Sorry if this is similar to my previous post...
I'm awaiting a formal assessment for ADHD. In a previous post, I stated that I was tidy and organised, which ive always found confusing amongst many symptoms screaming "ADHD."
Despite years and years thinking "I must have ADHD or something", then as quickly dismissing it, my organisation and routine, rules out ADHD, surely", However, having given this some thought, I do often lose or forget things having just put them down, objects or thoughts. It been a long running joke between me and my better half that we/I can't go anywhere without me having to go back in the house because I've forgotten something.
Maybe my organisation isn't bring organised. Rather it's a coping mechanism that I've adopted. I actually struggle to keep my list organised and still have a hard time keeping on top of it and slow getting it done, or I don't start the task at all and let it slip.
What are your experiences?