I have a mission.
To become a master of staying on task.
It can be done.
I exercise, i try and sleep, i eat and drink very well, i journal, meditate daily, plan and schedule my day, I take meds.
I mindfully sat at my desk this morning observing what was happening so i could make a note:
Ive set myself up for a good day via exercise last 2 days, mindfulness, and a 5 minute motivational video, ive planned my day and made notes of what will get in the way and how i will get round them amongst other things. I am optimistic and focussed, within 2 minutes i'm overwhelmed by thoughts of the second task (just the thought, not the details) then I need to sort the personal finances, andddd... At this point my mind fogs, i cant concentrate on anything especially the fist task, i feel hopeless, and if i was tired one of my vices would no doubt appear and make me feel even worse.
It's as if i can only do one task, but thats not real life, its impossible and un realistic.
My automatic thoughts are, 'break the tasks down in to chunks' get them written down, schedule them in, but i know this, i know sooo much about productivity and task management. ive been doing it for 20 years now in my job, im not consistent at the task management, but my main job is interesting and fun and ive worked hard for it to be fun.
Is it a consistency thing, and the fact I find a life of relentless task management and organisation so horribly boring that i cant do it? if so this is a depressing loop!
Is that im not single but married with kids that i cant have a life where im 100% in control of factors in my life. allthough before this, i wasnt any better.
Is it that i cant escape the fact that i crave neural transmitters like an addict? allthough the meds should have fixed this more
- im now feeling overwhelmed on this post!
This isnt a hopeless rant but, a starting point to invest some of my time in becoming better at this. And I presume, here, is a good place to start speaking to like minded folk.
So my question:
- apart from the obvious stuff you can find online or from a life couch etc. What unique things have you found that you regularly use to keep you 'on task'?
- And what does 'staying on task' look like?