Anyone experience glucose/insulin control problems when undergoing these second line ADT treatments?
Wondering about this as it seems it would be a negative for insulin stimulated cancer growth?
Anyone experience glucose/insulin control problems when undergoing these second line ADT treatments?
Wondering about this as it seems it would be a negative for insulin stimulated cancer growth?
IGF-1 blockers have had no effect on prostate cancer. There is a risk of metabolic syndrome with long-term ADT, but attention to diet and exercise may help you avoid it. If you're worried, you can ask for a scrip for metformin.
Quick answer is yes. When diagnosed in Oct 2014 with Stage 4 metastatic I discussed the probable treatment...hormone therapy...with my Diabetic specialists Every drug listed showed side effects with bad results for diabetic drugs. After 30 years as an easy, no worries Type 2 on basic meds and diet I have rock n rolled into Insulin that is poorly controlled. That said my PSA has gone from 0.03 to 0.07 in 2 not too bad.
I have only been on Zytiga for 8 weeks and all my bloods have been normal in the 2 tests I have had done since starting, but I do try to monitor my diet (but not fanatical about it).
On the other hand PSA results haven’t been fantastic. After four weeks went from .46 to .86. Last test after 8 weeks went down to .81