To be or not to be, chemo or Zytiga - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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To be or not to be, chemo or Zytiga

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jimhagood profile image


BigRich profile image

I second ITCandy, if it is an opinion poll.

leo2634 profile image

Zytiga it's doing the best job for me!!!

Doesn't Chemo kill more cancer cells? Isn't there less risk of recurrence later? I am torn between the two for my dad. He's early into stage 4... Small lumbar Mets. How do we choose?

JPOM profile image
JPOM in reply to DaughterOnAMission

better question: why do we even HAVE TO choose? why don't doctors all agree? why is there trillion$ for tax money for war but pennies for cancer research??? sickening. we all face so much confusion of facts, expert opinions... while the doctors with all their training and knowledge sometimes haven't even heard of the treatments we find online!! it's bizarre.

BartonKen profile image

I was diagnosed in Feb 2018 in New Zealand. Two Surgeons, an Oncologist, a Urologist all strongly recommended I start with vertebrate Radiation right away and follow up with ZOLADEX, then get Chemo as soon as I got home to Canada. In Canada they said the choice is yours, Both have side effects. Aberitone Hormone treatment holds the cancer in place in the Prostate. Chemo kills the cancers, seeking them out wherever they may already be in your body. I had a nucleus scan and found cancer was sprinkled from cranium to feet throughout my bones. I I contacted the New Zealand Oncologist and put the question to her. She consulted with another Oncologist. They both came with “isn’t it better to kill the little bastards first, then contain anything left within the Prostate”. Damn rights! That’s my course. Chemo first, then Aberitone, along with ZOLADEX every three months. Cheers! From “more miles”

JPOM profile image

welcome to the freakin PCa gambling casino! ALL treatments including surgery lower your immune system. whether chemos, hormone-based or otherwise, damage the immune system permanently, is up for grabs. i haven't seen any studies on it, not that there's a simple way to measure the strength of our immune systems... considering the multitude of factors comprising it. i'd guess that ALL radiation txs do permanent damage; not informed enough about ablations to even make a guess. good luck and God help us all.

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