Paul is coming home today: Hi everyone... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Paul is coming home today

MelaniePaul profile image
25 Replies

Hi everyone.

Paul will be discharged from St. Luke's Hospital today. His temperature has been normal since Friday, he is still a little bit chesty but it is getting better, and he has come to the end now of both the antibiotic and the antiviral medication. Doctors, nurses and indeed myself are agreed that the best place to recover from now on is home.

I asked about this medication to boost his immune cells. They said they wouldn't give that to him because, so far, the white blood cells are fine. Well, I personally wonder then how he got an infection in the first place... But, anyhow, I will keep an eye on it.

Confusion is mostly gone. Yesterday his oncologist said that this and the sleepiness could be due to the compromised liver. I asked them if they could do some radiation on his liver just for now maybe, but they said that it wasn't possible because his tumors in the liver are not single tumors but more like a net of cancer cells so that you would have to radiate the whole liver almost. So they won't do that but they want Paul back in for Chemo next week.

Certainly scary times. But Paul is a fighter. I said to him yesterday, "You are not leaving me yet. It is far too early." And I think he loved me saying that.

Best wishes


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MelaniePaul profile image
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25 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

There's a technique called "radioembolization" that can be used if the tumors are downstream from an artery.

Chiquis profile image

That's good news🙌 but I do hope he gets better. The love you have for eachother will keep you strong. No matter how many years will pass by, it will always be too early for our dear husbands to leave us. I have you in my prayers. I hope you both get some good rest. Hugs🙏💛

in reply to Chiquis

Both partners live with the reality that our time here is short and precious.. Being kind to each other in this ordeal, should be one of our main goals.. peace...

Daddyishealing profile image
Daddyishealing in reply to

How beautiful. Yes so many more memories left to make and I truly believe research is thriving and we all will gain time. It's white possible for a man to live long with PC and die with it not from it. Don't lose hope. Love to everyone xoxo

YostConner profile image

You’re a terrific wife! Best to you both.

JamesAtlanta profile image

We are all thinking about you both and praying for you! You have a special love!

James husband is getting all his scans today. Scared to daeth..

in reply to Ladysingstheblues

Funny how fear takes over. Very natural to be fearful of a terminal disease . Hope and prayer are at times all that we can do. Sometimes we feel helpless. Especially while awaiting results of scans. I too am waiting but my so & so med system is making me wait due to,disorganization until next month.. I feel good and I’m praying for good news also. Take care of your self in this pressure cooker of APC... deep breathe.....

Ladysingstheblues profile image
Ladysingstheblues in reply to

It's a horrible thing for them and us. The fear of the unknown.....Stay strong I will pray for you too.



in reply to Ladysingstheblues

If we can conquer our fears, we win... it’s a rough road. Best wishes!

CaregiverWife profile image

Happy to hear Paul will be going home. And I am SURE he loved your telling him he wasn’t leaving you yet. My husband use to tell me I was his angel, as you are to Paul. My prayers will continue for both of you for many more years of togetherness. Hugs!

in reply to CaregiverWife

You are all angels for us recipients of your love.. Thank you!

Thank god he’ s out of the hospital.. Just that is a big accomplishment .. Infections.. those kill ya. Good getting off both the anti- biotics and anti - virals. What do those do to our kidnies?? You are such a strong and gracious partner.. You will recieve blessings from above for taking care of your love during terribly trying times. You are his angel. God bless you both!! Getting out of the hospital is a good day! Whoa..

MelaniePaul profile image

So Paul is home now.

We spoke to the doctor who discharged him yesterday. Paul's bloods are not good. All the liver markers are far beyond the normal range; one is at 72, one is at 141 and the GGT is at 1120 or something like that. I don't exactly know which ones the other ones were. His infection markers are still too high, and the doctor wasn't sure whether all these high markers are due to the medication Paul has been on or due to the disease itself. All we can do now is to get him good rest, good food, lots of fluids, gentle exercise and next month go into the day ward and repeat the bloods.

Paul is not in pain. But he is very weak. Last night he wanted to have a shower and I went with him; he got so out of breath when he dried himself. It was heart-breaking to watch how much he was struggling.

I hope he will get better now that he is at home and in familiar surroundings.

Thank you all of you for your posts and good wishes.


in reply to MelaniePaul

Peace and strength to you both sweet angel... Lord have mercy on us all!

Nicnatno profile image

Paul is truly an "Ultimate Warrior". I'm praying for continued good health for him.


Scruffybut1 profile image

That's excellent news Mel. Keep fighting for him. Love David.

Hazard profile image

I hope that Paul keeps fighting for a long time yet - best wishes to both of you.

larry_dammit profile image

Fight on and keep up the hope. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Break60 profile image

Good news ! My prayers are with you.


Hairlessness profile image

So glad to hear that Paul is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery. It can be a slow healing process in my experience.

MontyB profile image

Great news... that Paul was able to be discharged!

His potential for healing is always there. Please tell him to keep fighting the good fight.

Take Care,


EliasJ profile image

I will remember you both in my daily prayers.

ronnie1943 profile image

Prayers 🙏🏻 and well wishes wishes coming your way. I also have said to my husband keep fighting I'm not ready to loose you!! I don't thnk I'll ever be ready. I believe we are the reason our husbands keep fighting!!

Hugs, Lynn/caregiver 💗

MelaniePaul profile image

Hi everyone.

Thank you all for your lovely posts, prayers and good wishes. I have passed them on to Paul.

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