Has anyone tried CBD treatment for mCRPC?
CBD: Has anyone tried CBD treatment for... - Advanced Prostate...

Waste of time and money. It has no effect whatsoever on cancer in vivo.
It can definitely be helpful. Probably not to cure the cancer, but still beneficial. Cancer is a complex disease, and PCa is a slow one. My goal is to die with PCa and not from PCa. CBD is a means to accomplish that goal.
TommyTV's answer has just as much support, which is to say zero, as a claim that CBD cures cancer. The truth is we don't know.
Once you are in the 'advanced prostate cancer" forum here, the search button on the upper right will show "Search Advanced Prostate Cancer." It is your friend. Put 'CBD' there and you will find a lot of discussion, like this recent one:
Good luck!
There is no proof that CBD is a treatment for cancer, but it can help with the symptoms as many have testified. You can do a search and read about people's experience with it.
CBD does not make you feel a high though right? It just helps with the symptoms?
Correct. CBD does not make you feel high. It helps with pain and insomnia. I use it for both. I have not had great luck with it for insomnia though. I keep tinkering with it and THC oils trying to find the right combination. Others have had great luck. CBD is a legal chemical in all 50 states.
CBD is NOT legal chemical in all 50 states. My Harvard MD doctor strongly cautions his medical cannabis patients about that fallacy.
In states where medical cannabis is not legal, the laws are often written to cover cannabinoids - not just THC. CBD is a cannabinoid.
Persecuting critically ill people doesn't have the glamor it used to, but if you piss off a cop in a state without legal cannabis, they can ruin your life. If you order products across state lines the feds can come after you. Be careful out there - everyone here has enough trouble already.
My grandpa who is 74 who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer (aggressive prostate) is always in pain 24/7 and my family decided to see how he would be on CBD oil and he was out of pain however it didn’t last for long untill he had to keep taking it. He started smoking marijuana instead and he’s better than ever.
I guess a joint is good for the joints.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 03/21/2018 9:14 PM EDT
Snowing and Snowing
I stumbled upon this list of ~100 studies of cannabis and cancer.
There are several in the list specific to prostate cancer.
While none of these papers "prove" that cannabis helps prostate cancer, together they document effects that are worthy of further study. They also provide rather compelling refutation of sweeping claims that CBD has "no effect whatsoever on cancer in vivo."
My comment: not about CBD at all, someone did a search that included the term "cannabinoid."
"Anandamide (ANA) is an endogenous lipid which acts as a cannabinoid receptor ligand and with potent anticarcinogenic activity in several cancer cell types."
This one is in PubMed, so you can read the whole article for free. It is probably worth reading if you are considering cannabis. It's a meta-study, a study of studies. The authors searched PubMed and discuss what is available in the published literature.
The role of cannabinoids in prostate cancer: Basic science perspective and potential clinical applications
A laboratory dish plus mouse test (in vivo) of CBD effects on prostate cancer models.
This one also has free full text. They investigate cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2 in several prostate cancer models, and show that the cancer cells significantly overexpress both receptors. That often indicates that a drug that binds to those receptors can influence the cancer.
Free full text. Shows that THC induces apoptosis (cell death) in PCa cell lines.
More free full text. They investigate other cannabinoinds and show their effects on the CB2 receptor.
Thank you
I have to pass on the CBD as I am on eliquish
You are very welcome.
It's a personal decision, and the law adds complications.
I'm not an expert on Eliquis but I did talk to my MD about combining cannabis with other drugs. He's done a lot of research and lot of treatment of fairly sick patients on many different drugs. There are anecdotal reports of cannabis/THC/CBD causing increased blood thinning on people taking Wafarin, but I don't know of any formal studies.
This is an area where I would trust my medical cannabis MD; he's very cautious. If you could find a well qualified doctor it would be worthwhile discussing it with him or her.
There are some synergies, for example cannabis tends to make NSAIDs even more effective, but that isn't dangerous.