psychic benefit for me, with my personality is very important. It also keeps conversations with friends and family. I am often told how good I look and then conversations are frequently about diet and working out.
It would be wonderful if I could eat well and overcome a life time of poor eating choices and losing the genetic lottery to cancer. However, the idea that Broccoli could give me one extra (quality) day with my granddaughter is enough to "risk" eating healthy. I don't miss steak at all.
I also like the idea of getting compliments for how I look, my discipline,and how long and far I can run. I get labs done frequently and my theoretical risk of heart disease is less than 5% which is better than it was 4 years ago.
Having said that, there is no universal correct answer. There is a correct answer for each one of us, with respect to diet.
I wish all a Healthy, Happy, and Lucky (the good kind) 2020. I hope your collective years are filled with much love and we all get to create lots of good memories to enjoy in the future.
Peace and Love
PS The Sixers were awesome today.
Just reduce calorie intake by tracking what you eat and eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and cut back on dairy and red meat, and any processed foods. If not measured , it’s not managed!!! And exercise often . 80% of weight loss comes from reducing food intake and 20% from exercise. I lost 52 lbs from 259-198 in three months. ADT puts on belly fat which I lost and I switched to estradiol patches from Lupron. It’s tough at first then becomes a welcome change and exercise at gym is fun. Seriously!
My weight is a little above normal for my height so weight is not a problem. I have asked several MOs including one at the University of Chicago Hospitals and a well known PC researcher at Northwestern Hospital plus mine at Northshore hospital and they all say the same, eat what you want in moderation.
If you’re not really overweight like I was I agree with you and your MO. But if you need to lose a lot of weight like I did you need to stop eating bad foods as well as too much food like I was eating. I now find it hard to eat too much food because my gut has shrunk so much.
On the advice of my MO two week's back I am trying my best to be eating a "less-inflammatory" diet. My MO didn't promise me a longer life but said I might benefit none-the-less. So I get to continue with my yogurt (but added fresh fruit), switch from my beloved sourdough bread to whole-grain bread, and we have reduced red meat intake to 1-2 nights per week (the rest are chicken, lean pork or wild-caught fish). No more fried foods, including french fries. No desserts, except special occasions like Christmas. Eliminated adult beverages except for red wine (this was very hard and may not hold...). I've cut my sharp cheese consumption in half. And I have fresh fruit with my lunch (no processed meats whatsoever).
OK, it's only been two weeks doing this. I am already seeing improved bowel function (sorry if this is TMI). I need to lose 20 pounds of belly fat and may have a report for you in 6 months.
You’ll lose it a lot faster than in six months if you eat like you say you will. I use “ my plate “ app to track what I eat. It really keeps you honest. And if you eat less than you need to sustain your weight you’ll lose weight fast. If you exercise it will come off even faster. If you don’t measure your intake you can cheat too easily!
I cut out added sugar, no cake, ice cream, sweetened soy milk,etc. and found within 3 weeks I no longer craved sugar-a dramatic change. After 5 years I ate a brownie and found craving returned immediately. I'm back to avoiding sugar.