I listened to the Steven Bartlett podcast with Dr Lembke on dopamine and at the very beginning I felt thrilled about the test on rats and the effect of no dopamine because it confirmed how disabling a lack of dopamine is …. Yippee…I can stop doubting my adhd diagnosis!
however….as the podcast progresses Dr Lembke doesn’t ever mention adhd and it just became another piece of ‘evidence’ that adhd doesn’t exist and I’m lacking dopamine because I’ve caused this myself and taking medication is fuelling the dopamine ‘addiction’ and blah blah blah!!
I didn’t listen to the end…maybe she eventually mentions it…ie…’another reason people seek dopamine is due to having ADHD’
I don’t disagree with the idea that when we work hard for something it gives us greater satisfaction and we’re surrounded by ‘treats’ making it harder to put the effort in (I haven’t summarised this bit accurately I don’t think)
but…..the complete immobility I have felt when there's no urgency or being unable to create a routine, remember vital items, neglect my children’s health and my own does not fit with seeking dopamine as an addiction.
Help! I don’t need more confusion in my head.