Hello everyone. We got what i think is good news this past week at my father’s oncologist appointment. His back pain seems to be lessening considerably. After six months on Lupron and zytiga, the docs think the tumors have gone dormant. My father had previously been in so much pain, he could not get off of the couch or put his shoes on without assistance (awful to witness). He’s now able to walk the track at the gym and lift light weights. The oncs said they feel, given his response, that he will have a long and successful run against his advanced diagnosis.
The only troubling thing, is that after the visit, we
Checked into his chart and his psa has risen slightly. He went from a .03 to a .09. Doctor friends and other professionals have said we shouldn’t worry in that psa levels can change throughout the day and that this isn’t necessarily representative of an actual elevation.
His psa was in the 160 range when diagnosed 10
Months ago.
Thoughts ? Has anyone had a similar experience ?