This is a very sensitive question, but I need some answers, please. Does having a highly heterosexual life style with multiple partners in my 30's have any connection with my diagnosis of advanced aggressive prostate cancer in my early 60's? Back then, protection of any type on my part was not of concern to me (poor judgment, either way). I am horrified that my careless conduct with so many women in my earlier bachelor years could have resulted in my stage 4 prostate cancer, but even more horrified of what the emotional trauma would be for both my wife and me, knowing it could have been a result of pre-marital promiscuity. Answers?
Could earlier years of promiscuity re... - Advanced Prostate...
Could earlier years of promiscuity result in aggressive prostate cancer?

I have never seen any literature suggesting this. Don't beat yourself up over it. Make the best of now.
Another one of the many myths regarding prostate cancer including but not limited to: masturbation, vasectomy, promiscuity, prostate cancer is contagious, etc.
FYI, I only had one sex partner in my life, and that is my wife of 30 years now. I got stage 4 diagnosis right after turning 59.
Just think when you're old and in the nursing home, how many juicy stories you'll be able to tell to the rest of the male patients.... (you'll be a hero) 😄
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/12/2017 11:21 AM EST
I wanted to push the "like" button twice but it didn't let me.
LMBO, I tell stories any way Just to make others Smile and Laugh, thats great medicine. As Iook back over my Life experience hell Im happy to have lived this long with all the issues and health challenges I now have. Treatment and Therapy are extensions of life preservation is what I believe, and I believe that NOTHING can take my LIFE unless I give UP, and I aint ready YET. A positive attitude toward EVERYTHING is what I use, so the glass is never half full or empty for me, matter of Fact, What GLASS? Live laugh, Love.
There are many epidemiological studies that have revealed a wide range of PCa associations: finger ratios (set in the womb), height (prolonged exposure to growth hormones), education (having an indoor job & therefore low vitamin D?), etc. The list is long. There is no point in trying to figure out how it all happened, since conventional wisdom says that every man would have some degree of cancer in his prostate if he lived long enough.
Why does PCa become fast growing? I suspect that living with undiagnosed/untreated subclinical inflammation might do it. The focus should be on things like that, which can be corrected & perhaps slow progression.
But the prostate is a sex organ, so there has been a certain amount of research on sexual activity & PCa.
In September, I will have been married 50 years. Length of marriage is a PCa risk factor. I interpret that as unlimited access to unprotected vaginal intercourse being a risk factor - unrelated to STDs. & masturbation has been found to be protective.
An Australian study stated that "having reported more than seven sexual partners in a lifetime (vs. < 3 partners ...)" doubles the risk.
But simply "having reported more than 5 orgasms a month prior to PC diagnosis (vs. ≤3 orgasms ...)" increased risk by 59%. Five orgasms a month isn't much.
"PC risk was lower for men whose timing of puberty was later than their peers" (25% less).
But a "risk reduction of was observed in men whose timing of puberty was earlier than their peers" (15% less).
Don't try to figure it out - it really is pointless.
Change what can be changed. Have you any of the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome? How high are your triglycerides? How low is your abumin? Is D-dimer high? etc, etc.
I feel you, Thats wayyyyy to much search and research, tech, speculation statistical data jumple up and everything for me, but I feel you. When I was told that the cells had escaped the capsule and they had cut me open already, my first question was do you have a PLAN for me, of course the answer was YES, so I became and am a pill junky NOW, not pain pills or anything like that, but vitamins, bicalutimide, sleep meds, metformin because the hormones made me diabetic, well I got tired of that did my research, changed my diet increased my exercise and really never worried about my PSA, and all the other medical factors. I watch what I eat and monitor my reaction to everything I consume, I feel and Think Above that Disease and my current health status is excellent. I dont get to use my sexual drive, but I have accepted that and keep it movin. I love to Laugh, Im a musician, and I have a beautiful CRAZY Family, I think they need to take my meds lmbo, but Im good.
I don't believe it makes a difference how many women you went to bed with. Stop beating yourself up. Have good doctors, and read all you can about this disease, and know you are going to live many years.
Live Love Laugh, eat properly, dont deny yourself what you want but in moderation, get plenty of exercise, and relish the fact that that you enjoyed a healthy sex life, there are so many other things that can give you that high that an Orgasm provides, NOT MANY, but there are some. HEll tell them chicks what you woulda done to em back in the day and be content because most of that ya probably would have went to JAIL for LMBO.
Ha, not funny but, most med personnel will tell you that More is better, I agree because if yu dont use it trust and believe you lose it, I can attest to that.
Yes, if you caught any type of STD
PCa is difficult enough to deal with. No point in piling on a bunch of guilt, too. Your previous escapades had NOTHING to do with how you contracted this illness.
I thank God every day that I am still with my wife and children, enjoying our time together and making new memories. I hope you will focus on this, too. Many fellow PCa friends have shared with me that this disease helped strengthen their relationships with their families and friends. It certainly has for me. And it can for you and your wife, too!
We all would like to take back things we have done when we were younger. But we are who you are BECAUSE of our life experiences. So give yourself a break and just focus on the moment and enjoy it!
We are all pulling for you! That's why you see so many responses!
I was active sexually since 14 yrs old.So about 40 yrs of that.I just figured that I'm due for a break.Some of us are driven more by sex than others ..I was the eternal bachelor. Im married for two to be affectionate and to both give and receive love is the most rewarding experience. Not so much of a physical joust but more intimacy and emotional closeness.

"physical joust" ...... good one.
As uncle Remus use to say about sex:
LMLWAO (note the LW)
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/12/2017 11:01 PM EST
Make it something to rejoice in retrospect. You have nothing to regret. You have had enough of SEX before becoming fully impotent due to PCa! Don't get yourself plunged in one of the biggest MYTHS.
If you check reports from Harvard and
Australia plus others re Causes of PCa not enough ejaculatory sex -excluding masturbation - is considered a major cause. Happens to coincide with us and our partners getting older! Like you I ran around a lot. My PCa coincided with wife's rather severe Menopause and total lack of desire in her part. I decided to wait for Menopause to conclude but...PCa happens. Don't worry about your past. Look to the future.
Would you mind including a link for your source? Thanks.

Will look up source today. As you can imagine it was a great shock to discover my wife was probably killing me!
Killing me softly...
That would not apply to my aggressive cancer. I doubt your question will ever have an answer which is more than speculation.
I found out that statins are supposed to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. I thought I was too physically fit, and not overweight, to need statins. Silly me. My doctor put me on statins only a few months before I was diagnosed with PC. Should I beat myself up? Nah.