My dad has been diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer - duh. He had a PSA of 13.97 on 10 August 2018 and a CT Scan that identified swollen lymph-node in groin. Dad's leg was swelling out of control and he was sent to Urgent Care. All tests were run that day. Nothing found - more tests. MRIs on 28 August. Sent to Vein Specialist. Nothing noted - no-one called. Dad asks for a Prostate Biopsy - they schedule for the 20th of September. 12 punctures to find 10 Grade 8 and 2 Grade 9. On 3 October they tell him! Why so long? Why didn't any of these doctors - all use same database (but one) - get to the Biopsy sooner? Any thoughts? He is now on bicalutamide and Lupron as of the 3rd. Can we be more aggressive - it sounds like the leak to lymph-node indicates 'no'. Thanks anyone, loving daughter K
Daughter's Questions: My dad has been... - Advanced Prostate...
Daughter's Questions

The lymph node outside of the pelvic area means it has spread widely. His best bets are systemic treatments. Here's what he can do about it:
We are all different with scope of disease. However, there is solid evidence that metastatic disease is presence. You are not being very aggressive at all. See a Medical Oncologist that specializes in Prostate Cancer and then what I did under similar conditions; start chemotherapy. It’s been since 2004 that I made my decision, but anything else is palliative treatment. I will state that I am biased toward aggressive chemotherapy to kill the little bastards traveling through the vascular and lymphatic system...... it’s what they do.
Gourd Dancer
Yes, aPC. Hit it hard now while you can...even with mets, I had RRP and ended pain. Then ADT drugs and chemo.. added Xtandi when PSA started to rise again after 5 treatments. Quit chemo at 9 cycles acct excessive combined side effects. Had bilateral orchiectomy to get off ADT drugs for life. Still on reduced of dose of xtandi acct excess effects from it alone at full dose. Cancer now in remission with no lymph nodes or other soft tissue mets evident. Bone mets show on CT scans as scar tissue, but not active in bone scans. PSA steady at 0.130 so not gone but hiding some ware. Get pushy and be an active advocate for his treatments.
I used 42 radiations when I was told similar news. The doctors did drag their feet a little, but Prostate cancer is slow growing. Be sure he know about the 15 side effects from Lupron (Eligard - generic). I used Lupron for 6 and 1/2 years and now I am cancer free. I wish him similar news.
to CancersDaughter:
What is your Dad's age? Where are you located? Follow the advice above and make sure you see an Oncologist who specializes in Pca. Become Pushy, Pushy and more Pushy with your doctors. Change your ID to "CancersPUSHYDaughter". (You can contact my ex-wife for lessons on how to become Pushy).
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 10/09/2018 5:39 PM EDT