wondering if this is common. I got 6mo Eligard shot 2 months ago and about a week ago the hot flashes just quit?? started RT about that time. coincidence?. Ed
ADT at 2 months less SE: wondering if... - Advanced Prostate...
ADT at 2 months less SE

Yes, my hot flushes quit spontaneously after about 3 months without RT.
No hot flashes after about 3 months on Eligard . I'm also on Zytiga and PSA has been undetectable since first month.
The same thing happened to me each of the 3 times I had the 30 mg Lupron injection. When I switched to 7.5 mg Lupron injections (for 5 years, every other month), I never had another hot flash. I had Provenge 4 years ago. I stopped Lupron 2 years ago, stayed on antiandrogens, PSA <0.006. Knock wood!
I took three month injections of Eligard or Lupron for about seven years. Hit flashes dissipated totally within a year. Never took any medicine to counteract. No need to fear side effects. Too many men fearing side effects forgo treatment; and that is a shame down the road when this bastard rears it’s ugly self and destroy. While it is sometimes no walk in the park, the alternative is real bad. Who knows, you may be the one in a thousand able to get it up with Viagra............ regardless, intimacy can still happen for both partners if you want it to happen. We all get old........
I feel the same way about aggressive treatment with chemotherapy. I have been there and I am still here after over 14 years.....
Good luck and kero up the undetectables.
Gourd Dancer

4 total years of ADT, if I walk around the block I feel like I am going to faint.
I understand and hope that your Cardiologist is in tune with your Oncologist. My regimen: walk for five minutes, rest for five minutes and continue. First goal, a quarter of a mile; then next goal, a half mile. And, so forth..... BTW, it was my Cardiologist, after a double by-pass for an aortic aneurism, that ran a PSA test and told me that it was 6.8.
I didn’t listen very well and after ten years, I had gone from 189 pounds to 298...... before, I started working out at the gym with a Personal Trainer.
Good luck, GD

I will try that, may I ask what has your weight come down to and did your PSA drop any as you lost the weight. Oh, and what is a total walking distance now, thanks very much for the info.
Sure. I stopped Lupron in February 2010 at the urging of my Medical Oncologist. Weight was about 280. Tried various diets and a Company sponsored program. I did not eat a lot at all and I was eating the right foods with 30% protein. Until I started working out at the gym an hour three times a week, did I lose weight. I am at 225. I want to maintain 215-220.
I hate to walk..... so after a work out, I will get on the machine for 30 minutes and walk a mile one time each week.
No my PSA did not drop...... but the reason my Oncologist urged stopping the hormone therapy was because I had been undetectable for five years after a chemotherapy-hormone therapy trial. I have been most fortunate as I am still presently undetectable.
For me, the biggest side effect of Lupron was weight gain and mush for muscle mass; all because I was not in th3 habit of walking or working out.