Maybe I don’t know: well I have tried a... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Maybe I don’t know

Nostrings profile image
9 Replies

well I have tried a few different medications and they suck! I am working on getting my hormones in check as that is what caused my ADHD to get bad. My doctor don’t know why I became anemic so that is weird. So I am on all kinds of supplements which I feel like they might be helping. Get my vitamin level balanced. The catch is remembering to take them. I set an alarm and do good most days and. Then there are days we’re I am running a mile a min and I need to just go go go!! Those are the days I forget to do absolutely everything!

Ritalin- didn’t even do anything it was like taking a placebo

Adderall kinda helped I think the dosage was wrong

Vyvanse - has given me panic attacks like no other!

I kinda feel like we all have this issue in one way or another and I am 100% convinced that if I can get hormones balance my adhd will be manageable again.

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9 Replies
STEM_Dad profile image

I hope that you and your doctor get it figured out.

Hormonal imbalance can be very impactful, for sure. Make sure that you are also addressing any possible comorbidities, such as anxiety or depression, because they can make ADHD symptoms more severe than normal.

It sounds kind you have only tried stimulant medications so far. Sometimes , it's a matter of finding the right dosage of a particular medication, in order to have the most therapeutic effect.

There are also non-stimulants which might help, like Strattera (atomoxetine), Intuniv (Guanfacine), Wellbutrin (bupropion), and I think that even Qelbree has been tried for some adults with ADHD.

(My own ADHD is well treated on atomoxetine, after Adderall was found not to be helpful enough for me.)

Nostrings profile image
Nostrings in reply to STEM_Dad

Doctor is going to increase dosage and if it doesn’t work we will move to strattera

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Nostrings

I hope you find something that works well for you.

About being anemic, I only know one time in my life that I experienced being a bit anemic (enough to get turned down for giving blood). It was a few months after I recovered from COVID. (I thought my antibodies might be helpful to someone else.)

• My mom often had problems with anemia when she was in her 30s and 40s. No known cause. I think it was chalked up to genetics, because her mom was often anemic. Some people struggle with it their whole lives, for others it comes and goes (like my mom and grandma), and some people experience it in rare occasion (like me). I wish I understood why, but I don't.

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Nostrings

If you do take Strattera, just know that each person seems to have a different experience with it.

For me, it's a wonder drug, but I have to take it with food. If I don't, I'll get hit with a sudden wave of nausea about 20-25 minutes after I take it. (When I was on a higher dose, I still experienced the nausea, even if I ate a substantial meal. And I would suddenly sneeze once or twice...then be perfectly fine after that. It was so strange of a reaction.)

I have been treated so well on Strattera that I hate to consider going off of it, even though I wish it helped me with motivation. That's the only thing it doesn't seem to help.

NotAChevy profile image
NotAChevy in reply to STEM_Dad

No strings, Strattera works well for me, but I’ve known folks for whom it’s a placebo. It helps my motivation, but causes insomnia. I've tried other meds, but none seem to work as good, so I'll stay on it..

I'd def ask lots of questions before starting any Med,just to make sure you aren’t wasting lots of time trying to find the right one for you.

Madeleine_Ingram profile image

Thst is strange to hear you had such experience with Vyvanse. Maybe was not the right dosage. I am having a treatment for 1,5 years with Vyvanse and it's great!

Nostrings profile image
Nostrings in reply to Madeleine_Ingram

She is increase dosage to see if it will help

DoeJane7 profile image

👋 Nostrings, I am very sorry to read of your struggles.I didn't care for Ritalin put me to sleep. Adderall never lasted long enough and my doctor was ADHD ignorant. Finally found a person specializing in ADHD bur now money issues. At this point I gave up on help. Vyvanse was effective just never reached the right dose.

I noticed you said anemia and you doctor dosen't know why. I was anemic before menopause and 10 years-ish later I am still anemic. Blood test have come back with flags since 2014. Never knew until I realized doctors don't care. But I have been experiencing fatuige for so long its normal. But the pain is intolerable. I actually make little crying noises to distract my self. The pain started 4 years ago. My suggestion. Push to find out what kind of anemia you have. There are several. I think 6 types and some are an autoimmune disorder. I don't take the supplements because I want to now where my levels are at. If your results come back ok. Still look at all the levels and if they are boardernline. We have to push for ourselves, I was so never when I was younger. I trusted my care providers. My pain is extensive and I think it all intertwines. Take care of yourself my friend. I hope I didn't come across push or as a "knows it all" I don't. But my after my menopause symptoms decrease ADHD increased. I've always lacked attention and daydreamer with a side of impulsive, but now I have 0 energy but compelled to keep moving. Hyperactive with no energy is horrible. Again take care and best wishes. To all!! 🌞

Nostrings profile image
Nostrings in reply to DoeJane7

The no energy is the absolute worst! When my iron is low I feel like death. I had infusion done in May and June and I have normalized I will have blood work done again next month to see that I am still normal. I am taking multivitamin and helpful that my hormone levels balance out. Vitamin B and D were also low so I was told to increase dosage.

I agree in the medical system it is hard to find doctor who give a shit enough to do test. In my experience if your not speaking up your gonna get pushed around.

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