I'm here on behalf of my lovely dad (aged 70) who was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in October 2017 . The cancer has spread to the seminal vesicles and he has bone mets (pubic bone and rib). He was offered a radical prostatectomy (Trombone trial) as he has limited metastasis but has opted not to have this.
The results of his Trus biopsy were inconclusive so he was sent for a template biopsy. His Gleasons score is 8 and his staging T3N0M1. His PSA was 48 at the time of diagnosis and hasn't been checked again since.
So far he has been receiving hormone therapy (started monthly injections and has now switched to every 3 months)
At the last hospital appointment he has been offered Chemo and also clinical trial (Arm K- Metformin) and I think he will opt in for both.
It came as a massive shock to us as aside from mild emphysema he is a healthy, happy 70 year old enjoying life. He has a healthy, vegetarian (pescatarian) diet (also eats fish/seafood) but does enjoy a few ales every weekend.
He had some pain in his pelvis/groin area over 18 months prior to diagnosis and was sent for physio (no scans were taken at this time). It eventually subsided and was not investigated any further. Aside from the odd niggle, it hasn't really affected him but has seemed to flare up since starting on the hormone therapy. I wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar?
I also wondered how long other men have suffered with bone pain before being diagnosed?
I would love to hear from anyone with a similar diagnosis or who has already been through chemo or from anyone who is on the clinical trial taking metformin.
Thanks in advance to all you brave men out there who are able to share your knowledge and personal experiences of this disease.