I thought I just read a study that ADT was NOT linked to dementia - but I can't remember
ADT Linked To Increase Risk of Dementia - Advanced Prostate...
ADT Linked To Increase Risk of Dementia

As someone who is castrate for 3 months & then having testosterone of >1,000 ng/dL for 3 months, I can tell you that there is (reversible) cognitive impairment when I am castrate.
I don't know if there are physical changes in the brain that are not reversible.
In a meta-analysis last year [1], it was reported that:
"Patients with AD {Alzheimer's disease} had higher plasma levels of SHBG. The up-regulated levels of plasma SHBG show preliminary supportive evidence that SHBG and the bioavailability of functional sex hormones in plasma may be linked to the pathogenesis of AD."
SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) preferentially bind testosterone [T] rather than estradiol [E2]. When bound to SHBG, the hormones are bio-unavailable.
With high SHBG, free T will be low.
In another meta-analysis from 2016 [2]:
"This meta-analysis supports that low plasma testosterone level is significantly associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly men. Low testosterone level is a risk factor of worse cognitive function in the elderly men."
The other study you cited was British. I wonder if there is much difference between the US & UK definitions of dementia?
[1] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/266...
[2] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/261...
Patrick...you have had good results with your BAT protocol...most of the "experts" recommend BAT when CRPC develops while on ADT....but you are using BAT as a way to prevent CRPC which makes way more sense...the problem is I can't find a Doc who will prescribe T after BCR following SRT